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Blanusa, T., Vaz Monteiro, M. M., Fantozzi, F., Vysini, E., Li, Y. and Cameron, R. W.F. (2012) Alternatives to Sedum on green roofs: Can broad leaf perennial plants offer better ‘cooling service’? Building and Environment, 59. pp. 99-106. ISSN 0360-1323 doi:

Cameron, R., Blanusa, T., Taylor, J., Salisbury, A., Halstead, A., Henricot, B. and Thompson, K. (2012) The domestic garden: its contribution to urban green infrastructure. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 11 (2). pp. 129-137. ISSN 1618-8667 doi:

Deasy, C., Quinton, J. N., Silgram, M. S., Stoate, C., Jackson, R., Stevens, C. J. and Bailey, A. (2010) Mitigation options for phosphorus and sediment: reducing pollution in run-off from arable fields. The Environmentalist (108). pp. 12-17.

Dixon, G. R. (2015) Climate change and plant disease. The Plantsman, 14 (3). pp. 152-157.

Dixon, G. R. (2012) Climate change, plant pathogens and food production. Canadain Journal of Plant Pathology, 34 (3). pp. 362-379.

Percival, G. C. and Fraser, G. A. (2001) Measurement of the salinity and freezing tolerance of Crataegus genotypes using chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Arboriculture, 27 (5). pp. 233-245.

Percival, G. C. and Fraser, G. A. (2005) Use of sugars to improve root growth and increase transplant success of Birch (Betula pendual Roth). Journal of Arboriculture, 31 (2). pp. 66-77.

Percival, G. C., Fraser, G. A. and Oxenham, G. (2003) Foliar salt tolerance of Acer genotypes using chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Arboriculture, 29 (2). pp. 61-65.

van Emden, H. F. (2003) Twenty-six years without plant food - an aphid still going strong! Antenna, 27. pp. 95-98.

Book or Report Section

Aldous, D., Dixon, G. R., Darnell, R., L. and Pratley, J., E. (2014) Education and training futures in horticulture and horticultural science. In: Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. (eds.) Horticulture: plants for people and places. Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1087-1115. ISBN 9789401785594 doi:

Betts, R.A., Falloon, P.D., Gornall, J., Kaye, N., Wiltshire, A. and Wheeler, T. R. (2009) Climate change and food security. In: Climate Sense. Tudor Rose, Leicester, pp. 39-41. ISBN 9789263110435

Blanusa, T. and Vaz Monteiro, M. (2018) Green streets: classifications, plant species, substrates, irrigation and maintenance. In: Perez, G. and Perini, K. (eds.) Nature Based Strategies for Urban and Building Sustainability. Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 85-96. ISBN 9780128121504

Dixon, G. R. and Tilston, E. L. (2010) Soil-borne pahtogens and their interactions with the soil environment. In: Soil microbiology and sustainable crop production. Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 197-272.

Dixon, G. R., Warrington, I. J., Drew, R. and Buck-Sorlin, G. (2014) Science drives horticulture's progress and profit. In: Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. E. (eds.) Horticulture: plants for people and places. Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 27-73. ISBN 9789401785778 doi:

Gooding, M. J. (2010) The effects of growth environment and agronomy on grain quality. In: Wrigley, C. W. and Batey, I.L. (eds.) Cereal grains: assessing and managing quality. Woodhead Publishing series in food science, technology and nutrition (190). Woodhead, Oxford, pp. 393-412. ISBN 9781845695637

Mikaberidze, A. and McDonald, B. A. (2015) Fitness cost of resistance: impact on management. In: Ishii, H. and Hollomon, D. W. (eds.) Fungicide Resistance in Plant Pathogens. Principles and a Guide to Practical Management. Springer, pp. 77-89. ISBN 9784431556411 doi:

Prance, G., T., Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. E. (2014) Biodiversity and green open space. In: Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. (eds.) Horticulture: plants for people and places. Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 787-816. ISBN 9789401785808 doi:

van Emden, H. F. (2003) Conservation biological control: from theory to practice. In: VanDriesche, R. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Honolulu, Hawaii, 14-18 January 2002. USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, WV, pp. 199-208.

van Emden, H. F. (2006) Pest control. In: Taylor, P. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the Garden. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 373-375. ISBN 10: 0198662556


Murdoch, A. J., De La Warr, P. N. and Pilgrim, R. A., (2010) Final report on research project PS2010, proof of concept of automated mapping of weeds in arable fields. Project Report. Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs pp40.

