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Customer experience quality: an exploration in business and consumer contexts using repertory grid technique

Lemke, F., Clark, M. and Wilson, H. (2011) Customer experience quality: an exploration in business and consumer contexts using repertory grid technique. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39 (6). pp. 846-869. ISSN 1552-7824

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1007/s11747-010-0219-0


This study proposes a conceptual model for customer experience quality and its impact on customer relationship outcomes. Customer experience is conceptualized as the customer’s subjective response to the holistic direct and indirect encounter with the firm, and customer experience quality as its perceived excellence or superiority. Using the repertory grid technique in 40 interviews in B2B and B2C contexts, the authors find that customer experience quality is judged with respect to its contribution to value-in-use, and hence propose that value-in-use mediates between experience quality and relationship outcomes. Experience quality includes evaluations not just of the firm’s products and services but also of peer-to-peer and complementary supplier encounters. In assessing experience quality in B2B contexts, customers place a greater emphasis on firm practices that focus on understanding and delivering value-in-use than is generally the case in B2C contexts. Implications for practitioners’ customer insight processes and future research directions are suggested.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Henley Business School > Digitalisation, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
ID Code:18992
Uncontrolled Keywords:Customer experience; Repertory grid; Service quality; Service-dominant logic

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