Mycorrhizal symbiosis induces divergent patterns of transport and partitioning of Cd and Zn in Populus trichocarpa
De Oliveira, V. H., Ullah, I.
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103925 Abstract/SummaryWe investigated how arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can alter trace element uptake, distribution and toxicity in plants by examining some of the molecular mechanisms behind Populus trichocarpa tolerance to Cd and Zn, and the effects of AMF in metal homeostasis. Plants were grown under Cd and Zn contamination, with and without Rhizophagus irregularis inoculation. We determined organ metal concentrations, the expression of genes involved in trace element homeostasis, and the function of metallothionein PtMT2b by heterologous expression in yeast. P. trichocarpa was highly tolerant to both elements, with AMF increasing Zn accumulation. AMF altered the partitioning of Cd, but maintained the same patterns for Zn, indicating that despite being geochemically similar and carried mostly by the same transporters, the nutrient metal (Zn) is handled differently from the non-essential metal (Cd). High Zn and Cd down-regulated PtHMA4 (roots), and up-regulated PtZIP1 (leaves), suggesting their involvement in transporting both metals in poplar. PtMT2b was highly up-regulated in mycorrhizal roots and enhanced Cd tolerance in transformed yeast. R. irregularis reduced Cd transfer to poplar shoots, but did not affect Zn partitioning. The gene expression patterns observed offer a glimpse into the mechanisms behind trace element uptake/translocation dynamic in poplars, influenced by AMF symbiosis.
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