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Adjustments to climate perturbations - mechanisms, implications, observational constraints

Quaas, J., Andrews, T., Bellouin, N. ORCID:, Block, K., Boucher, O., Ceppi, P., Dagan, G., Doktorowski, S., Eichholz, H. M., Forster, P., Goren, T., Gryspeerdt, E., Hodnebrog, Ø., Jia, H., Kramer, R., Lange, C., Maycock, A. C., Muelmenstaedt, J., Myhre, G., O’Connor, F. M. , Pincus, R., Samset, B. H., Senf, F., Shine, K. ORCID:, Smith, C., Stjern, C. W., Takemura, T., Toll, V. and Wall, C. J. (2024) Adjustments to climate perturbations - mechanisms, implications, observational constraints. AGU Advances. 2023AV001144. ISSN 2576-604X (In Press)

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Since the 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR5) an extended concept of the energetic analysis of climate change including forcings, feedbacks and adjustment processes has become widely adopted. Adjustments are defined as processes that occur in response to the introduction of a climate forcing agent, but that are independent of global-mean surface temperature changes. Most considered are the adjustments that impact the Earth energy budget and strengthen or weaken the instantaneous radiative forcing due to the forcing agent. Some adjustment mechanisms also impact other aspects of climate not related to the Earth radiation budget. Since AR5 and a following description by Sherwood et al. (2015), much research on adjustments has been performed and is reviewed here. We classify the adjustment mechanisms into six main categories, and discuss methods of quantifying these adjustments in terms of their potentials, shortcomings and practicality. We furthermore describe aspects of adjustments that act beyond the energetic framework, and we propose new ideas to observe adjustments or to make use of observations to constrain their representation in models. Altogether, the problem of adjustments is now on a robust scientific footing, and better quantification and observational constraint is possible. This allows for improvements in understanding and quantifying climate change.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Science > School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences > Department of Meteorology
ID Code:118501

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