A single-subject evaluation of the treatment of morphing fear
Zysk, E., Shafran, R. and Williams, T. I.
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. To link to this item DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2017.03.003 Abstract/SummaryWe present a single-subject prospective outcome study of a man with severe morphing fear with a long history of OCD who was not helped by previous interventions, and who received an adapted form of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) as part of this study. Treatment consisted of a cognitively-focused approach tailored to address his fear of morphing and included developing a stronger sense of self-stability. We describe the details of the case, the treatment protocol, and the therapeutic outcomes as assessed by questionnaires, rating scales, and semi-structured interviews over 36 weeks. The intervention was effective in eradicating the patient’s morphing fears and reducing other symptoms of OCD, anxiety and depression. The presented case illustrates the need to appropriately conceptualise, assess and address the specific nature of morphing fear symptoms in treatment.
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