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Number of items: 46.


Pain, K. ORCID:, Shu, S., Black, D., Blower, J., Grimmond, S. ORCID:, Hunt, A., Milcheva, S., Crawford, B., Dale, N., Doolin, S. and Manna, S. (2023) Real estate investment and urban density: exploring the polycentric urban region using a topological lens. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (2). pp. 241-260. ISSN 2162-268X doi:

Troccoli, A., Goodess, C., Jones, P., Penny, L., Dorling, S., Harpham, C., Dubus, L., Parey, S., Claudel, S., Khong, D.-H., Bett, P. E., Thornton, H., Ranchin, T., Wald, L., Saint-Drenan, Y.-M., De Felice, M., Brayshaw, D. ORCID:, Suckling, E., Percy, B. and Blower, J. (2018) Creating a proof-of-concept climate service to assess future renewable energy mixes in Europe: an overview of the C3S ECEM project. Advances in Science and Research, 15. pp. 191-205. ISSN 1992-0636 doi:

Hassell, D. ORCID:, Gregory, J. ORCID:, Blower, J., Lawrence, B. N. ORCID: and Taylor, K. E. (2017) A data model of the Climate and Forecast metadata conventions (CF-1.6) with a software implementation (cf-python v2.1). Geoscientific Model Development, 10 (12). pp. 4619-4646. ISSN 1991-9603 doi:

Clifford, D., Alegre, R., Bennett, V., Blower, J., DeLuca, C., Kershaw, P., Lynnes, C., Mattmann, C., Phipps, R. and Rozum, I. (2016) Capturing and sharing our collective expertise on climate data: the CHARMe project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97 (4). pp. 531-539. ISSN 1520-0477 doi:

Blower, J. D., Masó, J., Díaz, D., Roberts, C. J. ORCID:, Griffiths, G. H. ORCID:, Lewis, J. P., Yang, X. and Pons, X. (2015) Communicating thematic data quality with web map services. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4 (4). pp. 1965-1981. ISSN 2220-9964 doi:

Yang, X., Wallom, D., Waddington, S., Wang, J., Shaon, A., Matthews, B., Wilson, M., Guo, Y., Guo, L., Blower, J. D., Athanasios, V. V., Liu, K. and Kershaw, P. (2014) Cloud computing in e-science: research challenges and opportunities. Journal of Supercomputing, 70 (1). pp. 408-464. ISSN 0920-8542 doi:

Blower, J., Alegre, R., Bennett, V. L., Clifford, D., Kershaw, P. J., Lawrence, B. ORCID:, Lewis, J., Marsh, K., Nagni, M., O'Neill, A. and Phipps, R. (2014) Understanding climate data through commentary metadata: the CHARMe project. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 416. pp. 28-39. ISSN 1865-0929 doi: (Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries -- TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops)

Blower, J., Gemmell, A., Griffiths, G. ORCID:, Haines, K. ORCID:, Santokhee, A. and Yang, X. (2013) A Web Map Service implementation for the visualization of multidimensional gridded environmental data. Environmental Modelling and Software, 47. pp. 218-224. ISSN 1364-8152 doi:

Yang, X., Blower, J.D., Bastin, L., Lush, V., Zabala, A., Maso, J., Cornford, D., Diaz, P. and Lumsden, J. (2012) An integrated view of data quality in Earth observation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371 (1983). 20120072. ISSN 1364-503X doi: (Special Issue S1)

Gemmell, A. L., Barciela, R. M., Blower, J. D., Haines, K. ORCID:, Harpham, Q., Millard, K., Price, M. R. and Saulter, A. (2011) An ECOOP web portal for visualising and comparing distributed coastal oceanography model and in situ data. Ocean Science, 7. pp. 445-454. ISSN 1812-0792 doi:

Fiore, S., Aloisio, G., Fox, P., Petitdidier, M., Schwichtenberg, H., Denvil, S., Blower, J. and Cofino, A. (2011) The Climate-G testbed: towards large scale distributed data management for climate change. Procedia Computer Science, 4. pp. 567-576. ISSN 1877-0509 doi:

Blower, J. D., Blanc, F., Clancy, R. M., Cornillon, P., Donlon, C., Hacker, P., Haines, K. ORCID:, Hankin, S. C., Loubrieu, T., Pouliquen, S., Price, M., Pugh, T. F. and Srinivasan, A. (2009) Serving GODAE Data and Products to the Ocean Community. Oceanography, 22 (3). pp. 70-79. ISSN 1042-8275

