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Norm-based abduction process (NAP) in developing information architecture

Tan, C., Abdaless, S. and Liu, K. (2018) Norm-based abduction process (NAP) in developing information architecture. In: Liu, K., Nakata, K. ORCID:, Li, W. (V.) ORCID: and Baranauskas, C. (eds.) Digitalisation, Innovation, and Transformation. Springer, pp. 33-42. ISBN 9783319945415

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94541-5_4


Abduction is a logical reasoning process that allows the discovery and creation of new knowledge. However, the function of knowledge is not explicitly developed in the existing research on abduction. Developing information architecture is a scientific inquiry in a practical context as it engages multiple stakeholders. However, the current research in information architecture does not appear to be underpinned by sound theoretical foundations. This paper proposes a norm-based abduction process (NAP) where norms are seen as knowledge in developing information architecture. A case study of a UK hospital is used for illustration purposes. The key contribution of this paper is to incorporate norms in the existing abduction process, to assert abduction as the foundation of a logical reasoning process and to derive a theoretical proposition for information architecture.

Item Type:Book or Report Section
Divisions:Henley Business School > Digitalisation, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
ID Code:80517
Additional Information:18th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2018 Reading, UK, July 16–18, 2018 Proceedings

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