Number of items: 29.
Vasileiadis, V., Froud-Williams, R. J., Loddo, D. and Eleftherohorinos, I. G.
Emergence dynamics of barnyardgrass and jimsonweed from two depths when switching from conventional to reduced and no-till conditions.
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14 (1).
ISSN 1695-971X
Vasileiadis, V. P., Froud-Williams, R. J. and Eleftherohorinos, I. G.
Tillage and herbicide treatments with inter-row
cultivation influence weed densities and yield of
three industrial crops.
Weed Biology and Management, 12 (2).
pp. 84-90.
ISSN 1444-6162
Efthimiadou, A., Bilalis, D., Karkanis, A., Froud-Williams, B. and Eleftherochorinos, I.
Effects of cultural system (organic and conventional) on growth, photosynthesis and yield components of sweet corn (zea mays L.) under semi-arid environment.
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 37 (2).
pp. 104-111.
ISSN 1842-4309
Morris, N. L., Miller, P. C. H., Orson, J. H. and Froud-Williams, R. J.
The effect of wheat straw residue on the emergence and early growth of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus).
European Journal of Agronomy, 30 (3).
pp. 151-162.
ISSN 1161-0301
Prematilake, K. G., Froud-Williams, R. J. and Ekanayake, P. B.
Appraisal of the weed seedbank in low-grown tea (Camellia sinensis [(L)O. Kuntze]) soil under different weed management techniques.
Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science, 73.
pp. 11-28.
ISSN 1010-4208
Marshall, H.M.L., Froud-Williams, R.J. and Orson, J.H.
Management of grass weeds in overwintering stubbles.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 81.
pp. 141-148.
ISSN 0265-1491
Morris, N. L., Miller, P. C. H., Orson, J. H. and Froud-Williams, R. J.
Soil disturbed using a strip tillage implement on a range of soil types and the effects on sugar beet establishment.
Soil Use and Management, 23 (4).
pp. 428-436.
ISSN 0266-0032
Vasileiadis, V. P., Froud-Williams, R. J. and Eleftherohorinos, I. G.
Vertical distribution, size and composition of the weed seedbank under various tillage and herbicide treatments in a sequence of industrial crops.
Weed Research, 47 (3).
pp. 222-230.
ISSN 0043-1737
Sim, L. C., Froud-Williams, R. J. and Gooding, M. J.
The influence of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp oleifera var. biennis) canopy size on grass weed growth and grass weed seed return.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 145.
pp. 313-327.
ISSN 0021-8596
Sim, L. C., Froud-Williams, R. J. and Gooding, M. J.
The influence of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp oleifera var. biennis) cultivar and grass genotype on the competitive balance between crop and grass weeds.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 145.
pp. 329-342.
ISSN 0021-8596
Sim, L.C. , Froud-Williams, R.J. and Gooding, M.J.
The influence of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera var. biennis) cultivar and grass genotype on the competitive balance between crop and grass weeds.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 145.
pp. 313-327.
Aflakpui, G.K.S., Gregory, P.J. and Froud-Williams, R.J.
Carbon (13C) and nitrogen (15 N) translocation in a maize-striga hermonthica association.
Experimental Agriculture, 41 (3).
pp. 321-333.
ISSN 0014-4797
Aflakpui, G. K. S., Gregory, P. and Froud-Williams, R. J.
Carbon (C-13) and nitrogen (N-15) translocation in a maize-Striga hermonthica association.
Experimental Agriculture, 41 (3).
pp. 321-333.
ISSN 0014-4797
Holmes, R.J. and Froud-Williams, R.J.
Post dispersal weed seed predation by avian and non-avian predators.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 105 (1-2).
pp. 23-37.
ISSN 0167-8809
Mauchline, A. L., Watson, S.J., Brown, V.K. and Froud-Williams, R. J.
Post-dispersal seed predation of non-target weeds in arable crops.
Weed Research, 45 (2).
pp. 157-164.
ISSN 0043-1737
Gitsopoulos, T.K. and Froud-Williams, R.J.
Studies on the effects of oxadiargyl on direct-seeded rice and Echinochloa crus-galli under drained and flooded conditions.
Weed Research, 44 (4).
pp. 329-339.
ISSN 0043-1737
Prematilake, K.G. , Froud-Williams, R.J. and Ekanayake, P.B.
Studies on weed infestation and tea growth under various weed management methods in a young Tea (Camellia sinensis [L.] kuntze) plantation.
Weed Biology and Management, 4 (4).
pp. 239-248.
ISSN 1444-6162
Korres, N.E. and Froud-Williams, R.J.
The interrelationships of winter wheat cultivars, crop density and competition of naturally occurring weed flora.
Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 22 (1).
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 0144-8765
Korres, N.E., Froud-Williams, R.J. and Moss, S.R.
Chlorophyll fluorescence technique as a rapid diagnostic test of the effects of the photosynthetic inhibitor chlorotoluron on two winter wheat cultivars.
Annals of Applied Biology, 143 (1).
pp. 53-56.
ISSN 0003-4746
Watson, S.J., Mauchline, A.L., Brown, V.K. and Froud-Williams, R.J.
Post-dispersal losses of Stellaria media and Polygonum aviculare seeds in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare).
Aspects of Applied Biology, 69.
pp. 203-208.
Book or Report Section
Hatcher, P. E. and Froud-Williams, R. J.
13. Perennial weeds.
In: Hatcher, P. E. and Froud-Williams, R. J. (eds.)
Weed Research: Expanding Horizons.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Hoboken, USA, pp. 389-412.
ISBN 9781119969143
Froud-Williams, R.J.
Weed control in amenity landscapes.
In: Hitchmough, J. and Fieldhouse, K. (eds.)
Plant User Specification Guide: a guide to effective specifying.
Blackwells, pp. 74-88.
ISBN 9780632058433
Conference or Workshop Item
Vasileiadis, V., Froud-Williams, R.J. and Eleftherohorinos, I.G.
Effects of crop species, tillage regime and herbicide treatment on dynamics of Mediterranean arable weed seedbanks.
In: 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari.
Marshall, H.L.M., Froud-Williams, R.J. and Orson, J. H.
Management of grass-weeds in overwintering stubbles.
In: 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari.
Froud-Williams, R.J.
Weed control or vegetation management? The contribution of weed biology & weed ecology.
In: 10th Congress of the Spanish Weed Science Society. Malherbologia Iberica y Magrebi: Soluciones Comunes & Problemas Comunes, xxiii-xxxvi.
Bhan, A. and Froud-Williams, R.J.
Wheat-Phalaris spp. Competition/interference studies using additive design series experiments.
In: British Crop Protection Council International Congress, Crop Science & Technology.
Froud-Williams, R.J.
Ecological significance of weeds.
In: Weeds on the Go.
Uludag, A., Bohren, C., Bulcke, R., Demirci, M., Dobrzanski, A., Froud-Williams, R.J., Hoek, H., Rocha, F., Stagnari, F., Tei, F., Verschwele, A. and Zaragoza, C.
Weeds and weed management in peas - a review.
In: 7th EWRS (European Weed Research Society) Mediterranean Symposium, Adana, Turkey.
Hatcher, P. E. and Froud-Williams, R. J.
Weed research: expanding horizons.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, USA, pp432.
ISBN 9781119969143
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 04:55:49 2025 UTC.