Gemmell, A., Smith, G., Haines, K. ORCID: and Blower, J. D. (2009) Validation of ocean model syntheses against hydrography using a new web application. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2 (2). pp. 29-41. ISSN 1755-8778

Blower, J. D., Haines, K. ORCID:, Santokhee, A. and Liu, C. L. (2009) GODIVA2: interactive visualization of environmental data on the Web. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Part A, 367 (1890). p. 1035. ISSN 1364-503X doi:

Bretherton, D. A., Blower, J. D., Haines, K. ORCID: and Smith, G.C. (2009) Running climate models on grids using G-Rex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 367 (1890 ). 847 -853. ISSN 1364-503X doi:

Gemmell, A.L., Smith, G.C., Haines, K. ORCID: and Blower, J.D. (2008) Evaluation of water masses in ocean synthesis products. CLIVAR-Exchanges, 13 (47). pp. 7-9.

Haines, K. ORCID:, Blower, J.D., Liu, C.L. and Santokhee, A. (2008) Delivering NCOF operational marine data through the Internet. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 1 (2). pp. 35-39. ISSN 1755-8778

Haines, K. ORCID:, Blower, J., Liu, C. and Santokhee, A. (2007) Delivering NCOF operational marine data through the Internet. IMarEst Proceedings (March 2006).

Haines, K. ORCID:, Blower, J.D., Drecourt, J.-P., Liu, C.. , Vidard, A., Astin, I. and Zhou, X. (2006) Salinity assimilation using S(T) relationships. Part 1: Theory. Monthly Weather Review, 134. pp. 759-771.

Blower, J.D., Harrison, A. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2006) Styx Grid Services: lightweight, easy-to-use middleware for scientific workflows. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3993. pp. 996-1003. ISSN 0302-9743 doi:

Blower, J. D., Harrison, A.B. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2006) Styx grid services: lightweight middleware for efficient scientific workflows. Scientific Programming, 14 (3-4). pp. 209-216. ISSN 1875-919X

Blower, J.D., Keating, H.M. and Phillips, J.C. (2003) The evolution of bubble size distributions in volcanic eruptions. J. Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 120. pp. 1-23.

Book or Report Section

Jones, M., Blower, J., Lawrence, B. ORCID: and Osprey, A. (2016) Investigating read performance of Python and NetCDF when using HPC parallel filesystems. In: Taufer, M., Mohr, B. and Kunkel, J. M. (eds.) High Performance Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9945. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 153-168. ISBN 9783319460789 doi:

Blower, J., Haines, K. ORCID: and Gemmell, A. (2013) The world at one's fingertips: interactive interpretation of environmental data. In: Atkinson, M., Baxter, R., Brezany, P., Corcho, O., Galea, M., van Hemert, J., Parsons, M. and Snelling, D. (eds.) The DATA bonanza: improving knowledge discovery for science, engineering and business. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, pp. 395-416. ISBN 9781118398647 doi:

Hankin, S., Bermudez, L., Blower, J. D., Blumenthal, B., Casey, K. S., Fornwall, M., Graybeal, J., Guralnick, R. P., Habermann, T., Howlett, E., Keeley, B., Mendelssohn, R., Schlitzer, R., Signell, R., Snowden, D. and Woolf, A. (2010) Data management for the ocean sciences - perspectives for the next decade. In: Hall, J., Harrison, D. E. and Stammer, D. (eds.) Proceedings of OceanObs’09: sustained ocean observations and information for society. Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009. ESA. doi: (ESA Publication WPP-306)

Blower, J. D., Hankin, S.C., Keeley, R., Pouliquen, S., de la Beaujardiere, J., Vanden Berghe, E., Reed, G., Blanc, F., Gregg, M.C., Fredericks, J. and Snowden, D. (2010) Ocean data dissemination: new challenges for data integration. In: Hall, J., Harrison, D. E. and Stammer, D. (eds.) Proceedings of OceanObs’09: sustained ocean observations and information for society. Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009. ESA. doi: (ESA Publication WPP-306)

Pouliquen, S., Hankin, S., Keeley, R., Blower, J. D., Donlon, C., Kozyr, A. and Guralnick, R. (2010) The development of the data system and growth in data sharing. In: Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. and Stammer, D. (eds.) Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society. Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009. ESA. doi: (ESA Publication WPP-306)


