114. Effect of grazing and feeding management on milk mineral concentrations
Stergiadis, S.
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.anscip.2021.03.115 Abstract/SummaryApplication. Pasture intake and non-Holstein genetics were negatively correlated with milk I, Mn, and Cu, and positively correlated with milk Ca and P; but other feeds and mineral supplementation also influenced milk mineral concentrations. Introduction. Milk is a good source of minerals (Ca, Mg, P and K) and trace elements (I, Se, Zn), which are essential for optimum health [2]. Pasture intake may increase milk Ca and P concentrations but decrease Cu and Se concentrations, although pasture composition, plant maturity, and animal/environmental factors will also have an effect [1]. This study aimed to (i) investigate the milk mineral concentrations in herds with different pasture intakes, and (ii) assess the relative impact of individual feeds. Material and methods. Bulk-tank milk samples (n = 359) were collected monthly (over 12 months) from 30 dairy farms, and animal diet and breed were gathered via questionnaire. Three groups of 10 farms represented contrasting grazing management between April-September: high pasture intake (HP; 28–65% DMI), standard pasture intake (SP; 5–18% DMI), outdoors with low/limited pasture intake (LP; 0–3% DMI). Milk mineral concentrations were determined using ICP-MS. Analysis of variance by linear mixed effects models used pasture intake (HP, SP, LP), months (12 months), and their interaction as fixed factors. Farm ID was used as a random factor. A multivariate redundancy analysis (RDA; CANOCO 5) assessed the relative impact of breed and feeds on milk mineral concentrations. Results. When compared with HP and LP farms, milk from SP farms contained significantly less Ca (−50 mg/kg and −45 mg/kg, respectively) and P (−25 mg/kg and −29 mg/kg, respectively) (Table 1). The RDA indicated that pasture intake and non-Holstein genetics were negatively correlated with milk I, Mn, and Cu, and positively correlated with milk Ca and P. Grass/grass-clover silage and dry-straights were positively correlated with I, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn and negatively correlated with Na. Intakes of maize silage, blends, moist by-products, oils and minerals were negatively correlated with Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, Ca and P. Milk from low/no grazing periods contained, on average, more I (+21.1%), Mn (19.5%), Cu (+16.9%), Zn (+6.1%) and Mo (+5.5%), than milk produced from the grazing season, although between-month differences were not always significant.
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