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Modelling complex systems for project planning - a semiotics motivated method

Liu, K., Sun, L. and Tan, S. (2007) Modelling complex systems for project planning - a semiotics motivated method. International Journal of General Systems, 35 (3). 313 - 327. ISSN 1563-5104

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1080/03081070600661028


A large and complex IT project may involve multiple organizations and be constrained within a temporal period. An organization is a system comprising of people, activities, processes, information, resources and goals. Understanding and modelling such a project and its interrelationship with relevant organizations are essential for organizational project planning. This paper introduces the problem articulation method (PAM) as a semiotic method for organizational infrastructure modelling. PAM offers a suite of techniques, which enables the articulation of the business, technical and organizational requirements, delivering an infrastructural framework to support the organization. It works by eliciting and formalizing (e. g. processes, activities, relationships, responsibilities, communications, resources, agents, dependencies and constraints) and mapping these abstractions to represent the manifestation of the "actual" organization. Many analysts forgo organizational modelling methods and use localized ad hoc and point solutions, but this is not amenable for organizational infrastructures modelling. A case study of the infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI) will be used to demonstrate the applicability of PAM, and to examine its relevancy and significance in dealing with the innovation and changes in the organizations.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Science > School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences > Department of Computer Science
Henley Business School > Digitalisation, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
ID Code:15309
Uncontrolled Keywords:complex systems; systems modelling; project planning; requirements articulation; organizational semiotics
Publisher:Taylor & Francis

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