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Effect of milk fat concentration and gel firmness on syneresis during curd stirring in cheese-making

Mateo, M. J., Everard, C. D., Fagan, C. C. ORCID:, O'Donnell, C. P., Castillo, M., Payne, F. A. and O'Callaghan, D. J. (2009) Effect of milk fat concentration and gel firmness on syneresis during curd stirring in cheese-making. International Dairy Journal, 19 (4). pp. 264-268. ISSN 0958-6946

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To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2008.10.014


An experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of milk fat level (0%, 2.5% and 5.0% w/w) and gel firmness level at cutting (5, 35 and 65 Pa) on indices of syneresis, while curd was undergoing stirring. The curd moisture content, yield of whey, fat in whey and casein fines in whey were measured at fixed intervals between 5 and 75 min after cutting the gel. The casein level in milk and clotting conditions was kept constant in all trials. The trials were carried out using recombined whole milk in an 11 L cheese vat. The fat level in milk had a large negative effect on the yield of whey. A clear effect of gel firmness on casein fines was observed. The best overall prediction, in terms of coefficient of determination, was for curd moisture content using milk fat concentration, time after gel cutting and set-to-cut time (R2 = 0.95).

Item Type:Article
Divisions:No Reading authors. Back catalogue items
Life Sciences > School of Chemistry, Food and Pharmacy > Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences
ID Code:24107

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