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English as an international language in English-medium education

Sahan, K. ORCID: (2024) English as an international language in English-medium education. In: Galloway, N. and Selvi, A. F. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English as an International Language. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032888330 (In Press)

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The use of English-medium education (EME) is becoming increasingly common in educational contexts worldwide, particularly in higher education. The decision to switch to English as the language for teaching and learning requires more than simply translating content from the first language (L1). Rather, EME has implications for teachers, students, and other stakeholders, since it raises questions concerning how to teach effectively through a second language (L2) in international and multilingual classrooms. This chapter discusses the implications of English as an international language (EIL) for EME, with a focus on educational policies, teaching and hiring practice, and teacher education.

Item Type:Book or Report Section
Divisions:Arts, Humanities and Social Science > Institute of Education > Language and Literacy in Education
ID Code:118533

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