Items where Division is "History" and Year is 2003
Number of items: 51. Ailes, M. and Barber, M., eds. (2003) The history of the Holy War: Ambroise's Estoire de la Guerre Sainte. Volume 1. The Boydell Press, UK. Ailes, M. and Barber, M., eds. (2003) The history of the Holy War: Ambroise's Estoire de la Guerre Sainte. Volume 2. The Boydell Press, UK. ISBN 9781843830016 Arnold, B.C.B. (2003) Eschatological imagination and the program of Roman imperial and ecclesiastical renewal at the end of the tenth century. In: Landes, R., Gow, A. and Van Meter, D.C. (eds.) The apocalyptic year 1000. Religious expectation and social change, 950-1050. Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 271-287. ISBN 0195111915 Atkin, N. (2003) The forgotten French: exiles in the British Isles, 1940-44. Manchester University Press, UK. ISBN 9780719064388 Atkin, N. and Tallett, F. (2003) Priests, prelates and people: a history of European Catholicism since 1750. I. B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781860646652 Atkin, N. J. and Tallett, F., eds. (2003) The Right in France from the Revolution to Le Pen. 2nd edition. I.B. Tauris, London. Atkin, N. J. and Tallett, F. (2003) Towards a sixth republic? Jean-Marie Le Pen and the 2002 elections. In: Atkin, N. J. and Tallett, F. (eds.) The Right in France from the Revolution to Le Pen. 2nd edition. I.B. Tauris, London, pp. 293-304. Barber, M. (2003) Die Katharer: Ketzer des Mittelalters. Artemis and Winkler, Germany, pp375. ISBN 9783538071643 Barber, M. (2003) The career of Philip of Nablus in the kingdom of Jerusalem. In: Edbury, P. and Phillips, J. (eds.) The experience of crusading: defining the crusader kingdom. Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 60-75. ISBN 9780521781510 Barber, M. (2003) The trial of the Templars. Folio Society, London. Bell, J. W. (2003) Conceptualising Southern liberalism: ideology and the Pepper-Smathers 1950 primary in Florida. Journal of American Studies, 37 (1). pp. 17-45. ISSN 0021-8758 doi: Bell, J. W. (2003) Costigan, Edward. In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 213-214. ISBN 9780028656861 Biddiss, M. D. (2003) Dziedzictwo procesu norymberskiego z perspektywy historii. Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu im Adama Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland, pp20. Biddiss, M. D. and Cartwright, F. F. (2003) As Doenças e a História. Publicações Europa-América, Mem Martins, Portugal, pp257. ISBN 9789721051621 Bosworth, R. J. B. (2003) Benito Mussolini: dictator. Historically Speaking, 4 (5). ISSN 1944-6438
Burchardt, J. F. S. Curry, A. (2003) Essential histories: the hundred years' war 1337-1453. Routledge. ISBN 9780415968638 Curry, A. (2003) France and the Hundred Years War, 1337-1453. In: Potter, D. (ed.) France in the later middle ages. Short Oxford History of France. Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 90-116. ISBN 9780199250486 Curry, A. (2003) Harfleur et les Anglais 1415-1422. In: Bouet, P. and Gazeau, V. (eds.) La Normandie et l'Angleterre au Moyen Âge. Brepols Publishers, France, pp. 249-263. ISBN 9782902685141 Curry, A. (2003) The Hundred Years War. 2nd edition. British history in perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781403908162 Curry, A. (2003) The 'coronation expedition' and Henry VI's court in France, 1430-1432. In: Stratford, J. (ed.) The Lancastrian Court. Paul Watkins Press, UK, pp. 30-54. Hoyle, R. W. (2003) The Pilgrimage of Grace and the politics of the 1530s. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199259069 Hoyle, R. W. and French, H. R. (2003) English individualism refuted — and reasserted: the land market of Earls Colne (Essex), 1550–1750. Economic History Review, 56 (4). pp. 595-622. ISSN 1468-0289 doi: Hoyle, R. W. and Winchester, A. J. L. (2003) A lost source for the rising of 1536 in north‐west England. English Historical Review, 118 (475). pp. 120-129. ISSN 0013-8266 doi: James, E. (2003) Utopias and anti-utopias. In: James, E. and Mendlesohn, F. (eds.) The Cambridge companion to science fiction. Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 219-229. ISBN 9780521816267 James, E. and Mendlesohn, F., eds. (2003) The Cambridge companion to science fiction. Cambridge University Press, UK. ISBN 9780521816267 Kidd, S. S. (2003) The American scene (in art). In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 40-41. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) Berle, Adolf A. Jr,. In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 96-97. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) Black thirty-hour bill. In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, p. 105. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) Cahill, Holger. In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 133-134. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) Farm Security Administration (FSA). In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 324-328. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) Federal One. In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 349-351. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) Photographs of the South during the 1930s. Eudora Welty Newsletter, 27 (1). pp. 29-32. Kidd, S. S. (2003) Post office murals (section of fine arts). In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 766-768. ISBN 9780028656861 Kidd, S. S. (2003) The road to plenty. In: McElvaine, R. S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. Macmillan, New York, USA, p. 826. ISBN 9780028656861 Laven, D. (2003) Mazzini, Mazzinian conspiracy and British politics in the 1850s. Bollettino Storico Mantovano, 2. pp. 267-282. ISSN 0523-9389 Laven, D. S. (2003) Venice under the Austrians. In: Warrell, I. (ed.) Turner and Venice. Tate Publishing, pp. 34-39. ISBN 9781854374639
Lawrence-Mathers, A. Mijers, E. (2003) Uit Noodzaak, Wetenschappelijke Interesse en Curiositeit. Schotse Theologie Studenten in de Nederlandse Republiek. Transparant, 14 (2). pp. 12-18. Mijers, E. (2003) Minerva, Mars and Mercury. Scotto-Dutch intellectual exchange 1680-1730. Dutch Crossing: A Journal of Low Countries Studies, 26 (2). pp. 197-211. ISSN 1759-7854 Moss, V. (2003) Reprise et innovations: les rôles normands et anglais de l’année 1194-1195 et la perte de la Normandie. In: Bouet, P. and Gazeau, V. (eds.) La Normandie et l’Angleterre au Moyen Âge. Publications du CRAHM, France. ISBN 290268539X Murphy, P. (2003) The African queen? Republicanism and defensive decolonization in British tropical Africa, 1958–64. Twentieth Century British History, 14 (3). pp. 243-263. ISSN 1477-4674 doi: Murphy, P. (2003) Censorship, declassification and the history of end of empire in Central Africa. African Research and Documentation (92). pp. 3-26. ISSN 0305-862X Neal, S. R., ed. (2003) Elizabeth I. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 28, 294. List and Index Society. Parish, H. and Naphy, W. G. (2003) Introduction. In: Parish, H. and Naphy, W. G. (eds.) Religion and superstition in reformation Europe. Manchester University Press, UK, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780719061585 Parish, H. and Naphy, W. G., eds. (2003) Religion and superstition in reformation Europe. Manchester University Press, UK. ISBN 9780719061585 Parish, H. L. (2003) Monks, miracles and magic: the Medieval Church in English reformation polemic. Reformation, 8. pp. 117-142. ISSN 1752-0738 Rist, R. A. (2003) Papal policy and the Albigensian Crusades: continuity or change? Crusades, 2. pp. 99-108. ISSN 1476-5276 Tallett, F. and Atkin, N. J. (2003) Les Droites commencent ici, 1789-1794. In: Tallett, F. and Atkin, N. J. (eds.) The right in France from revolution to Le Pen. International Library of Historical Studies (15). I.B. Tauris, London, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781860649165 Verdon, N. (2003) `...subjects deserving of the highest praise': farmers' wives and the farm economy in England, c. 1700-1850 (proxime accessit). Agricultural History Review, 51 (1). pp. 23-39. ISSN 0002-1490 Wilkinson, L. J., ed. (2003) Elizabeth I. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 27, 293. List and Index Society. |