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Impacts of wind profile shear and curvature on the parameterized orographic gravity wave stress in the Weather Research and Forecasting model

Xu, X., Teixeira, M. A. C. ORCID:, Xue, M., Lu, Y. and Tang, J. (2020) Impacts of wind profile shear and curvature on the parameterized orographic gravity wave stress in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146 (732). pp. 3086-3100. ISSN 1477-870X

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1002/qj.3828


The parameterization of orographic gravity wave drag (OGWD) in the Weather Research and Forecasting model is extended by including the second‐order Wentzel‐Kramers‐Brillouin (WKB) corrections to the surface wave momentum flux (SWMF) caused by wind profile shear (WSHR) and curvature (WCUR) effects. Simulations of the atmospheric circulation are performed to study the behavior and impact of WKB corrections. In January, the SWMF is weakened in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) midlatitudes by the WSHR term while WCUR acts to enhance the SWMF over Antarctica. In July, the WSHR corrections are similar to those in January whereas the WCUR term produces corrections of opposite sign in the high latitudes of each hemisphere. The latter is attributed to the increase of near‐surface winds in the cold season which reverses the low‐level wind profile curvature. The seasonal reversal of the WCUR term contradicts previous findings obtained from offline evaluation using reanalysis datasets. This may be due to the different OGWD parameterization schemes used, or suggest a sensitivity to the height where the wind profiles effects are evaluated. Changes in the SWMF can affect the vertical distribution of parameterized OGWD. In January, the OGWD in the NH midlatitudes is decreased in the lower troposphere but increased in the upper troposphere. This is because a reduced SWMF inhibits wave breaking in the lower troposphere. Therefore, more WMF is transported to the upper troposphere which enhances wave breaking there. The increased upper‐tropospheric wave breaking in turn decreases the WMF propagating into the stratosphere where the OGWD is reduced. In July, the reduction of SWMF over Antarctica is more notable than that in the NH midlatitudes in January. Consequently, the OGWD is weakened in the upper troposphere over Antarctica.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Science > School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences > Department of Meteorology
ID Code:90778
Uncontrolled Keywords:Orography; Gravity waves; Parameterization; Wind profile effects; WKB approximation
Publisher:Royal Meteorological Society


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