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Number of items: 10. 2021
Anand, J., McDermot, G., Mudambi, R. and Narula, R. 2018
Mudambi, R., Narula, R. 2017Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Mudambi, R., Pedersen, T. and Piscitello, L. (2017) Research methodology in global strategy research. Global Strategy Journal, 7 (3). pp. 233-240. ISSN 2042-5805 doi: 2015Brandl, K., Mudambi, R. and Giada Scalera, V. (2015) The spectacular rise of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Entrepreneurship & Innovation Exchange. . Brandl, K., Kollmann, M. C., Cha, H., Darendeli, I., Hannigan, T.J., Lee, A., Kim, S., Giada Scalera, V., Perri, A., Hamilton, R. D. and Mudambi, R. (2015) Innovation in US metroploitan areas: the role of global connectivity. In: Belussi, F. and Orsi, L. (eds.) Innovation, alliances, and networks in high-tech environments. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138846609 2014Brandl, K. and Mudambi, R. (2014) EMNEs and catch-up processes: the case of four Indian industries. In: Cuervo-Cazurra, A. and Ramamurti, R. (eds.) Understanding Multinationals from Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press, pp. 129-152. ISBN 9781107064539 2013Lorenzen, M. and Mudambi, R. (2013) Clusters, connectivity and catch-up: Bollywood and Bangalore in the Global Economy. Journal of Economic Geography, 13 (3). pp. 501-534. ISSN 1468-2702 doi: 2012Kumaraswamy, A., Mudambi, R., Saranga, H. and Tripathy, A. (2012) Catch-up strategies in the Indian auto components industry: domestic firms’ responses to market liberalization. Journal of International Business Studies, 43 (4). pp. 368-395. ISSN 1478-6990 doi: 2011Mudambi, R. and Swift, T. (2011) Proactive R&D management and firm growth: a punctuated equilibrium model. Research Policy, 40 (3). pp. 429-440. ISSN 0048-7333 doi: 2008Mudambi, R. (2008) Location, control and innovation in knowledge-intensive industries. Journal of Economic Geography, 8 (5). pp. 699-725. ISSN 1468-2702 doi: |