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Number of items: 58. Merkin, R. (2023) Implied marine warranties and the Insurance Act 2015. In: Thomas, D. R. (ed.) The Modern Law of Marine Insurance. Informa Law, 5. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 146-169, 368. ISBN 9781032215051 doi: Merkin, R. M. (2022) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance, 13th edition. Insurance Practitioner's Library. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ISBN 9780414105010
Merkin, R. and Noussia, K. Merkin, R. and Saintier, S. (2021) Poole's Casebook on Contract Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp856. ISBN 9780198869986 (15th edition) Merkin, R. and Ucar, A. (2020) Takings at sea: recent insurance law developments in England. Exeter Law Review, 45. pp. 45-67. Merkin, R. (2020) The measure of indemnity under property insurances. Law Quarterly Review, 136. pp. 360-364. ISSN 0023-933X Merkin, R. and Noussia, K. (2020) Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 2nd Edition. Sweet & Maxwell. ISBN 9789626614846 Merkin, R. and Flannery, L. (2019) Merkin and Flannery on the Arbitration Act 1996. Informa Law from Routledge, London, UK, pp1120. ISBN 9781138826656 doi: Merkin, R. (2019) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ISBN 9780414070301 Merkin, R. and Saintier, S. (2019) Poole's Casebook on Contract Law. Oxford University Press, pp864. ISBN 9780198817864 (14th edition) Merkin, R. and Saintier, S. (2019) Poole's Textbook on Contract Law. Oxford University Press, pp712. ISBN 9780198816980 Merkin, R. (2019) Alabama: the devil fools with the best-laid plans. Insurance Law Journal, 30 (2). pp. 65-91. ISSN 0020-4722 Merkin, R. (2019) Insurers’ liability for defective repairs. New Zealand Business Law Quarterly. ISSN 1173-311X Merkin, R. and Steele, J. (2018) Causation and proportionate recovery. In: Barker, K. and Grantham, R. (eds.) Apportionment in Private Law. Hart Studies in Private Law. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509917501 doi: Merkin, R. (2018) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 11th edition: 2nd Supplement. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ISBN 9780414067813 Merkin, R. and Devenney, J., eds. (2018) Essays in Memory of Professor Jill Poole: Coherence, Modernisation and Integration in Contract, Commercial and Corporate Laws. Informa Law from Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp259. ISBN 9781315122236 Saintier, S. and Merkin, R. (2018) Privity of contract: statutory developments. In: Merkin, R. and Devenney, J. (eds.) Essays in Memory of Professor Jill Poole: Coherence, Modernisation and Integration in Contract, Commercial and Corporate Laws. Informa Law from Routledge. ISBN 9781138564152 Merkin, R. (2018) Placement of insurance and the role of brokers. In: Han, Y. Q. and Pynt, G. (eds.) Carter v Boehm and Pre-Contractual Duties in Insurance Law: A Global Perspective After 250 Years. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509916047 Merkin, R. (2018) Arbitration awards. In: Foxton, D. and Joseph, D. (eds.) Singapore International Arbitration: Law & Practice, 2nd Edition. LexisNexis, Singapore. ISBN 9789814798228 Merkin, R. (2018) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, 3rd Edition. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, Hong Kong, pp1483. ISBN 9789626619773 Merkin, R. (2018) Criminals, fraudsters and idiots: are they uninsurable? New Zealand Business Law Quarterly, 24 (1). pp. 3-24. ISSN 1173-311X Merkin, R. (2018) Insurance. In: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong – Second Edition. LexisNexis Hong Kong. ISBN 9789888111183 Merkin, R. and Nicoll, C. (2017) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in New Zealand, 2nd edition. Thomson Reuters, New Zealand, pp1600. ISBN 9781988504575 Merkin, R. (2017) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 11th ed: 1st Supplement. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ISBN 9780414062818 Merkin, R. (2016) What does an assured "know" for the purpose of pre-contract disclosure? Insurance Law Journal, 27. pp. 157-175. ISSN 1030-2379 Merkin, R. and Gürses, Ö. (2016) Insurance contracts after the Insurance Act 2015. Law Quarterly Review, 132 (3). pp. 445-469. ISSN 0023-933X Merkin, R. (2016) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance, 11th Edition. