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A temporal limit to the association between flag leaf life extension by fungicides and wheat yields

Pepler, S., Gooding, M. J., Ford, K. E. and Ellis, R. H. ORCID: (2005) A temporal limit to the association between flag leaf life extension by fungicides and wheat yields. European Journal of Agronomy, 22 (4). pp. 363-373. ISSN 1161-0301

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2004.06.002


Three field experiments, each repeated over two or three seasons, on winter wheat investigated a possible limit to the association between grain yield and flag leaf life, as extended by fungicide application. The experiments involved up to six cultivars and different application rates, timings and frequencies of the strobilurin azoxystrobin and the triazole epoxiconazole. In the 2000/01 and 2001/02 seasons, the relationships between the thermal time to 37 % green flag leaf area (m) and yield deviated from linearity. 'Broken stick' models were fitted to cultivar x experiment combinations within each season and the limit to the benefit to yield associated with extending flag leaf life was 700 degrees C days (S.E. = 20.7) and 725 degrees C days (S.E. = 9.33) after anthesis in 2000/01 and 2001/02, respectively. In 2002/03, the relationship between yield and in did not deviate significantly (P > 0.05) from linearity, but in this latter year the fungicide application failed to increase In past 700 degrees C days. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Agriculture, Policy and Development
ID Code:9032
Uncontrolled Keywords:strobilurins, winter wheat, yield, flag leaf senescence, Septoria, tritici, canopy health, WINTER-WHEAT, TRITICUM-AESTIVUM, GRAIN, DURATION, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TEMPERATURE, GROWTH, AREA

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