Blower, J., (2019) Using Open Source software to build networks and create impact in environmental science. Open Research Case Studies. Report. University of Reading

Pain, K. ORCID:, Black, D., Blower, J., Grimmond, S. ORCID:, Hunt, A., Milcheva, S., Crawford, B., Dale, N., Doolin, S., Manna, S., Shi, S. and Pugh, R., (2018) Supporting smart urban growth: successful investing in density. Report. Urban Land Institute

Blower, J., Riechert, M. and Roberts, B., (2017) Overview of the CoverageJSON format. Report. World Wide Web Consortium / Open Geospatial Consortium

Dixon, T. ORCID:, Barlow, J., Grimmond, S. ORCID: and Blower, J., (2015) Smart and sustainable: using Big Data to improve peoples' lives in cities. Discussion Paper. University of Reading, Reading. ISSN 2058-9751

Conference or Workshop Item

Blower, J. and Riechert, M. (2016) Coverages, JSON-LD and RDF data cubes. In: Workshop on Spatial Data on the Web (SDW 2016), 27-30 Sep 2016, Montreal, Canada.

Clifford, D., Blower, J., Alegre, R., Phipps, R., Bennett, V. and Kershaw, P. (2014) Annotating climate data with commentary: the CHARMe project. In: Big Data from Space (BiDS'14), pp. 251-254.

Griffiths, G. ORCID:, Haines, K. ORCID:, Blower, J., Lewis, J. and Lin, N. (2014) The Environmental Data Abstraction Library (EDAL): a modular approach to processing and visualising large environmental data. In: 2014 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’14), 12-14 November 2014, Frascati, pp. 97-100.

Blower, J., Clifford, D., Gonçalves, P. and Koubarakis, M. (2014) The MELODIES project: integrating diverse data using Linked Data and cloud computing. In: 2014 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’14), 12-14 November 2014, Frascati, pp. 244-247.

Blower, J. and Clegg, A. (2011) Fast regridding of large, complex geospatial datasets. In: Com.Geo 2011: The 2nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications, 23-25 May 2011, Washington D.C., pp. 1-6. (10.1145/1999320.1999350)

Blower, J. D. (2010) GIS in the cloud: implementing a web map service on Google App Engine. In: Com.Geo 2010: The 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications, 21-23 June 2010, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-4. doi:

Bretherton, D. A., Blower, J. D. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2009) The NERC Cluster Grid. In: Cluster Computing Summer School 2009, 8th - 9th July 2009, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Bretherton, D. A., Blower, J. D. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2008) Running Climate Models On The NERC Cluster Grid Using G-Rex. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2008, 8th-11th September 2008, National e-Science Centre, Edinburgh.

Bretherton, D. A., Blower, J. D. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2008) Grid Remote Execution (G-Rex) of Climate Models. In: The Environmental e-Science Revolution, 7th-8th April 2008, The Royal Society, London.

Bretherton, D., Blower, J. D. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2008) The NERC Cluster Grid. In: 3rd GRID & e-Collaboration Workshop for the Earth Science Community, 16th-17th January 2008, European Space Agency, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.

Lawrence, B. N., Kershaw, P. and Blower, J. (2007) Practical access control using NDG security. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nottingham, UK, pp. 262-269.

Blower, J. D., Gemmell, A., Haines, K. ORCID:, Kirsch, P., Cunningham, N., Fleming, A. and Lowry, R. (2007) Sharing and visualizing environmental data using Virtual Globes. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nottingham, UK, pp. 102-109.

Blower, J.D. and Haines, K. ORCID: (2006) Building simple, easy-to-use Grids with Styx Grid Services and SSH. In: Proceedings of the IEEE e-Science Conference, Amsterdam, 8pp.

Haines, K. ORCID:, Blower, J.D., Liu, C.L. and Santokhee, A. (2006) Delivering NCOF operational marine data through the Internet. In: Proceedings of the IMarEst World Maritime Technology Conference .

Blower, J.D., Haines, K. ORCID: and Llewellyn, E. (2005) Data streaming, workflow and firewall-friendly Grid Services with Styx. In: Proceedings of the UK e-science Meeting, 19th-22nd September, Nottingham.

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