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Number of items: 35.


Waters, J. (2021) Lieu de mémoire, lieu d’oubli, lieu de réparation?: the colonial house in contemporary Mauritian art and literature. Francosphères, 10 (1). pp. 43-62. ISSN 2046-3839 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) ‘Les années de braise’ reconsidered: literary representations of Mauritian independence, fifty years on. South Asian Diaspora, 10 (2). pp. 75-90. ISSN 1943-8192 doi:

Waters, J. (2010) Un monde d’objets et de gestes : la représentation du corps féminin dans La Jalousie d’Alain Robbe-Grillet. Roman 20-50: revue d'étude du roman du XXe siècle, 6. pp. 151-163. ISSN 0295-5024

Waters, J. (2008) From continents noirs to collection blanche: from other to same? The case of Ananda Devi. e-france, 2. pp. 55-74. (special issue: ‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean)

Waters, J. (2008) Introduction:‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean. e-france, 2. pp. 3-8. (special issue: ‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean)

Waters, J. (2004) Contextualising Métissage in Duras's Indochinese novels. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 2 (1). pp. 79-82.

Waters, J. (2004) Continents apart: intertextual subversion in Justine Mintsa's 'Histoire d'Awu'. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 2 (2). pp. 34-50.

Waters, J. (2004) 'Ton continent est noir': rethinking feminist metaphors in Ananda Devi's 'Pagli'. Dalhousie French Studies, 68. pp. 45-55.

Waters, J. (2003) Marguerite Duras and colonialist discourse: an intertextual reading of 'L'Empire français' and 'Un barrage contre le Pacifique'. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 39 (3). pp. 254-266. ISSN 1471-6860 doi:

Book or Report Section

Waters, J. (2024) Continuity or rupture?: remapping the end of empire in Marguerite Duras’s ‘Cycle Indien’. In: Arens, S., Frith, N., Lewis, J. and Vince, R. (eds.) Colonial Continuities and Decoloniality in the French-Speaking World: From Nostalgia to Resistance. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 14. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781802078862

Waters, J. (2020) La Case créole. In: Achille, E., Forsdick, C. and Moudileno, L. (eds.) Postcolonial Realms of Memory. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781789620665

Waters, J. (2019) C'est l'endroit qui nous a faits ainsi: place, gender and belonging in Nathacha Appanah's 'Blue Bay Palace' and Ananda Devi's 'Eve de ses décombres'. In: McIllvanney, S. and Ni Cheallaigh, G. (eds.) Women in the City: French Literature and Culture. French and Francophone Studies. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786834324

Waters, J. (2019) La vraie "géographie fausse" du Cycle Indien. In: Ammour-Mayeur, O., Chalonge, de, F., Mervel, Y. and Rodgers, C. (eds.) Marguerite Duras: passages, croisements, rencontres. Editions Garnier, Paris.

Waters, J. (2018) Belonging nowhere: Shenaz Patel’s Le Silence des Chagos. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 110-138. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) Belonging to the island: Nathacha Appanah’s Blue Bay Palace and Ananda Devi’s Ève de ses décombres. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 77-108. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) Belonging to the moment: Carl de Souza's Les Jours Kaya. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 51-76. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) Everyday Belonging : Bertrand de Robillard’s L’Homme qui penche and Une interminable distraction au monde. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 139-167. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) Nomadic belonging: Amal Sewtohul’s Histoire d’Ashok et d’autres personnages de moindre importance and Made in Mauritius. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 168-199. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) Over the rainbow. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 202-218. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2018) Introduction. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 1-49. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. (2017) Rewriting Mauritius: Ananda Devi's postcolonial self-translation. In: Misrahi-Barak, J. and Ravi, S. (eds.) Translating the Postcolonial in Multilingual Contexts'. PoCo Pages, 2017. Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, pp. 53-70. ISBN 9782367812410

Waters, J. (2013) Ananda Devi as writer and translator: in interview with Julia Waters. In: Batchelor, K. and Bidsdorff, C. (eds.) Intimate Enemies: Translation in Francophone Contexts. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 117-123. ISBN 9781846318672

Waters, J. (2013) Ananda Devi as transcolonial translator. In: Batchelor, K. and Bisdorff, C. (eds.) Intimate Enemies: Translation in Francophone Texts. Francophone Postcolonial Studies (4). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 216-234. ISBN 9781846318672

Waters, J. (2013) Faiblesse de l'amant chinois: l'expression d'une beauté masculine idéale? In: Limam-Tnani, N. (ed.) Marguerite Duras: Altérité et étrangeté ou la douleur de l'écriture et de la lecture. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, France, pp. 163-176. ISBN 9782753521735

Waters, J. (2011) The gender politics of food in Ananda Devi's recent novels. In: Bragard, V. and Ravi, S. (eds.) Écritures mauriciennes au féminin: penser l'altérité. L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 249-269. ISBN 9782296542112

Waters, J. (2010) Packaging the Francophone "African" novel: a new exoticism? In: Daramola, A. and Makokha , J.K.S. (eds.) Tales, Tellers and Talesmanship: Aspects of Literary Stylistics and Narratology in Contemporary African Literature. VDM Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-35.

Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (2007) Introduction: gender, generation and legacy. In: Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (eds.) Women's Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9781847181657

Waters, J. (2007) Writing Indochina: Marguerite Duras and Pascale Roze. In: Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (eds.) Women's writing in western Europe: gender, generation and legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 85-101. ISBN 9781847181657

Waters, J. (2005) "Cholen, la capitale chinoise de l'Indochine francaise": rereading Marguerite Duras's (Indo)Chinese space. In: Robson , K. and Yee, J. (eds.) France and 'Indochina': Cultural Representations. After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France. Lexington Books, Lanham and New York, pp. 179-191. ISBN 9780739108390

Waters, J. (2004) Marguerite ou l'enchantement: l'angoisse de l'influence chez Alain Robbe-Grillet. In: Saemmer, A. and Patrice, S. (eds.) Les Lectures de Marguerite Duras. Presses Universitaires de Lyon, Lyon and Paris, pp. 269-277. ISBN 9782729707453

Waters, J. (2003) Colonial undercurrents: the motif of the Mekong in Marguerite Duras's "Indochinese" texts. In: Forsdick, C. and Murphy, D. (eds.) Francophone Postcolonial Studies: A Critical Introduction. Arnold, London and New York, pp. 253-262. ISBN 9780340808023


Waters, J. (2018) The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp224. ISBN 9781786941497 doi:

Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (2007) Women's writing in western Europe: gender, generation and legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp460. ISBN 9781847181657

Waters, J. (2006) Duras and Indochina: postcolonial perspectives. S.F.P.S. critical studies in postcolonial literature and culture. Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies, pp117. ISBN 9780954166212

Waters, J. (2000) Intersexual rivalry: a 'Reading in Pairs' of Marguerite Duras and Alain Robbe-Grillet. Modern French Indentities, 2. Peter Lang, Bern and New York, pp228. ISBN 9783906763743

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