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The effects of flavonoid supplementation on the mental health of postpartum mothers

Colombage, R. L., Holden, S., Lamport, D. J. ORCID: and Barfoot, K. L. ORCID: (2024) The effects of flavonoid supplementation on the mental health of postpartum mothers. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 5. 1345353. ISSN 2673-5059

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To link to this item DOI: 10.3389/fgwh.2024.1345353


Introduction: During the postpartum period, parents face psychological challenges and resultantly, changes in mood and associated mood disorders have become increasingly prevalent in the 6-months following birth. Dietary flavonoids have been found to benefit mood and are therefore an appealing non-pharmacological option for potentially treating mood disorders in the postpartum. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a two-week dietary flavonoid intervention would improve mothers’ and fathers’ mental health in the immediate 6-month postpartum period. Method: The study employed a randomised, parallel groups, controlled design to explore the effects of a flavonoid intervention versus control group on several outcomes, including mood (PANAS), postpartum depression (EPDS), postpartum anxiety (PSAS-RSF-C) and quality of life (WHOQOL). Sixty participants (mothers n=40, fathers n=20) in the 6-month post-partum period were randomised to either a ‘flavonoid’ or ‘control’ condition. The flavonoid group were asked to add two flavonoid-rich foods (approximate flavonoid intake 218mg/day) into their daily diet whilst controls (n=23) were asked to continue with their usual diet for two-weeks ( (NCT04990622). Results: Significant effects were found in the flavonoid group where mothers reported higher positive affect and lower postpartum depression after the two-week intervention relative to baseline. This finding is especially relevant as a clinical reduction in postpartum depression scores in the flavonoid group by on average 2.6 scoring points was observed, which equated to a reduction from ‘possible depression’ at baseline to ‘little or no depression’ at 2-weeks, which was not observed in the control group. Fathers’ data was not analysed due to non-compliance with the intervention. Discussion: This study provides evidence for the benefits of a dietary flavonoid intervention for mood and mental health in new mothers, supporting the utility of non-pharmacological, self—administrable changes to the diet for improving positive mood outcomes and reducing symptoms of postpartum depression in mothers during an especially challenging time. Further research for the effect of dietary interventions on paternal mental health is needed.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Life Sciences > School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences > Department of Psychology
ID Code:115918


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