Papers from the Professional Issues Meeting (PIM) on In-sessional English for Academic Purposes held at London School of Economics 19 March 2016
Brewer, S.
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. Abstract/SummaryProfessional Issues Meetings organised by BALEAP the global forum for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) professionals are held three times a year. They are an opportunity for EAP practitioners to present on and discuss issues in the field, building knowledge and disseminating good practice. Presentation slides are made available on the BALEAP website following each event, but this publication has been put together to provide a more substantial account of current practice in providing in-sessional or ‘embedded’ courses of EAP teaching, both general and subject-specific, in higher education institutions in the UK. A selection of presenters have written up their papers and the volume is prefaced by an Introduction written by Ursula Wingate, Reader in Language in Education in the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College London. The volume is edited by Sarah Brewer, Chair of BALEAP, and Alison Standring and Gemma Stansfield who organised the PIM at the London School of Economics.
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