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Estimation of visual motion parameters used for bio-inspired navigation

Alkowatly, M. T., Becerra, V. M. and Holderbaum, W. ORCID: (2013) Estimation of visual motion parameters used for bio-inspired navigation. Journal of Image and Graphics, 1 (3). pp. 120-124. ISSN 2301-3699

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To link to this item DOI: 10.12720/joig.1.3.120-124


Visual motion cues play an important role in animal and humans locomotion without the need to extract actual ego-motion information. This paper demonstrates a method for estimating the visual motion parameters, namely the Time-To-Contact (TTC), Focus of Expansion (FOE), and image angular velocities, from a sparse optical flow estimation registered from a downward looking camera. The presented method is capable of estimating the visual motion parameters in a complicated 6 degrees of freedom motion and in real time with suitable accuracy for mobile robots visual navigation.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences > Department of Bio-Engineering
ID Code:36165
Publisher:Engineering and Technology Publishing

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