Identifying the generic limits of the Cheilanthoid genus Doryopteris
Yesilyurt, J. C., Barbara, T., Schneider, H., Russell, S., Culham, A.
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. To link to this item DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.221.2.1 Abstract/SummaryMorphology-based delimitation of genera in the Cheilanthoid ferns has proved to be problematic and understanding of the phylogeny and relationships amongst Cheilanthoid ferns based on morphological characters has posed even further difficulties, owing perhaps in large part to adaptation by many taxa to xeric habitats, as well as convergent evolution. It is only now with the application of DNA sequence data that relationships of species and genera are becoming clear. Here, we present results of cpDNA sequence data from species that have been traditionally placed in the genus Doryopteris and, based on both these results, and morphological and distribution data, this study helps clarify the concept of the genus Doryopteris its position within the Cheilanthoid ferns and the status of Lytoneuron. As a result, three genera are redefined: Doryopteris, Lytoneuron and Ormopteris.
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