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Energy requirements and metabolism of the Phillip's dikdik (Madoqua saltiana phillipsi)

Dittmann, M. T., Hebel, C., Hammer, S., Hummel, J., Ortmann, S., Arif, A., Bouts, T., Kreuzer, M. and Clauss, M. (2014) Energy requirements and metabolism of the Phillip's dikdik (Madoqua saltiana phillipsi). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 167. pp. 45-51. ISSN 0010-406X

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2013.09.014


Basal metabolic rates in mammals are mainly determined by body mass, but also by ecological factors. Some mammalian species inhabiting hot, dry environments were found to have lower metabolic rates compared to temperate species. We studied energy metabolism in Phillip's dikdik (Madoqua saltiana phillipsi), a small antelope inhabiting xeric shrubland habitats in the Eastern ‘horn’ of Africa, and compared results to literature data. We measured body mass (BM) changes and digestibility in 12 adults kept on different food intake levels to determine, by extrapolation to zero BMchange, maintenance energy requirements (MEm) formetabolizable energy (ME). The MEm averaged at 404 ± 20 kJ ME kg BM−0.75 d−1. In addition we conducted 24 h-chamber respirometry with seven fed (non-fasted) individuals. Theirmeanmetabolic rate as calculated from oxygen consumption was 403±51kJkgBM−0.75d−1, corroborating the results of the feeding experiments. Selecting the 20 lowest values of the respiration measurement period to estimate resting metabolic rate (RMR) resulted in a mean RMR of 244±39 kJ kg BM−0.75 d−1, which was not significantly lower than the expected basal metabolic rate of 293 kJ kg BM−0.75 d−1. Therefore, resting metabolism was similar to the expected average basal metabolism of a mammal of this size, which suggests a comparatively low metabolic rate in dikdiks. Compared to literature data Phillip's dikdiks have a MEm similar to measurements reported for small domestic ruminants, but considerably lower than those reported for other wild ruminant species inhabiting temperate and cold climates.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Agriculture, Policy and Development > Department of Animal Sciences > Animal, Dairy and Food Chain Sciences (ADFCS)- DO NOT USE
ID Code:65965
Uncontrolled Keywords:Metabolism, Dikdik, Madoqua, Energy, Respiration Maintenance requirements, Resting metabolic rate, Arid

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