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Using semantic iterative keyword sampling for polyonymous concepts in interlingual educational research by example of ‘formative evaluation’ in German

Cookson, C. ORCID: (2024) Using semantic iterative keyword sampling for polyonymous concepts in interlingual educational research by example of ‘formative evaluation’ in German. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. ISSN 1743-7288

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2024.2315552


This paper details the methodology originally used for a cross-sector literature review of formative evaluation in Germany. The study involved an online keyword search using academic databases and Google Search to uncover documents containing and meaningfully discussing formative evaluation as well as alternative forms of this term in German that matched a predefined conceptualization, a process termed here ‘semantic iterative keyword sampling’ (SIKS). Formative evaluation was recognized from the outset as a polyonym (defined as each of at least four different terms having the same meaning) in German, but the search revealed that German authors use no fewer than 47 terms to refer to this concept – far more than expected. Formative evaluation appears to be a polyonymous concept even in English. This demonstrates the utility of a more comprehensive and structured approach to online keyword searches for lexically flexible concepts. Educational researchers studying other polyonymous concepts may find SIKS to be useful for collecting more data within not only the target context but also other disciplinary and linguistic domains.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:No Reading authors. Back catalogue items
Arts, Humanities and Social Science > International Study and Language Institute (ISLI)
ID Code:118620
Uncontrolled Keywords:Formative evaluation, Google Search, interlingual research, keyword search, polyonym, semantic search

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