Items where Division is "History" and Year is 2011
Number of items: 33. AAtkin, N., Biddiss, M. and Tallett, F. (2011) The Wiley-Blackwell dictionary of modern European history since 1789. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp512. ISBN 9781405189224 B
Burchardt, J. DDatta, A. (2011) The repatriation of 1973 and the re-making of modern south Asia. Contemporary South Asia, 19 (1). pp. 61-74. ISSN 1469-364X doi: (Special Issue: Annual Conference Edition of the British Association for South Asian Studies )
Deb Roy, R.
Deb Roy, R. FFincham, K. and Taylor, S. (2011) Vital statistics: episcopal ordination and ordinands in England, 1646–1660. English Historical Review, 126 (519). pp. 319-344. ISSN 0013-8266 doi: Foxley, R. (2011) Oliver Cromwell on religion and resistance. In: Prior, C. W. A. and Burgess, G. (eds.) England's wars of religion, revisited. Ashgate, Farnham, UK, pp. 209-230. ISBN 9781409419730 GGrant, L. (2011) Blanche of Castile and Normandy. In: Crouch, D. and Thompson, K. (eds.) Normandy and its neighbours, 900-1250 : essays for David Bates. Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe (14). Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 117-131. ISBN 9782503520629 doi: Grant, L. (2011) Gold Bezants on the altar: coronation imagery in the 'Bibles Morlaisées'. In: Opacic, Z. and Timmerman, A. (eds.) Image, Memory and Devotion: Liber Amicorum Paul Crossley. Studies in Gothic Art (SG2). Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 55-60. ISBN 9782503531687 Grant, L. (2011) Saint Michel peseur d'ames sur les portails gothiques du Jugement denier vers 1200. In: Bouet, P., Otranto , G., Vauchez , A. and Vincent , C. (eds.) Rappresentazioni Del Monte e dell'Arcangelo san Michele nella letterature e nelle arti. Edipuglia, pp. 135-162. ISBN 9788872286319 HHoyle, R. (2011) Securing access to England's uplands: or how the 1945 revolution petered out. In: Congost, R. and Santos, R. (eds.) Contexts of Property in Europe: The Social Embeddedness of Property Rights in Land in Historical Perspective. Rural History in Europe (5). Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 187-209. ISBN 9782503532271 Hoyle, R. (2011) The Masters of Requests and the small change of Jacobean patronage. English Historical Review, 126 (520). pp. 544-581. ISSN 0013-8266 doi: Hoyle, R. (2011) Who owned Earls Colne in 1798....or how to squeeze more from the Land Tax. The Local Historian, 41 (4). pp. 267-277. ISSN 0024-5585 Hoyle, R. W. (2011) Cromwell v Taverner: landlords, copyholders and the struggle to control memory in mid sixteenth-century Norfolk. In: Hoyle, R. W. (ed.) Custom, improvement and the landscape in early modern Britain. Ashgate, pp. 39-63. ISBN 9781409400523 Hoyle, R. W., ed. (2011) Custom, improvement and landscape in early modern Britain. Ashgate, pp328. ISBN 9781409400523 Hoyle, R. W. (2011) Farmer, nonconformist minister and diarist: the world of Peter Walkden of Thornley in Lancashire 1733-34. Northern History, 48 (2). pp. 271-294. ISSN 1745-8706 doi: Hoyle, R. W. (2011) Introduction: custom, improvement and anti-improvement. In: Hoyle, R. W. (ed.) Custom, improvement and the landscape in early modern Britain. Ashgate, pp. 1-38. ISBN 9781409400523 L
Lawrence-Mathers, A. MMajor, P. (2011) Walled in: ordinary East Germans' responses to 13 August 1961. German Politics and Society, 29 (2). pp. 8-22. ISSN 1558-5441 doi: Mijers, E. (2011) Intellectual exchanges and Scottish authors abroad: the Scottish–Dutch trade. In: Brown, S. W. and McDougall, W. (eds.) The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 2: Enlightenment and Expansion 1707–1800. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 203-209. ISBN 9780748619122 Mijers, E. (2011) The Netherlands, William Carstares, and the reform of Edinburgh University, 1690-1715. In: Feingold, M. (ed.) History of Universities. Volume XXV/2. Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 111-142. ISBN 9780199694044 Murphy, P. (2011) Britain and the Commonwealth: confronting the past - imagining the future. Round Table: the Commonwealth Journal of Commonwealth International Affairs, 100 (414). pp. 267-283. ISSN 1474-029X doi: Murphy, P. (2011) Britain as a global power in the twentieth century. In: Thompson, A. (ed.) Britain's Experience of Empire in the Twentieth Century. Oxford History of the British Empire. Companion series. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 33-75. ISBN 9780199236589 doi: RRisso, L. (2011) 18 April 1948: Italy between continuity and rupture. Modern Italy, 16 (2). Taylor & Francis, London. Risso, L. (2011) 18 April 1948: Italy between continuity and rupture. Modern Italy, 16 (2). pp. 101-104. ISSN 1469-9877 doi: (special issue '18 April 1948: Italy between continuity and rupture') Risso, L. (2011) Propaganda on wheels: the NATO travelling exhibitions in the 1950s and 1960s. Cold War History, 11 (1). pp. 9-25. ISSN 1743-7962 doi: Risso, L. (2011) A difficult compromise: British and American plans for a common anti-Communist propaganda response in western Europe, 1948-58. Intelligence and National Security, 26 (2-3). pp. 330-354. ISSN 1743-9019 doi: SStack, D. (2011) The death of John Stuart Mill. The Historical Journal, 54 (1). pp. 167-190. ISSN 1469-5103 doi: TTaylor, S. (2011) Edward Pelling: a sermon preacht on January 30th 1683 in Westminster Abbey (1684). British ideas and issues, 8. AMS Press, New York, USA. Taylor, S., Burns, A. and Fincham, K. (2011) In and out of the archives: reflections on the diocesan records of the Church of England since the Reformation. In: Genet, J.-P. and Ruggiu, F.-J. (eds.) Du papier à l'archive, du privé au public: France et îles Britanniques, deux mémoires. Homme et société (37). Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, France, pp. 83-97. ISBN 9782859446505 VVickers, E. (2011) 'The forgotten army of the woods': the women’s timber corps during the Second World War. Agricultural History Review, 59 (1). pp. 101-112. ISSN 0002-1490 W
Worley, M.
Worley, M. |