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ISBN 9780414055902 Merkin, R. (2016) Insurance and reinsurance in the Fairchild enclave. Legal Studies: The Journal of the Society of Legal Scholars, 36 (2). pp. 302-325. ISSN 1748-121X doi: Merkin, R. and Hjalmarsson, J. (2016) Singapore Arbitration Legislation, Annotated 2nd Edition. Informa Law from Routledge, pp324. ISBN 9781138801837 Merkin, R. and Gürses, Ö. (2015) The Insurance Act 2015: rebalancing the interests of insurer and assured. Modern Law Review, 78 (6). pp. 1004-1027. ISSN 0026-7961 doi: Merkin, R. and Derrington, S. (2015) Marine insurance act 1906: magnificent achievement or monstrous aberration. In: Thomas, R. (ed.) Modern Law of Marine Insurance, Volume 4. Informa Law from Routledge. ISBN 9781138891395 Merkin, R. and Hemsworth, M. (2015) The law of Motor Insurance, 2nd edition. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ISBN 9780414045194 Flannery, L. and Merkin, R. (2015) Emirates trading, good faith, and pre-arbitral ADR clauses: a jurisdictional precondition? Arbitration International, 31 (1). pp. 63-106. ISSN 1875-8398 doi: Merkin, R. and Nicoll, C., eds. (2014) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in New Zealand. Thomson Reuters New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, pp1469. ISBN 9780864728647 Merkin, R. and Enright, I. (2014) Sutton on Insurance Law, 4th Edition. Thomson Reuters, Australia. ISBN 9780455219646 Merkin, R. and Steele, J. (2014) Policing tort and crime with the MIB: remedies, penalties and the duty to insure. In: Dyson, M. (ed.) Unravelling Tort and Crime. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 22-57. ISBN 9781107588820 doi: Merkin, R. (2014) Annotated marine insurance legislation, 5th Edition. Informa Law from Routledge. ISBN 9780415717113 Merkin, R. and Flannery, L. (2014) Arbitration Act 1996, 5th ddition. Informa Law from Routledge. ISBN 9781616310233 Merkin, R. (2014) Halsbury's laws of Hong Kong, insurance law. LexisNexis Hong Kong. ISBN 9789888300365 Merkin, R. and Steele, J. (2013) Insurance and the Law of Obligations. Oxford University Press, pp464. ISBN 9780199645749 Gilman, J., Merkin, R., Blanchard, C. and Templeman, M. (2013) Arnould law of marine insurance and average, 18th edition. Sweet & Maxwell. ISBN 9780414024281 Merkin, R., ed. (2013) Halsbury's laws of England, copyright. LexisNexis. Merkin, R. and Dziobon, S. (2013) Tort law and compulsory insurance. In: Arvind, T. T. and Steele, J. (eds.) Tort Law and the Legislature. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781849461405 Merkin, R. (2012) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance. 1st Supplement to the 9th Edition. Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 9780414024441 Bugra, A. and Merkin, R. (2012) 'Fraud' and fraudulent claims. British Insurance Law Association Journal, 125. pp. 3-22. Merkin, R. (2012) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, 2nd Edition. Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong, pp1220. ISBN 9789626614464 Merkin, R. (2012) Tort, insurance and ideology: further thoughts. Modern Law Review, 75 (3). pp. 301-323. ISSN 0026-7961 doi: Merkin, R. (2012) Arbitrating insurance and reinsurance disputes. Asian Dispute Review, 14. Merkin, R. (2012) The Christchurch earthquakes: insurance and reinsurance issues. Canterbury Law Review, 18. pp. 119-154. ISSN 0112-0581 Merkin, R. and Mendelowitz, M. (2012) Reinsurance: finding the balance between reinsurers' and reinsureds' interests. In: Burling, J. and Lazarus, K. (eds.) Research Handbook on International Insurance Law and Regulation. Research Handbooks in Financial Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781849807883 Merkin, R. (2012) Unfair terms in insurance contracts: a solution in search of a problem. Insurance Law Journal, 23 (3). pp. 272-298. Merkin, R., Mance, J. and Goldrein, I. (2011) Insurance Disputes, Third Edition. Informa Law from Routledge, pp992. ISBN 9781843119579 Lowry, J., Rawlings, P. J. and Merkin, R. (2011) Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles, Third Edition. Hart Publishing, pp618. ISBN 9781849462013 Merkin, R., Hjalmarsson, J. and Pilley, R. (2011) Marine insurance. In: Baatz, Y. (ed.) Maritime Law, Second Edition. Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 9780414048645 Merkin, R. and Steele, J. (2011) Compensating mesothelioma victims. Law Quarterly Review, 127 (3). pp. 329-335. ISSN 0023-933X Merkin, R. (2011) Australia: still a nation of Chalmers? University of Queensland Law Journal, 30 (2). pp. 189-224. Lewins, K. and Merkin, R. (2011) Masefield AG v Amlin Corporate Member Ltd; the Bunga Melati Dua — Piracy, ransom and marine insurance. Melbourne University Law Review, 35 (2). pp. 717-734. Merkin, R. (2010) Tort and insurance: some insurance law perspectives. Journal of Professional Negligence, 26. p. 194. ISSN 1746-6709 |