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The benefits of the dietary provision of 4% Himanthalia elongata to dairy cattle on nitrogen utilisation and end-product quality

Barnes, K., Chen, X., Yan, T., Hayes, M., Ormston, S., Kanathigoda, S., Newton, E.E. and Stergiadis, S. ORCID: (2024) The benefits of the dietary provision of 4% Himanthalia elongata to dairy cattle on nitrogen utilisation and end-product quality. In: 75th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production, 1-5 September 2024, Florence, Italy.

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Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Agriculture, Policy and Development > Department of Animal Sciences
Interdisciplinary centres and themes > Chemical Analysis Facility (CAF) > Mass Spectrometry (CAF)
ID Code:118378

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