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Capacitive idling techniques improve inverter performance

Knight, J., Shirsavar, S. and Holderbaum, W. ORCID: (2004) Capacitive idling techniques improve inverter performance. In: IEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Machine Drives, Proceedings of PEMD04, 31 March - 02 April 2004, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 638-643.

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Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences > Department of Bio-Engineering
ID Code:14737
Uncontrolled Keywords:inverter topology, photovoltaic system, DC-AC inversion, current distortion, Cuk converter, capacitive idling converter, bandwidth improvement, soft switching noise minimisation, current control, robustness, hysteresis control, reliability, solar inverter

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