Designing and implementing livestock value chain studies: a practical aid for Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Disease (HPED) controlTaylor, N. and Hinrichs, J. (2012) Designing and implementing livestock value chain studies: a practical aid for Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Disease (HPED) control. FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines (10). FAO, Rome, pp43. ISBN 9789251071397
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. Official URL: Abstract/SummaryValue chain studies, including production system and market chain studies, are essential to value chain analysis, which when coupled with disease risk analysis is a powerful tool to identify key constraints and opportunities for disease control based on risk management in a livestock production and marketing system. Several production system and market chain studies have been conducted to support disease control interventions in South East Asia. This practical aid summarizes experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of such value chain studies in South East Asia. Based on these experiences it prioritizes the required data for the respective purpose of a value chain study and recommends data collection as well as data analysis tools. This practical aid is intended as an adjunct to the FAO value chain approach and animal diseases risk management guidelines document. Further practical advice is provided for more effective use of value chain studies in South and South East Asia as part of animal health decision support.
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