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Properties of thick evaporated layers of PbTe

Evans, C.S. and Seeley, J.S. (1968) Properties of thick evaporated layers of PbTe. Journal de Physique Colloques, 29 (C4). pp. 34-37.

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1051/jphyscol:1968405


The changes in the optical transparency of PbTe monolayers induced by post-evaporation heat treatment are described. The monolayers are typically a few microns in thickness and heat treatment reduces the carrier density from about 1018 (n-type) per cm3 to 1017 per cm3 : the source material is 1019 (ptype) per cm3. The process seems to involve the diffusion of O2 at a reaction rate equivalent to an energy of 0.83 eV.

Item Type:Article
ID Code:17580
Publisher:EDP Sciences

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