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Investigation of flux in flat-plate modules for membrane distillation

Burgoyne, A., Vahdati, M. ORCID: and Priestman, G. H. (1995) Investigation of flux in flat-plate modules for membrane distillation. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 3 (3-4). pp. 161-175.

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1002/apj.5500030305


A theoretical model for predicting the behaviour of membrane distillation by incorporating mass and heat transfer equations has been used to find permeate fluxes, and has been validated experimentally. The model accurately predicts mass and heat transfer. The main work studied the effect of module design using a flat-plate module in laminar flow conditions. Areas of investigation included the use of channels across the membrane surface, decreasing the available membrane surface area, and widening the inlet and outlet channels. The work showed that widening the channels increased the flux. Increased flux was also obtained by the use of channels on the permeate side, though not on the feed side.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Science > School of the Built Environment > Energy and Environmental Engineering group
ID Code:32323

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