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Silchester Insula IX: oppidum to Roman city c. A.D. 85 - 125/50. Final report on the excavations 1997-2014

Fulford, M. ORCID:, Clarke, A. ORCID: and Pankhurst, N., (2024) Silchester Insula IX: oppidum to Roman city c. A.D. 85 - 125/50. Final report on the excavations 1997-2014. Britannia Monograph. 37. Report. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London. pp564. ISBN 9780907764519

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The report describes the changes associated with the imposition of the Roman street grid on the Iron Age oppidum in the late 1st century CE. A key feature is that the new build within the insula followed the Iron Age alignment at 45 degrees to the street grid. A single property within the excavated area is described at length, its constituent buildings (of timber) form a single property which included a town house flanked by kitchen building and a circular house, perhaps to accommodate a healer or teacher. A taberna opened on to the north-south street. The report is accompanied by detailed reports on the associated material culture and environmental evidence.

Item Type:Report (Report)
Divisions:Science > School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science > Department of Archaeology
ID Code:116414
Publisher:Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies

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