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Number of items: 36.


Hoyle, R. (2024) The British agricultural revolution. In: Whayne, J. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Agricultural History. Oxford University Press, pp. 532-551. ISBN 9780190924164 doi:


Hoyle, R. W. (2019) Beck House in Giggleswick: the house and its builder. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 91 (1). pp. 131-143. ISSN 2045-0664 doi:


Hoyle, R.W., ed. (2013) The Farmer in England 1650-1980. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781472405845

Hoyle, R. W. (2013) Why was there no crisis in England in the 1690s? In: Hoyle, R. W. (ed.) The Farmer in England, 1650-1980. Rural Worlds: Economic, Social and Cultural Histories of Agricultures and Rural Societies. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 69-100. ISBN 9781472405845


Hoyle, R. (2011) Who owned Earls Colne in 1798....or how to squeeze more from the Land Tax. The Local Historian, 41 (4). pp. 267-277. ISSN 0024-5585

Hoyle, R. W. (2011) Cromwell v Taverner: landlords, copyholders and the struggle to control memory in mid sixteenth-century Norfolk. In: Hoyle, R. W. (ed.) Custom, improvement and the landscape in early modern Britain. Ashgate, pp. 39-63. ISBN 9781409400523

Hoyle, R. W., ed. (2011) Custom, improvement and landscape in early modern Britain. Ashgate, pp328. ISBN 9781409400523

Hoyle, R. W. (2011) Introduction: custom, improvement and anti-improvement. In: Hoyle, R. W. (ed.) Custom, improvement and the landscape in early modern Britain. Ashgate, pp. 1-38. ISBN 9781409400523

Hoyle, R. W. (2011) Farmer, nonconformist minister and diarist: the world of Peter Walkden of Thornley in Lancashire 1733-34. Northern History, 48 (2). pp. 271-294. ISSN 1745-8706 doi:

Hoyle, R. (2011) The Masters of Requests and the small change of Jacobean patronage. English Historical Review, 126 (520). pp. 544-581. ISSN 0013-8266 doi:

Hoyle, R. (2011) Securing access to England's uplands: or how the 1945 revolution petered out. In: Congost, R. and Santos, R. (eds.) Contexts of Property in Europe: The Social Embeddedness of Property Rights in Land in Historical Perspective. Rural History in Europe (5). Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 187-209. ISBN 9782503532271


Hoyle, R. W. (2010) Britain 1000-1750. In: van Bavel, B.J.P. and Hoyle, R. W. (eds.) Social relations, property and power. Rural economy and society in north-western Europe, 500-2000 (4). Brepols Publisher, Belgium, pp. 51-78. ISBN 9782503530505

Hoyle, R. W., Brassley, P. and Turner, M.E. (2010) Britain 1750-2000. In: van Bavel, B.J.P. and Hoyle, R. W. (eds.) Social relations, property and power. Rural economy and society in north-western Europe, 500-2000 (4). Brepols Publisher, Belgium, pp. 80-108. ISBN 9782503530505

Hoyle, R. W. (2010) Conclusion: reflections on power and property over the last millennium. In: van Bavel, B.J.P. and Hoyle, R. W. (eds.) Social relations, property and power. Rural economy and society in north-western Europe, 500-2000 (4). Brepols Publisher, Belgium, pp. 349-375. ISBN 9782503530505

Hoyle, R. W. (2010) Famine as agricultural catastrophe: the crisis of 1622-4 in east Lancashire. Economic History Review, 63 (4). pp. 974-1002. ISSN 1468-0289 doi:

Hoyle, R. W. (2010) Introduction: social relations, property and power in the North Sea area, 500–2000. In: van Bavel, B. J. P. and Hoyle, R. W. (eds.) Social relations, property and power. Rural economy and society in north-western Europe, 500-2000 (4). Brepols Publisher, Belgium, pp. 1-23. ISBN 9782503530505

Hoyle, R. W. (2010) Rural economies under stress: 'a world so altered'. In: Doran, S. and Jones, N. (eds.) The Elizabethan world. Routledge worlds. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 439-457. ISBN 9780415409599

