Items where Division is "School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences" and Year is 1979
Number of items: 10. AArpe, K. and Bengtsson, L., (1979) Meteorological data: kind, distribution, accuracy and representativeness. ECMWF Lecture Notes. 2. Technical Report. ECMWF, Reading, UK. BBengtsson, L. (1979) ECMWF global forecasting system. In: WMO/JSC Catalogue of numerical models for the First GARP Global Experiment, Part I: Analysis and forecast system. Secretariat of the World Meterological Organization, pp. 287-340. Bengtsson, L. (1979) Numerical prediction of blocking. In: Proceedings of the (Thirteenth) Stanstead Seminar held at Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Québec, Canada, July 9-13, 1979. Publications in Meteorology (123). Department of Meteorology, McGill University, Montreal. Bengtsson, L. (1979) Problems of using satellite information in numerical weather prediction. In: Battrick, B. (ed.) Use of Data from Meteorological Satellites. ESA SP (143). The European Space Agency, pp. 87-100, 240pp. (Proceedings of a Technical Conference Held in Lannion, France, 17-21 September 1979) Bengtsson, L. (1979) Review of theories for blocking. In: Proc. of the ECMWF Seminar on Dynamical Meteorology and Numerical Weather Prediction. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 235-269. Bengtsson, L., (1979) The energy balance in the atmosphere and its role in the general circulation. ECMWF Lecture Notes. 8. Technical Report. ECMWF pp69. Bengtsson, L. and Temperton, C. (1979) Difference approximations to quasi-geostrophic models. In: Numerical Methods used in Atmospheric Models. GARP Publications Series, 2 (17). GARP, pp. 338-378. Bengtsson, L. (1979) Numerical prediction of atmospheric blocking - A case study. In: Seminar on Dynamical Meteorology and Numerical Weather Forecasting. ECMWF Seminar Proceedings. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 270-329. C
Curtis, A. R., Jones, I. P. and Nichols, N. F
Fong, C. M. and Nichols, N. |