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Number of items: 54.
Shahrestani, M.
Shahrestani, M. Cook, G. and Fleck, J., (2017) Teaching and learning briefing guide - bringing inclusive design into built environment education. Report. Construction Industry Council Cook, G., Collins, P., Deakin, M., Higgs, C., Jeal, I., Mahon, C., Platten, A., Proverbs, D., Riley, M., Sayce, S. and Williams, A., (2016) QAA Subject Benchmark Statement - Land, Construction, Real Estate and Surveying. Report. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, UK. Barker, B., Brawley, B., Burnett, D., Cook, G., Crawford, D., Davies, L., Dee, P., Fisher, S., Foust, A., Gayle, K., Geyman, D., Gonzales, K., Gotti, M., Guarnaccia, G., Hadley, R., Halloin, J., Keller, A., Miller, N., Noell-Waggoner, E., Oty, C., Parnell, C., Raidy, K., Rao, B., Reyes, A., Roberts, J., Sanford, L., Staats, D., Stockwell, C., Waff, N., Weinstein, L. and Wilburn, D. (2016) Lighting and the visual environment for seniors and the low vision population. American National Standards Institute and Illuminating Engineering Society of North America , New York .
Shahrestani, M.
Shahrestani, M.
Shahrestani, M. Cook, G. K. (2013) BS 9266:2013 Design of accessible and adaptable general needs housing. Code of practice. BSI, London. ISBN 9780580720246 Amakali, T., Cook, G. and Larsen, G. D. (2012) Striving for inclusive design in the built environment: learning strategy adopted by policy implementers at local authorities in England. In: Proceedings 28th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 3-5 Sept 2012, Scotland, pp. 285-294.
Shahrestani, M. Hengstberger, F., Pollard, N., Sagawa, K., Bouma, H., Halonen, L., Iwai, W., Werner, J., Cook, G. and Akashi, Y., (2011) CIE guide to increasing accessibility in light and lighting. Technical Report. CIE, Vienna, Austria . pp63. Bright, K. and Cook, G. (2010) The colour, light and contrast manual - designing and managing inclusive built environments. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford. UK, pp222. ISBN 9781405195041
Müldner, G. H. Cook, G.K. (2009) Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. In: BS8300:2009, Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people - Code of practice. BSI, London . ISBN 97805805741 Cook, G. K. (2009) Domestic lighting for people with sight loss - the real provision of general and task light in 57 homes. Light & Engineering, 17 (1). pp. 32-38. ISSN 0236-2945 Cook, G. K. (2009) Domestic lighting for people with sight loss - the real provision of general and task light in 57 homes (In Russian). Cbeto Texhnka (1). pp. 32-35. ISSN 0039-7067 Cook, G., (2008) BS8493: Light reflectance value (LRV) of a surface - Method of test. British Standard 8493. British Standards Institution, London . Cook, G. (2008) Housing for people with sight loss. In: Goodman, C. (ed.) Housing for People with Sight Loss: A Thomas Pocklington Design Guide. BRE Press. ISBN 9781848060296 Cook, G. (2008) Illuminazione ad hoc per disabilita visive (In Italian by Fortunato, I.). Luce E Design, 19. pp. 10-12. Phillips, T., Gilchrist, R. and Cook, G. (2008) Inclusive, accessible, archaeology. Access by Design (116). pp. 23-27. ISSN 0959-1591 Cook, G. (2008) The lighting provided in the homes of people who are visually impaired - Summary results of a survey of 57 homes. In: Balkan Light 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 113-122. Cook, G. K., Le Scoullier, S. and Booy, D. A. (2007) Innovation in light reflectance value - measurement and application. In: 26th Session of the CIE, 4-11 July 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 130-133. Goodman, T., Gibbs, D. and Cook, G., (2006) Better lighting for improved human performance, health and well being and increased energy efficiency – A scoping study for CIE-UK. National Physical Laboratory, HMSO, London. McCrindle, R., Cook, G., Booy, D., Barrett, D. and O'Neill, L. (2005) Accessible hospital bedside systems. In: Include 2005. Cook, G. and Bright, K. (2005) Colour and luminance contrast - What, why, how and when? Access Journal 18. McCrindle, R., Cook, G., Booy, D., Barrett, J. and O'Neill, L. (2005) Designing hospital bedside systems for use by patients with a visual impairments. In: Vision 2005, London. doi: Dalke, H., Camgoz, N., Cook, G., Yohannes, I. and Bright, K. (2005) Inclusive transport environments: colour design and visual impairment. In: Include 2005, Royal College of Art, London. Cook, G. (2005) Lighting design methods for obstructed interiors. CIE Publication, 161. Cook, G.K., Yohannes, I., Booy, D.A. and Le Scouiller, S.A. (2005) Lighting homes of people who are visually impaired. In: Include 2005, Royal College of