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Joint modelling of obstacle induced and mesoscale changes: current limits and challenges

Schlünzen, K. H., Grawe, D., Bohnenstengel, S. I., Schlüter, I. and Koppmann, R. (2011) Joint modelling of obstacle induced and mesoscale changes: current limits and challenges. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99 (4). pp. 217-225. ISSN 0167-6105

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2011.01.009


Obstacles considerably influence boundary layer processes. Their influences have been included in mesoscale models (MeM) for a long time. Methods used to parameterise obstacle effects in a MeM are summarised in this paper using results of the mesoscale model METRAS as examples. Besides the parameterisation of obstacle influences it is also possible to use a joint modelling approach to describe obstacle induced and mesoscale changes. Three different methods may be used for joint modelling approaches: The first method is a time-slice approach, where steady basic state profiles are used in an obstacle resolving microscale model (MiM, example model MITRAS) and diurnal cycles are derived by joining steady-state MITRAS results. The second joint modelling approach is one-way nesting, where the MeM results are used to initialise the MiM and to drive the boundary values of the MiM dependent on time. The third joint modelling approach is to apply multi-scale models or two-way nesting approaches, which include feedbacks from the MiM to the MeM. The advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches and remaining problems with joint Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes modelling approaches are summarised in the paper.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Science > School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences > Department of Meteorology
ID Code:19174
Uncontrolled Keywords:Nesting, Microscale, Mesoscale, Joint modelling, Time-slice approach, Multi-scale model, METRAS, MITRAS

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