Meson properties in an extended nonlocal NJL model
Plant, R. S. Full text not archived in this repository. It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. Abstract/SummaryA nonlocal version of the NJL model is investigated. It is based on a separable quark-quark interaction, as suggested by the instanton liquid picture of the QCD vacuum. The interaction is extended to include terms that bind vector and axial-vector mesons. The nonlocality means that no further regulator is required. Moreover the model is able to confine the quarks by generating a quark propagator without poles at real energies. Features of the continuation of amplitudes from Euclidean space to Minkowski energies are discussed. These features lead to restrictions on the model parameters as well as on the range of applicability of the model. Conserved currents are constructed, and their consistency with various Ward identities is demonstrated. In particular, the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is derived both in the ladder approximation and at meson loop level. The importance of maintaining chiral symmetry in the calculations is stressed throughout. Calculations with the model are performed to all orders in momentum. Meson masses are determined, along with their strong and electromagnetic decay amplitudes. Also calculated are the electromagnetic form factor of the pion and form factors associated with the processes gamma gamma* --> pi0 and omega --> pi0 gamma*. The results are found to lead to a satisfactory phenomenology and demonstrate a possible dynamical origin for vector-meson dominance. In addition, the results produced at meson loop level validate the use of 1/Nc as an expansion parameter and indicate that a light and broad scalar state is inherent in models of the NJL type.
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