Art, London. Cook, G., Yohannes, I., Dalke, H. and Camgoz, N. (2005) Lighting multi-modal transport intersections for visually impaired travellers. In: 10th European Lighting Conference on Lighting for Humans, LUX EUROPA 2005, Berlin, Germany. Cook, G., Yohannes, I., Booy, D., Le Scouiller, S. and O'Neill, L.A. (2005) Lighting the homes of people who are visually impaired. In: Vision 2005, London. Cook, G. (2005) Part 6: Managing inclusive design guide. In: Design Management Systems: Managing inclusive design Guide. BSI British Standards Agency -BS7000-6@2005. ISBN 0580449025 Cook, G., Gillham, S.A. , Webber, G., Le Scouiller, S.A. and Moseley, E. (2005) The legibility and conspicuity of emergency escape route signage for visually impaired people. In: Vision 2005, London. Cook, G.K. (2004) Colour contrast and lighting. In: Bright, K. (ed.) Disability: Making Buildings Accessible. Workplacelaw Network, Cambridge, 54 - 62. ISBN 1900648849 Bright, K., Cook, G. and Harris, J. (2004) Colour, contrast & perception: A design guidance for internal built environments. Research Group for Inclusive Environments . ISBN 9780704912083 Cook, G. K. (2004) Lighting, colour and acoustics. In: Buildings for all to use - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments. CIRIA. ISBN 9780860176107 Cook, G. K. (2004) Public service director: Designs for everyone. GovNet Communications, 3 (3). p. 83. Bright, K., Cook, G., Yohannes, I., Dalke, H. and Camgöz, N. (2003) Colour and lighting design for inter-modal transport environments. In: Include 2003, Royal College of Art, London. Barrett, J. , Cook, G. , McCrindle, R. , Booy, D. and Arnold, F. (2003) Considering patients' needs: Inclusive interface design for a hospital system. In: Include 2003 Conference Proceedings, Royal College of Art. Bright, K. , Cook, G., Hill, S. and O'Neill, L. (2003) Inclusive lighting design in the home. In: Include 2003, Royal College of Art, London. Cook, G.K., Dalke, H., Bright, K.T., Yohannes, I. and Camgoz, N. (2003) Inclusive transport environments for people who are visually impaired. In: 11th International Mobility Conference - in touch with Africa, in step with the world, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Bright, K.T. and Cook, G.K. (2003) Lighting and colouring the way to inclusive, accessible environments. In: Vision Loss in the 21st Century - Everybody's Business, Los Angeles, USA. Cook, G.K., Bright, K.T., O'Neill, L. and Hill, S. (2003) Lighting in the homes of visually impaired people. In: 11th International Mobility Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Bright, K.T., Cook, G.K. , O'Neill, L.A. and Hill, S.L. (2003) Lighting the homes of visually impaired people. In: 11th International Mobility Conference (IMC11) 'In touch with Africa, in step with the world', South Africa. Bright, K. , Cook, G. and Sinka, I. (2003) Project Crystal: Accessible environments for deaf or hard of hearing people. In: Include 2003, Royal College of Art, London. Dalke, H. , Camgöz, N., Bright, K., Cook, G., Littlefair, P. and Loe, D. (2003) Research with users: Colour design and lighting for public transport, prison and healthcare environments. In: Include 2003, Royal College of Art, London. Cook, G., Bright, K. and Luck, R. (2001) Influence of colour on the inclusivity of an environment. In: Include 2001: an international conference on inclusive design and communications, 18-20 Apr 2001, Royal College of Art, London. Bright, K., Cook, G. and Luck, R. (2001) Project Crystal: accessible environments for deaf and hard of hearing people. In: COBRA 2001: the construction research conference of the RICS Foundation, 23-24 Jun 2001, Strathclyde, Glasgow. Cook, G., Bright, K. and Luck, R. (2001) Project Crystal: englightening communication. In: Deafhood: meeting the challenges of a changing world, 12-14 Jul 2001, City University, London. Bright, K., Cook, G. and Luck, R. (2000) Deafness, design and communication in the built environment. In: COBRA 2000, 30 Aug - 1 Sept 2000, University of Greenwich, London. Cook, G. K. (2000) A vector approach to the assessment of undergraduate engineering courses. International Journal of Engineering Education, 16 (1). pp. 3-11. ISSN 0949-149X Cook, G. K., Wfiot, M. S., Webber, G. M. B. and Bright, K. T. (1999) Emergency lighting and wayfinding provision systems for visually impaired people: phase II of a study. Lighting Research & Technology, 31 (2). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1477-1535 doi: Cook, G. K. and Bright, K., (1999) Project Rainbow: a research project to provide colour and contrast design guidance for internal built environments. Occasional Papers . 57. Technical Report. Chartered Institute of Building, Ascot, UK. pp20. ISBN 1853800848 |