Hoyle, R. W. (2010) Élites fonciéres et progrès dans l’agriculture anglais, 1500-1750. In: Vivier, N. (ed.) Élites et progrès agricole, XVIe-XXe siècle. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, France, pp. 19-43. ISBN 9782753508255


Hoyle, R. W. (2007) Field sports as history. In: Our hunting fathers: field sports in England since 1850. Carnegie Press, pp. 1-40. ISBN 9781859361573

Hoyle, R. W., ed. (2007) Our hunting fathers: field sports in England since 1850. Carnegie Press, pp336. ISBN 9781859361573

Hoyle, R. (2007) The fortunes of English foxhunting in the twentieth century: the case of the Oakley hunt. In: Our hunting fathers: field sports in England since 1850. Carnegie Press, pp. 257-285. ISBN 9781859361573

Hoyle, R. (2007) The royal family and the diversity of field sports, 1840-c.1980. In: Our hunting fathers: field sports in England since 1850. Carnegie Press, pp. 41-71. ISBN 9781859361573

Hoyle, R. (2007) New markets and fairs in the Yorkshire Dales, 1550-1750. In: Barnwell, P. S. and Palmer, M. (eds.) Landscape History after Hoskins, III, post medieval landscapes. Windgather Press, pp. 93-106. ISBN 9781905119196

Hoyle, R. W. and French, H. (2007) The character of English rural society: Earls Colne, 1550-1750. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719051081


Hoyle, R. W., Tankard, D. and Neal, S. R. (2006) Heard before the King: registers of petitions to James I, 1603-1616. Part 1. Special Series ( 38). List and Index Society, London, UK.

Hoyle, R. W. and Spencer, C.J. (2006) The Slaidburn poor pasture: changing configurations of popular politics in the eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century village. Social History, 31 (2). pp. 182-205. ISSN 1470-1200 doi:


Hoyle, R. W. (2004) Estate management, tenurial change and capitalist farming in sixteenth-century England. In: Cavaciocchi, S. (ed.) Il mercatao della terra secc. XIII-XVIII. Institutio F. Datini, Prato, Italy, pp. 353-82.

Hoyle, R. W., ed. (2004) People, landscape and alternative agriculture: essays for Joan Thirsk. British Agricultural History Society, Exeter. ISBN 9780903269032

Hoyle, R. W. and Ramsdale, J. B. (2004) The Royal Progress of 1541, the north of England and Anglo-Scottish relations, 1534-1542. Northern History, 41 (2). pp. 239-266. ISSN 0078-172X

Hoyle, R. W. (2004) Rural economy and society. In: Jones, N. and Tittler, R. (eds.) A companion to Tudor Britain. Blackwell, pp. 311-329. ISBN 9780631236184

Hoyle, R. W. (2004) Woad in the 1580s: alternative agriculture in England and Ireland. In: Hoyle, R. W. (ed.) People, landscape and alternative agriculture: essays celebrating Joan Thirsk at eighty. British Agricultural History Society, pp. 56-76. ISBN 9780903269032 (Supplement to Agricultural History Review vol. 52. ser. 3)

Hoyle, R. W. and Summerson, R. T. (2004) A handlist of Star Chamber pleadings for northern England before 1558. List and Index Society, pp120.


Hoyle, R. W. and French, H. R. (2003) English individualism refuted — and reasserted: the land market of Earls Colne (Essex), 1550–1750. Economic History Review, 56 (4). pp. 595-622. ISSN 1468-0289 doi:

Hoyle, R. W. (2003) The Pilgrimage of Grace and the politics of the 1530s. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199259069

Hoyle, R. W. and Winchester, A. J. L. (2003) A lost source for the rising of 1536 in north‐west England. English Historical Review, 118 (475). pp. 120-129. ISSN 0013-8266 doi:


Hoyle, R. W. (2002) Petitioning as popular politics in early sixteenth–century England. Historical Research, 75 (190). pp. 365-389. ISSN 0950-3471 doi:

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