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Number of items: 27. ArticleDavies, R.J. and Gray, C. (2009) Care pathways and designing the healthcare built environment: an explanatory framework. International Journal of Care Pathways, 13 (1). pp. 7-16. ISSN 2040-4026 doi: Gray, C. (2007) The I-WASP Generation. Building (8). Gray, C. and Al Bizri, S. (2007) Modelling trade contractor information production. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 3 (1). pp. 39-48. ISSN 1745-2007 Gray, C. and Al-Bizri, S. (2007) Modelling trade contractor information production. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 3 (1). pp. 39-48. ISSN 1745-2007 Gray, C. and Davies, R.J. (2007) Perspectives on experiences of innovation: the development of an assessment methodology appropriate to construction project organizations. Construction Management and Economics, 25 (12). pp. 1251-1268. ISSN 0144-6193 doi: Book or Report SectionGray, C. (2008) The role of the professional client in leading change: A case study of Stanhope plc. In: Brandon, P. and Lu, S. L. (eds.) Clients Driving Innovation. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 234-240. ISBN 9781405175661 Al Bizri, S. and Gray, C. (2004) The management of design. In: Clements-Croome, D.J. (ed.) Intelligent buildings: design, management and operation. Thomas Telford, London, pp. 245-272. ISBN 9780727732668 Gray, C. and Bowman, N. (2003) A review of the use of demonstration projects to achieve widespread adoption of innovative practices. In: Anumba, C. J. (ed.) Innovative Developments in Architecture, Engineering and Contruction. Millpress Science Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 489-501. ISBN 9789059660083 ReportGray, C., (2005) Performance based specifications for the built environment (domain 4 report) - PeBBu project. CIB, Rotterdam. pp78. Conference or Workshop Item
Shibeika, A. Gray, C. and Albizri, S. (2009) Steps to consistency in management practice across multi organization construction project teams. In: 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Italy. Moran, S., Gray, C. and Nakata, K. (2009) A framework for modelling the effect of ubiquitous monitoring on staff and patient behaviour in healthcare. In: HaCIRIC International Conference, Brighton, UK.
Shibeika, A. Gray, C. (2008) System separation and reflections on the INO Project. In: Systems Separation, Open Buildings at the Inselspital Bern, INO Project, Office of Properties and Buildings (OPB), Canton Bern, Switzerland, pp. 62-68. Vaz, D., Al Bizri, S. and Gray, C. (2008) The management of the design of modern curtain wall cladding systems. In: 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, Cardiff, UK, pp. 759-769. Gray, C., Al-Bizri, S. and Atkin, B. L. (2007) Web supported process management to achieve consistent international project team integration and performance. In: CIB World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 1062-1071. Gray, C. (2006) Design Management – experiences and current practice. In: Seminario Internacional, NTUAU 2006, Inovacoes Technologicas e Sustentabilidade, IV Workshop Brasileiro de Gestao do Process de Projeto na Construcao de Edificios, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gray, C. and Al Bizri, S. (2006) Developments of QFD to support decision making during the briefing process. In: Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2771-2780. Gray, C. and Al Bizri, S. (2005) Construction engineering design is an element-constraint-element network of information exchange. In: CIB W096 Architectural Management Special Meeting Designing Value: New Directions In Architectural Management, Technical University Of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. Al Bizri, S. and Gray, C. (2004) Managing a multi-layered briefing process using Quality Function Deployment. In: CIB World Building Congress 2004: Building for the future, Toronto. Al Bizri, S. and Gray, C. (2004) Modelling for planning building design - a critique of available approaches. In: Proceedings of Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Leeds. Gray, C. (2004) Technology clusters used to achieve project performance change. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference in Construction Project Management: Clustering in Construction Project Management, Thessaloniki. Gray, C. and Prins, M. (2003) Value through design. In: CIB W96 Architectural Management, Reading 2001, Rotterdam.
Hughes, W. Book
Gray, C. and Hughes, W.
Hughes, W.
Gray, C., Hughes, W. |