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Number of items: 40. Gardner, J. F. (2011) Slavery and Roman law. In: Bradley, K. and Cartledge, P. (eds.) The Cambridge World History of Slavery. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, pp. 414-437. ISBN 9780521840668 Gardner, J. F. (2011) Roman 'horror' of intestacy? In: Rawson, B. (ed.) A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 361-376. ISBN 9781405187671 Gardner, J. F. (2009) Slavery: Roman law. In: Katz, S. (ed.) The Oxford international encyclopedia of legal history. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 247-250. ISBN 9780195134056 Gardner, J. F. (2009) Women: the position of women and equality in Ancient Rome. In: Katz, S. (ed.) The Oxford international encyclopedia of legal history. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 117-120. ISBN 9780195134056 Gardner, J. F. (2009) The dictator. In: Griffin, M. (ed.) A companion to Julius Caesar. Blackwell companions to the ancient world series. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 57-71. ISBN 9781405149235 Gardner, J. (2009) Roman citizenship and latinitas. In: Katz, S. (ed.) The Oxford international encyclopedia of legal history. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 137-140. ISBN 9780195134056 Gardner, J. F. (2003) Social legislation. In: Cooley, M.G.L. (ed.) The age of Augustus. London Association of Classical Teachers, London, UK, pp. 353-372. ISBN 9780903625302 Weidemann, T. and Gardner, J. F., eds. (2002) Representing the Body of the Slave. Frank Cass. ISBN 0714653519 Gardner, J. F. (2001) Death, Taxes and Status in Pliny's Panegyricus. In: Cairns, J. and Robinson, O. (eds.) Ancient Law, Comparative Law and Legal History. Hart Publishing, pp. 51-60. Gardner, J. F. (2001) Making citizens: the Operation of the Lex Irnitana. In: de Blois, L. (ed.) Administration, Prosopography and appointment Policies in the Roman Empire. J.C.Gieben, pp. 215-229. Gardner, J. F. (2001) Nearest and dearest: liability to inheritance tax in Roman families. In: Dixon, S. (ed.) Childhood, Class and Kin in the Roman World. Routledge, pp. 205-220. Gardner, J. F. (2000) Status, Sentiment and Strategy in Roman Adoption. In: Corbier, M. (ed.) Adoption et Fosterage. de Boccard, pp. 63-79. Gardner, J. F. (1999) Sexing a Roman: Imperfect Men in Roman Law. In: Foxhall, L. and Salmon, J. (eds.) When Men were men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity. Routledge, pp. 136-152. Gardner, J. F. (1999) Women in Business Life: Some evidence from Puteoli. In: Setälä, P. (ed.) Female Networks and the Public Sphere in Roman Society, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae. Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, pp. 11-27. Gardner, J. F. (1998) Family and Familia in Roman Law and Life. Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198152175 Gardner, J. F. (1997) Legal Stumbling-Blocks for Lower-Class Families in Rome. In: Rawson, B. and Weaver, P. (eds.) The Roman Family: Status, Sentiment and Space. Oxford University Press, pp. 35-54. Gardner, J. F. (1996) Hadrian and the Social Legacy of Augustus. Labeo, 42. pp. 83-100. Gardner, J. F. (1995) Gender-role Assumptions in Roman Law. EMC/Classical Views, 39 (14). Gardner, J. F. (1993) Being a Roman Citizen. Routledge. Gardner, J. F. (1993) Roman Myths. British Museum Press. Gardner, J. F. (1992) Married Life in Classical Athens. Sociology and Human Affairs, 56. pp. 7-16. Gardner, J. F. (1991) The Purpose of the Lex Fufia Caninia. Echos du Monde Classique/ Classical Views, 35. pp. 21-39. Gardner, J. F. and Weidemann, T. (1991) The Roman Household: a sourcebook. Routledge. Gardner, J. F. (1989) The Adoption of the Roman Freedman. Phoenix, 43. pp. 236-257. ISSN 0031-8299 Gardner, J. F. (1989) Aristophanes and Male Anxiety - the Defence of the Oikos. Greece and Rome, 36. pp. 51-62. ISSN 0017-3835 Gardner, J. F. (1989) Julia's Freedmen - Questions of Law and Status. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 35. pp. 94-100. Gardner, J. F. (1988) Proofs of Status in the Roman World. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 33. pp. 1-14. Gardner, J. F. (1987) Another Family and an Inheritance. Liverpool Classical Monthly, 12. pp. 52-54. Gardner, J. F. (1986) Women in Roman Law and Society. Croom Helm. Gardner, J. F. (1985) The Recovery of Dowry in Roman Law. Classical Quarterly, 35. pp. 449-453. ISSN 0009-8388 Gardner, J. F. (1985) Trade in the Classical Greek World. In: Talbert, R. (ed.) Atlas of Classical History. Croom Helm, pp. 51-53. Gardner, J. F. (1984) A Family and an Inheritance: the problems of the Widow Petronilla. Liverpool Classical Monthly, 9. pp. 132-133. Gardner, J. F. (1983) The 'Gallic Menace' in Caesar's Propaganda. Greece and Rome, 30. pp. 181-189. ISSN 0017-3835 Gardner, J. F. (1982) Caesar: The conquest of Gaul. Penguin Books. Gardner, J. F. (1974) Leadership and the Cult of the Personality. Dent. Gardner, J. F. and Bolton, W., eds. (1973) Ben Jonson's Catiline. University of Nebraska Press. Gardner, J. F. (1968) Consolatory Letters in Basil and Gregory Nazianzen. Hermes, 96. pp. 299-318. ISSN 0018-0777 Gardner, J. F. (1967) Caesar, the Civil War, together with the Alexandrian War, the African War and the Spanish War, by other hands. Penguin Books. Gardner, J. F. (1967) A consolatio of the patriarch Nicholas Mysticus - further remarks. Byzantion, 37. pp. 136-142. ISSN 0378-2506 Gardner, J. F. (1966) The Torquati. Historia, 15. pp. 23-31. ISSN 0118-2311 |