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Number of items: 15. 2016
Leary, J., Clarke, A. Leary, J. (2016) Doggerland rises: exploring lands and livelihoods lost under the North Sea. Current Archaeology, 314. pp. 20-25. ISSN 0011-3212 Leary, J. and Kador, T., eds. (2016) Moving on in Neolithic studies: understanding mobile lives. Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers, 14. Oxbow, Oxford, UK, pp186. ISBN 9781785701764 2015Leary, J. (2015) The remembered land: surviving sea-level rise after the last Ice Age. Debates in Archaeology. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp164. ISBN 9781474245913 2014Bates, M. R., Wenban-Smith, F. F., Bello, S. M., Bridgland, D. R., Buck, L. T., Collins, M. J., Keen, D. H., Leary, J., Parfitt, S. A., Penkman, K., Rhodes, E., Ryssaert, C. and Whittaker, J. E. (2014) Late persistence of the Acheulian in southern Britain in an MIS 8 interstadial: evidence from Harnham, Wiltshire. Quaternary Science Reviews, 101. pp. 159-176. ISSN 0277-3791 doi: Leary, J., ed. (2014) Past mobilities: archaeological approaches to movement and mobility. Ashgate, Farnham, UK, pp218. ISBN 9781409464457 2013Leary, J., Field, D. and Campbell, G. (2013) Silbury Hill: the largest prehistoric mound in Europe. English Heritage Publishing, Swindon, pp432. ISBN 9781848020450 Leary, J., Field, D. and Campbell, G., eds. (2013) Silbury Hill Europe's largest prehistoric mound. English Heritage Publishing, Swindon. ISBN 9781848020450 Leary, J., Canti, M., Field, D., Fowler, P., Marshall, P. and Campbell, G. (2013) The Marlborough mound, Wiltshire. A further Neolithic monumental mound by the River Kennet. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 79. pp. 137-163. ISSN 2050-2729 doi: 2012Leary, J. and Field, D. (2012) Journeys and juxtapositions: Marden henge and the view from the Vale. In: Gibson, A. (ed.) Enclosing the Neolithic: Recent studies in Britain and Europe. BAR International Series (2440). Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 55-65. Leary, J. and Butler, J. (2012) Roman archaeology in the upper reaches of the Walbrook Valley: Excavations at 6-8 Tokenhouse Yard, London EC2. PCA Monograph Series, 14. PCA, London, pp142. ISBN 9780956305459 Leary, J. and Marshall, P. (2012) The giants of Wessex: the chronology of the three largest mounds in Wiltshire, UK. Antiquity, 86 (334). ISSN 0003-598X 2011Leary, J. (2011) Experiencing change on the prehistoric shores of Northsealand: an anthropological perspective of Early Holocene sea-level rise. In: Benjamin, J., Bonsall, C., Pickard, C. and Fischer, A. (eds.) Submerged Prehistory. Oxbow Books, Oxford. ISBN 9781842174180
Leary, J., Branch, N. 2009Leary, J. (2009) Perceptions of and responses to the Holocene flooding of the North Sea lowlands. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 28 (3). pp. 227-237. ISSN 1468-0092 doi: |