Developing a complex portrait of content teaching for multilingual learners via nonlinear theoretical understandings
Mitchell Viesca, K., Strom, K., Hammer, S., Masterson, J., Hammer Linzell, C., Mitchell-McCollough, J. and Flynn, N.
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. To link to this item DOI: 10.3102/0091732X18820910 Abstract/SummaryUtilizing a complex theory of teacher learning and practice, this chapter analyzes ~120 empirical studies of content teacher development (both pre- and inservice) for working with multilingual learners as well as research on content teaching for multilingual students. Our analysis identified three dimensions of quality content teaching for multilingual learners that are complex and intricately connected: context, orientations and pedagogy. This chapter explores the results of our literature analysis and argues for improving content teaching for multilingual students through improved theoretically grounded research that embraces, explores and accounts for the expansive complexities inherent in teacher learning and practice.
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