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Number of items: 37. Knapp, A. (2023) Stephen E. Ambrose, patriot and historian. Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines (177). pp. 27-47. ISSN 0397-7870 doi: (4e trimestre) Knapp, A. (2022) La dernière ville normande libérée. Le Havre, dernière étape de la Bataille de Normandie. In: Le Cieux, L. (ed.) Le Havre 44: Nouveaux Regards. Editions Octopus, Paris, pp. 12-29. ISBN 9782900314371 Knapp, A. (2022) France's party system in 2022. Modern and Contemporary France, 30 (4). pp. 495-515. ISSN 1469-9869 doi: Knapp, A. (2021) L'urbicide comme dormages collatéraux: les bombardements alliés sur la France, 1940-1945. In: Chassaigne, P., Lastécouères, C. and Lemao, C. (eds.) Urbicides. Destructions et renaissances urbaines du XVIe siécle à nos jours. Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de l'Aquitaine, Pessac. ISBN 9872858926060 Knapp, A. F. (2020) Charles de Gaulle. Routledge Historical Biographies. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138839182 Knapp, A. (2018) Structure versus accident in the defeat of France’s mainstream Right, April–June 2017. Parliamentary Affairs, 71 (3). pp. 558-577. ISSN 1460-2482 doi: Knapp, A. (2017) Les bombardements en Grande-Bretagne, en France et en Italie: expériences comparées, mémoires contrastées. In: Bérenger, C. and Agostini-Ouafi, V. (eds.) Sous la Glace et les Débris du Temps. Front de l'Est et Bombardements en Europe. Indigo, Paris, pp. 281-294. ISBN 9782352601418 Knapp, A. (2016) The horror and the glory: Bomber Command in British memories since 1945. Mass Violence and Resistance. ISSN 1961-9898 Barzman, J., Bouillot, C. and Knapp, A., eds. (2016) Bombardements 1944: Le Havre, Normandie, France, Europe. Histoire et Patrimoines. Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, Rouen, pp488. ISBN 9791024006116 Knapp, A. (2016) Des bombardements sur les champs de bataille normands: du débarquement au siège du Havre. In: Barzman, J., Bouillot, C. and Knapp, A. (eds.) Bombardements 1944: Le Havre, Normandie, France, Europe. Histoire et Patrimoines. Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, Rouen, pp. 137-188. ISBN 9791024006116 Knapp, A. and Barot, S. (2016) Du « 16th port » aux « camps cigarette »: une présence massive de l’armée américaine au Havre (1944-1946). In: Barzman, J., Bouillot, C. and Knapp, A. (eds.) Bombardements 1944: Le Havre, Normandie, France, Europe. Histoire et Patrimoines. Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, Rouen, pp. 283-305. ISBN 9791024006116 Knapp, A. (2016) Une arme nouvelle au centre de la guerre: les bombardements dans la stratégie des Alliés. In: Barzman, J., Bouillot, C. and Knapp, A. (eds.) Bombardements 1944: Le Havre, Normandie, France, Europe. Histoire et Patrimoines. Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, Rouen, pp. 73-90. ISBN 9791024006116 Knapp, A. (2014) En attendant Sarko? France’s mainstream Right and Centre, 2012-2014. Modern and Contemporary France, 22 (4). pp. 473-489. ISSN 0963-9489 doi: Knapp, A. (2014) Les Français sous les bombes alliées, 1940-1945. Tallandier, Paris, pp592. ISBN 9791021004610 Knapp, A. and Footitt, H. (2013) Liberal democracies at war: conflict and representation. Bloomsbury, London, pp264. ISBN 9781441156051 Knapp, A. (2013) The allied bombing offensive in the British media, 1942-45. In: Knapp, A. and Footitt, H. (eds.) Liberal democracies at war: conflict and representation. Bloomsbury, London, pp264. ISBN 9781441156051 Knapp, A. (2013) Surviving without leading: Jacques Chirac. In: Bell, D. S. and Gaffney, J. (eds.) The Presidents of the French Fifth Republic. French politics society and culture . Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 159-180. ISBN 9780230285224 Knapp, A. (2013) A paradoxical presidency: Nicolas Sarkozy, 2007-2012. Parliamentary Affairs, 66 (1). pp. 33-51. ISSN 1460-2482 doi: Knapp, A. (2012) The President above parties: a founding illusion of the Fifth Republic. E-France (3). pp. 55-74. ISSN 1756-0535 Baldoli, C. and Knapp, A. (2012) Forgotten blitzes: France and Italy under Allied air attack, 1940-1945. Continuum, London, pp312. ISBN 9781441131096 Knapp, A. (2012) La Francia sotto le bombe degli Alleati 1940-1945. In: Labanca, N. (ed.) I Bombardimenti Aerei Sull’Italia. Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 37-56. ISBN 9788815238160 Knapp, A. (2011) Des bombardements alliés sur la France en général et Le Havre en particulier. Cahiers Havrais de Recherche Historique, R69. pp. 121-154. ISSN 1250-5560 Baldoli, C., Overy, R. and Knapp, A., eds. (2011) Bombing, states and peoples in Western Europe, 1940-45. Continuum, London, pp376. ISBN 9781441185686 Dodd, L. A. and Knapp, A. (2008) How many Frenchmen did you kill? British bombing policy towards France (1940-1945). French History, 22 (4). pp. 469-492. ISSN 1477-4542 doi: Knapp, A. (2008) La présidence au-dessus des partis: chronique d’une illusion. In: Dargent, R. (ed.) Vie et mort de la Ve République: 1958-2008. Libres (5). François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris, pp. 48-60. ISBN 9782755402858 Knapp, A. (2008) Le président au-dessus des partis: chronique d'une illusion. In: Vie et mort de la Ve république. François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris, pp. 47-60. ISBN 9782755402858 Knapp, A. and Sawicki, F. (2008) Political parties and the party system. In: Cole, A., le Galès, P. and Levy, J. (eds.) Developments in French Politics 4. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 42-59. ISBN 9780230537002 Knapp, A. (2007) The destruction and liberation of Le Havre in modern memory. War in History, 14 (4). pp. 476-498. ISSN 1477-0385 doi: Knapp, A. (2007) Introduction: France's "long" liberation, 1944-1947. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780230521216 Knapp, A. and Cogan, C. (2007) Washington at the liberation, 1944-1947. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 183-206. ISBN 9780230521216 Knapp, A. (2007) The half-open window: France and Britain, 1944-1947. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 207-233. ISBN 9780230521216 Knapp, A. (2006) France: recent history. In: Western Europe 2007. 9th ed. The Europa regional surveys of the world. Routledge, London, pp. 210-216. ISBN 9781857433975 Knapp, A. and Wright, V., eds. (2006) The government and politcs of France. 5th edition. Routledge, London, pp535. ISBN 9780415357326 Knapp, A. (2005) Prometheus (re)bound? The fifth republic and checks on executive power. In: Cole, A., le Galès , P. and Levy, J. (eds.) Developments in French politics 3. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 88-104. ISBN 9781403941800 Knapp, A. (2004) Parties and the party system in France: a disconnected democracy? French politics, society and culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp440. ISBN 9780333920831 Knapp, A. (2004) Ephemeral victories? France's governing parties, the ecologists, and the far right. In: Mair, P., Müller , W. and Plasser, F. (eds.) Political parties and electoral change: party responses to electoral markets. Sage, London, pp. 49-85. ISBN 9780761947196 Knapp, A. (2003) From the Gaullist movement to the president's party. In: Evans, J. (ed.) The French party system. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 121-136. ISBN 9780719061202 |