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Number of items: 35. 2022
Meen, G., Mihailov, A. 2019Gibb, K., Meen, G. and Nygaard, C. (2019) Long-run urban dynamics: understanding local housing market change in London. Housing Studies, 34 (2). pp. 338-359. ISSN 0267-3037 doi: 2016Meen, G. (2016) Spatial housing economics: a survey. Urban Studies, 53 (10). pp. 1987-2003. ISSN 1360-063X doi: Meen, G., Gibb, K., Leishman, C. and Nygaard, C. A. (2016) Housing economics: a historical approach. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137472700 2013Nygaard, A. and Meen, G. (2013) The distribution of London residential property prices and the role of spatial lock-in. Urban Studies, 50 (12). pp. 2535-2552. ISSN 1360-063X doi: Meen, G. (2013) Homeownership for future generations in the UK. Urban Studies, 50 (4). pp. 637-656. ISSN 0042-0980 doi: 2012Meen, G. (2012) The adjustment of housing markets to migration change: lessons from modern history. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 59 (5). pp. 500-522. ISSN 1467-9485 doi: Meen, G. (2012) Forecasting in housing research. In: Smith, S. J., Elsinga, M., Fox-O’Mahony, L., Ong, S. E. and Wachter, S. (eds.) International encyclopedia of housing and home. Elsevier. ISBN 9780080471631 Meen, G. (2012) House price determination. In: Smith, S. J., Elsinga, M., Fox-O’Mahony, L., Ong, S. E. and Wachter, S. (eds.) International encyclopedia of housing and home. Elsevier . ISBN 9780080471631 Meen, G. (2012) Policies to address social mix in communities. In: Smith, S. J., Elsinga, M., Fox-O’Mahony, L., Ong, S. E. and Wachter, S. (eds.) International encyclopedia of housing and home. Elsevier . ISBN 9780080471631 Meen, G. (2012) Simulation models for housing analysis. In: Smith, S. J., Elsinga, M., Fox-O’Mahony, L., Ong, S. E. and Wachter, S. (eds.) International encyclopedia of housing and home. Elsevier. ISBN 9780080471631 2011Meen, G. (2011) A long-run model of housing affordability. Housing Studies, 26 (7-8). pp. 1081-1103. ISSN 1466-1810 doi: Meen, G. (2011) The economic consequences of mortgage debt. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 26 (3). pp. 263-276. ISSN 1573-7772 doi: Meen, G. and Nygaard, C. (2011) Local housing supply and the impact of history and geography. Urban Studies, 48 (14). pp. 3107-3124. ISSN 1360-063X doi: 2010
Crampton, G. R., Francis-Brophy, E., Meen, G., Nygaard, C., Pain, K. Ball, M. J., Meen, G. P. and Nygaard, C.-A. B. (2010) Housing supply price elasticities revisited: evidence from international, national, local and company data. Journal of Housing Economics, 19 (4). pp. 255-268. ISSN 1051-1377 doi: 2009Meen, G. (2009) Modelling local spatial poverty traps in England. Housing Studies, 24 (1). pp. 127-147. ISSN 1466-1810 doi: Ball, M., Goody, J., Meen, G. and Nygaard, A., (2009) Housing supply revisited: evidence from international, national, regional, local and company data. Immigration, the economy and regeneration. Volume 3. Report. Department of Communities and Local Government, London. pp77. ISBN 9781409824688 2008Meen, G. (2008) Ten new propositions in UK housing macroeconomics: an overview of the first years of the century. Urban Studies, 45 (13). pp. 2759-2781. ISSN 0042-0980 doi: Meen, G., (2008) Recent developments in the Communities and Local Government Affordability Model. Housing and Built Environment, Housing, Building and Construction.. Report. Communities and Local Government Publications ISBN 9781409801801 Meen, G. and Andrew, M. (2008) Planning for housing in the post-Barker era: affordibility, household formation and tenure choice. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 24 (1). pp. 79-98. ISSN 1460-2121 doi: 2007Meen, G. (2007) Micro cosmos: dynamics of long-term change in inner London. In: The Vital City, 12-14 Sep 2007, University of Glasgow. Nygaard, C., Meen, D. and Meen, G. (2007) A tale of two Victorian cities in the 21st century. In: 13th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, 21-24 Jan 2007, Fremantle. 2006Andrew, M. and Meen, G. (2006) Population structure and location choice: a study of London and south east England. Papers in Regional Science, 85 (3). pp. 401-419. ISSN 1435-5957 doi: 2005Meen, G., Gibb, K., Goody, J., McGrath, T. and Mackinnon, J., (2005) Economic segregation in England: causes, consequences and policy. Report. Policy Press, Bristol. pp80. ISBN 9781861348135 Meen, G. (2005) On the economics of the Barker Review of housing supply. Housing Studies, 20 (6). pp. 949-971. ISSN 1466-1810 doi: 2004Meen, G. and Andrew, M. (2004) Housing, property and economic performance: the role of housing in city economic performance. In: Boddy, M. and Parkinson, M. (eds.) City matters: competitiveness, cohesion, and urban governance. The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 199-216. ISBN 9781861344458 Meen, G. and Andrew, M. (2004) On the use of policy to reduce housing market segmentation. Regional science and urban economics, 34 (6). pp. 727-751. ISSN 0166-0462 doi: 2003Meen, G. (2003) UK housing markets and monetary union. In: Submissions on EMU from leading academics. HM Treasury, London, pp. 165-170. ISBN 9780118490054 Meen, G. and Meen, D. (2003) Social behaviour as a basis for modelling the urban housing market: a review. Urban Studies, 40 (5-6). pp. 917-935. ISSN 1360-063X doi: Andrew, M., Evans, A., Koundouri, P. and Meen, G., (2003) Residential stamp duty: time for a change? Report. Council of Mortgage Lenders pp72. ISBN 9781872423999 Meen, G. and Andrew, M. (2003) House price appreciation, transactions and structural change in the British housing market: a macroeconomic perspective. Real Estate Economics, 31 (1). pp. 99-116. ISSN 1540-6229 doi: Andrew, M. and Meen, G. (2003) Housing transactions and the changing decisions of young households in Britain: the microeconomic evidence. Real Estate Economics, 31 (1). pp. 117-138. ISSN 1540-6229 doi: 2002Meen, G. (2002) Housing, random walks, complexity and the macroeconomy. In: O'Sullivan, T. and Gibb, K. (eds.) Housing economics and public policy. Real estate issues. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 90-109. ISBN 9780632064618 1995Meen, G. (1995) Is housing good for the economy? Housing Studies, 10 (3). pp. 405-424. ISSN 0267-3037 doi: |