Murdoch, A. J., De La Warr, P. N. and Pilgrim, R. A., (2010) Proof of concept of automated mapping of weeds in arable fields. Project Report. AHDB-HGCA, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. pp61.

Conference or Workshop Item

Murdoch, A., Koukiasas, N., De La Warr, P. and Price-Jones, F. (2017) Precision targeting of herbicide droplets potentially reduces herbicide inputs by at least 90%. In: Precision systems in agricultural and horticultural production, 27 October 2017, Pershore UK, pp. 39-44. (Aspects of Applied Biology 135)

Murdoch, A. J., de la Warr, P. N., Pilgrim, R. A., Miller, P. C., Lutman, P. J., Edwards, J., Robinson, T., Magri, B., Scott, T., Walters, N., Morton, S. and Beddows, S. (2009) Towards the automated mapping of weed patches in arable fields. In: Agronomists’ Conference 2009, Tuesday 8th December 2009, Hilton Northampton – Collingtree, Northamptonshire .

van Emden, H. F. (2007) GM pest-resistant crops - opportunities for mis-management of biological control. In: 16th International Plant Protection Congress, Glasgow, pp. 514-515.

van Emden, H. F. (2015) A brief history of the European congresses of entomology. In: 10th European Congress of Entomology, 3-8 August, 2014, York, pp. 8-9.

van Emden, H. F., Douloumpaka, S., Vamvatsikos, P. and Hardie, J. (2015) Does the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani 'immunise'its progeny against the toxic plant allelochemicals that they are likely to encounter in their aphid host? In: 10th Europoean Congress of Entomology, 3-8 August 2014, York, UK, pp. 51-52. (Antenna ECE special edition)


Diederichsen, E., Dixon, G. R., Wallenhammar, A.-C., Fernado, D. and Balesdent, M.-H., eds. (2016) Clubroot and blackleg disease of brassicas. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 145 (3). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp515.

Dixon, G. (2019) Garden practices and their science. Routledge, Oxford, pp. 1-416. ISBN 9781138485235

Dixon, G. R. and Strelkov, S., eds. (2014) Clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) on canola and other brassica spp: disease development, epidemiology and management. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 36 (supp 1). Taylor & Francis, Canada, pp168.

Dixon, G. R. and Tilston, E. L., eds. (2010) Soil microbiology and sustainable crop production. Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. E., eds. (2014) Horticulture: plants for people and places. Volume 1. Production horticulture. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp597. ISBN 9789401785778

Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. E., eds. (2014) Horticulture: plants for people and places. Volume 2. Environmental horticulture. Horticulture: Plants for People and Places. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp350. ISBN 9789401785808

Dixon, G. R. and Aldous, D. E., eds. (2014) Horticulture: plants for people and places. Volume 3. Social horticulture. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp466. ISBN 9789401785594

Midmore, D. J. (2015) Principles of tropical horticulture. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, pp438. ISBN 9781780645414

Morris, J., Bailey, A., Turner, R.K. and Bateman, I., eds. (2001) Rural planning and management. Managing the Environment for Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp720. ISBN 9781840642209

van Emden, H. F. and Service, M.W. (2004) Pest and vector control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp349. ISBN 9780521010832


Bormpoudakis, D. (2016) Green infrastructure and landscape connectivity in England: a political ecology approach. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

De Oliveira, V. H. (2019) Uptake processes of Cd and Zn in mycorrhizal poplars and their potential for environmental remediation. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:

Degani, E. (2019) Novel crop rotations to enhance the provision of multiple ecosystem services underpinning arable production. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:

Hama Rash, S. (2018) Consequences of spatial variability in the field on the uniformity of barley seed. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Kemp, S. (2018) Impact of plant choice and water management on the provision of ecosystem services by green roofs. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

McDonald, R. (2019) The influence of management and land use diversity at local and landscape scales on communities of generalist predators in commercial dessert apple orchards. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:

Taylor, J. (2019) Exploring the implications of climate trends and extreme weather events for species conservation in Mauritius. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:

Twitchen, C. (2018) Impact of crop management during plant propagation on yield potential of Junebearer and Everbearer strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cultivars. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Webber, S. M. (2018) Managing biodiversity for ecosystem services in apple orchards. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Zhang, H. (2017) Promoting integrated pest management in arable fields. PhD thesis, University of Reading.


British Polythene Ltd (2001) Improved films. EP1080878A2. doi: EP1080878A2

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