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Kinematical analysis of redundant drive wire mechanisms with velocity constraint

Nagai, K., Le, T. N., Hayashi, Y. ORCID: and Ito, K. (2012) Kinematical analysis of redundant drive wire mechanisms with velocity constraint. In: Proceedings of ICMA 2012, the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, pp. 1496-1501. ISBN 9781467312769

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1109/ICMA.2012.6284358


In this paper, we propose a new velocity constraint type for Redundant Drive Wire Mechanisms. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the proposed velocity constraint module can fix the orientation of the movable part and to use the kinematical analysis method to obtain the moving direction of the movable part. First, we discuss the necessity of using this velocity constraint type and the possible applications of the proposed mechanism. Second, we derive the basic equations of a wire mechanism with this constraint type. Next, we present a method of motion analysis on active and passive constraint spaces, which is used to find the moving direction of a movable part. Finally, we apply the above analysis method on a wire mechanism with a velocity constraint module and on a wire mechanism with four double actuator modules. By evaluating the results, we prove the validity of the proposed constraint type.

Item Type:Book or Report Section
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences > Department of Bio-Engineering
ID Code:31281
Publisher:The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

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