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Number of items: 17. 2020
Portillo Ramirez, M. and Matthews, W. Portillo, M., Ball, T. B., Wallace, M., Murphy, C., Pérez-Díaz, S., Ruiz-Alonso, M., Aceituno, F. J. and López-Sáez, J. A. (2020) Advances in morphometrics in archaeobotany. Environmental Archaeology: the Journal of Human Palaeoecology, 25 (2). pp. 246-256. ISSN 1749-6314 doi:
Garcia-Suarez, A., Portillo, M. and Matthews, W.
Banerjea, R. Y.
Portillo Ramirez, M., García-Suárez, A. and Matthews, W. 2019
Portillo, M., Garcia-Suarez, A., Klimowicz, A., Barański, M. Z. and Matthews, W. Potì, A., Kehl, M., Broich, M., Carrión Marco, Y., Hutterer, R., Jentke, T., Linstädter, J., López-Sáez, J. A., Mikdad, A., Morales, J., Pérez-Díaz, S., Portillo Ramirez, M., Schmid, C., Vidal-Matutano, P. and Weniger, G.-C. (2019) Human occupation and environmental change in the western Maghreb during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Late Glacial. New evidence from the Iberomaurusian site Ifri El Baroud (northeast Morocco). Quaternary Science Reviews, 220. pp. 87-110. ISSN 0277-3791 doi: 2018Carrión, Y., Jacob, M., Portillo, M., Pérez-Jordà, G., Peña-Chocarro, L. and Zapata, L. (2018) The use of wild plants in the Palaeolithic and Neolithic of Northwestern Africa: preliminary results from the PALEOPLANT project. In: Mercuri, A. M., D'Andrea, A. C., Fornaciari, R. and Höhn, A. (eds.) Plants and Humans in the African Past. Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer International Publishing, Basel. ISBN 9783319898384 doi: 2017Meister, J., Krause, J., Müller-Neuhof, B., Portillo, M., Reimann, T. and Schütt, B. (2017) Desert agricultural systems at EBA Jawa (Jordan): integrating archaeological and paleoenvironmental records. Quaternary International, 434 (Part B). pp. 33-50. ISSN 1040-6182 doi: Portillo, M., Belarte, M. C., Ramon, J., Kallala, N., Sanmartí, J. and Albert, R. M. (2017) An ethnoarchaeological study of livestock dung fuels from cooking installations in northern Tunisia. Quaternary International, 431. pp. 133-144. ISSN 10406182 doi: Arranz-Otaegui, A., López-Sáez, J. A., Araus, J. L., Portillo, M., Balbo, A., Iriarte, E., Gourichon, L., Braemer, F., Zapata, L. and Ibáñez, J. J. (2017) Landscape transformations at the dawn of agriculture in southern Syria (10.7–9.9 ka cal. BP): plant-specific responses to the impact of human activities and climate change. Quaternary Science Reviews, 158. pp. 145-163. ISSN 02773791 doi: Iriarte-Chiapusso, M. J., Aranburu-Mendizabal, A., Ayerdi, M., Echazarreta-Gallego, A., Hernández-Beloqui, B., Medina-Alcaide, M. Á., Moreno-Larrazabal, A. and Portillo, M. (2017) La ausencia de evidencias no es evidencia de ausencias: la transcendencia de la materia vegetal en las sociedades prehistóricas (Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: the transcendence of vegetation in prehistoric societies ). In: Miscelánea en homenaje a Lydia Zapata Peña (1965-2015). Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, pp. 151-176. ISBN 9788490825792 Portillo, M., Llergo, Y., Ferrer, A. and Albert, R. M. (2017) Tracing microfossil residues of cereal processing in the archaeobotanical record: an experimental approach. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 26 (1). pp. 59-74. ISSN 0939-6314 doi: Henry, D. O., Cordova, C. E., Portillo Ramirez, M., Albert, R.-M., DeWitt, R. and Emery-Barbier, A. (2017) Blame it on the goats? Desertification in the Near East during the Holocene. The Holocene, 27 (5). pp. 625-637. ISSN 0959-6836 doi: 2016Portillo, M. and Albert, R. M. (2016) Les activités domestiques de la période numide à travers de l’étude des microrestes végétaux et fécaux : phytolithes et sphérolithes. In: Althiburos II. L’aire du capitole et la nécropole méridionale : études. Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica- ICAC, pp. 517-527. ISBN 9788494629808 Sanmartí, J., Kallala, N., Belarte, M. C., Ramon, J., Maraoui-Telmini, B., Ben Moussa, M., Tarradell, N., Bel Haj Nasr Loum, Z., Revilla, V., Jornet, R., Campillo, J., Montanero, D., Chérif, S., Fadrique, T., López, D., Portillo, M., Valenzuela, S., Cantero, F., Torchani, M., Jenène, M. and Hatmih, M. (2016) El projecte de recerca arqueològica a Althiburos i els seus encontorns (El Kef, Tunísia). Tribuna D'Arqueologia, 2013-2014. pp. 345-364. ISSN 1130-7781 Ball, T. B., Davis, A., Evett, R. R., Ladwig, J. L., Tromp, M., Out, W. A. and Portillo, M. (2016) Morphometric analysis of phytoliths: recommendations towards standardization from the International Committee for Phytolith Morphometrics. Journal of Archaeological Science, 68. pp. 106-111. ISSN 03054403 doi: |