Items where Author is "Craufurd, Dr Peter Quentin"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 33. ArticleJagadish, S.V.K., Cairns, J., Lafitte, R., Wheeler, T. R., Price, A.H. and Craufurd, P. Q. (2010) Genetic analysis of heat tolerance at anthesis in rice. Crop Science, 50 (5). pp. 1633-1641. ISSN 0011-183X doi: Hamadine, E. I., Craufurd, P. Q., Battey, N. H. and Asiedu, R. (2010) In vitro micro-tuber initiation and dormancy in yam. Annals of Applied Biology, 157 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 0003-4746 doi: Jagadish, S.V.K., Muthurajan, R., Oane, R., Wheeler, T. R., Heuer, S., Bennett, J. and Craufurd, P. Q. (2010) Physiological and proteomic approaches to address heat tolerance during anthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 61 (1). pp. 143-156. ISSN 0022-0957 doi: Craufurd, P. Q. and Wheeler, T. R. (2009) Climate change and the flowering time of annual crops. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (9). pp. 2529-2539. ISSN 0022-0957 doi: Hamadina, E. I., Craufurd, P. Q. and Asiedu, R. (2009) Flowering intensity in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata). Journal of Agricultural Science, 147. pp. 469-477. ISSN 0021-8596 doi:
Marfo, K. A., Dorward, P. T. Jagadish, S. V. K., Craufurd, P. Q. and Wheeler, T. R. (2008) Phenotyping parents of mapping populations of rice for heat tolerance during anthesis. Crop Science, 48 (3). pp. 1140-1146. ISSN 0011-183X doi: Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q., Ferro, C. A. T. and Stephenson, D. B. (2007) Adaptation of crops to climate change through genotypic responses to mean and extreme temperatures. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 119 (1-2). pp. 190-204. ISSN 0167-8809 doi: Challinor, A., Wheeler, T., Garforth, C., Craufurd, P. and Kassam, A. (2007) Assessing the vulnerability of food crop systems in Africa to climate change. Climatic Change, 83 (3). pp. 381-399. ISSN 0165-0009 doi: Ile, E. I., Craufurd, P. Q., Asiedu, R. and Battey, N. H. (2007) Duration from vine emergence to flowering suggests a long-day or rate of change of photoperiod response in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 60 (1). pp. 86-94. ISSN 0098-8472 doi: Jagadish, S. V. K., Craufurd, P. Q. and Wheeler, T. R. (2007) High temperature stress and spikelet fertility in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 58 (7). pp. 1627-1635. ISSN 0022-0957 doi:
Dorward, P.
Bam, R. K., Craufurd, P. Q., Dorward, P. T. Mligo, J. K. and Craufurd, P. Q. (2007) Productivity and optimum plant density of pigeonpea in different environments in Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Science, 145. pp. 343-351. ISSN 0021-8596 doi: Craufurd, P. Q., Prasad, P. V. V., Waliyar, F. and Taheri, A. (2006) Drought, pod yield, pre-harvest Aspergillus infection and aflatoxin contamination on peanut in Niger. Field Crops Research, 98 (1). pp. 20-29. ISSN 0378-4290 doi: Ile, E. I., Craufurd, P. Q., Battey, N. H. and Asiedu, R. (2006) Phases of dormancy in yam tubers (Dioscorea rotundata). Annals of Botany, 97 (4). pp. 497-504. ISSN 0305-7364 doi: Mligo, J. K. and Craufurd, P. Q. (2005) Adaptation and yield of pigeonpea in different environments in Tanzania. Field Crops Research, 94 (1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 0378-4290 doi: Ishiyaku, M. F., Singh, B. B. and Craufurd, P. Q. (2005) Inheritance of time to flowering in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Euphytica, 142 (3). pp. 291-300. ISSN 0014-2336 doi: Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Slingo, J. M., Craufurd, P. Q. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2005) Simulation of crop yields using ERA-40: Limits to skill and nonstationarity in weather-yield relationships. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44 (4). pp. 516-531. ISSN 0894-8763 doi: Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q. and Slingo, J. M. (2005) Simulation of the impact of high temperature stress on annual crop yields. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 135 (1-4). pp. 180-189. ISSN 0168-1923 doi: Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q., Slingo, J. M. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2004) Design and optimisation of a large-area process-based model for annual crops. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 124 (1-2). pp. 99-120. ISSN 0168-1923 doi: Challinor, A.J., Wheeler, T.R., Craufurd, P.Q., Slingo, J.M. and Grimes, D.I.F. (2003) Crop growth modelling for use with large-area input data. Journal of Agricultural Science, 140. p. 479. Swannell, M.C., Wheeler, T.R., Asiedu, R. and Craufurd, P.Q. (2003) Effect of harvest date on the dormancy period of yam (Dioscorea rotundata). Tropical Science, 43. pp. 103-107. ISSN 0041-3291 doi: Craufurd, P. Q., Prasad, P. V. V., Kakani, V. G., Wheeler, T. R. and Nigam, S. N. (2003) Heat tolerance in groundnut. Field Crops Research, 80 (1). pp. 63-77. ISSN 0378-4290 doi: Waliyar, F., Reddy, S.V., Subramaniam, K., Reddy, T.Y., Rama Devi, K., Craufurd, P.Q. and Wheeler, T.R. (2003) Importance of mycotoxins in food and feed in India. Aspects of Applied Biology, 68. pp. 147-154. Craufurd, P. Q., Hauser, I.E. and Dingkuhn, M. (2003) Photothermal responses of O. sativa and O. glaberrima varieties and interspecific progenies from West Africa. Field Crops Research, 83. pp. 313-324. Challinor, A. J., Slingo, J. M., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2003) Toward a combined seasonal weather and crop productivity forecasting system: Determination of the working spatial scale. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42 (2). pp. 175-192. ISSN 0894-8763 van Oosterom, E. J., O'Leary, G. J., Carberry, P. S. and Craufurd, P. Q. (2002) Simulating growth, development, and yield of tillering pearl millet. III. Biomass accumulation and partitioning. Field Crops Research, 79 (2-3). pp. 85-106. Book or Report SectionKakani, V. G., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q. and Rachaputi, R. C. N. (2015) Effect of high temperature and water stress on groundnuts under field conditions. In: Mahalingam, R. (ed.) Combined Stresses in Plants. Springer International Publishing, London, pp. 159-180. ISBN 9783319078984 doi: Leakey, R.R.B., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Caron, P., Craufurd, P., Martin, A., McDonald, A., Abedini, W., Afiff, S., Bakurin, N., Bass, S., Hilbeck, A., Jansen, T., Lhaloui, S., Lock, K., Newman, J., Primavesi, O., Sengooba, T., Ahmed, M., Ainsworth, L., Ali, M., Antona, M., Avato, P., Barker, D., Bazile, D., Bosc, P.-M., Bricas, N., Burnod, P., Cohen, J., Coudel, E., Dulcire, M., Dugué, P., Faysse, N., Farolfi, S., Faure, G., Goli, T., Grzywacz, D., Hocdé, H., Imbernon, J., Ishii-Eiteman, M., Leakey, A., Leakey, C., Lowe, A., Marr, A., Maxted, N., Mears, A., Molden, D., Muller, J.P., Padgham, J., Perret, S., Place, F., Reid, R., Riches, C., Scherr, S., Sibelet, N., Simm, G., Temple, L., Tonneau, J.P., Trebuil, G., Twomlow, S., Voituriez, T., Wack, A.L., Abate, T. and Butler, L.M. (2008) Impacts of AKST on development and sustainability goals. In: McIntyre, B.D., Herren, H., Wakhungu, J. and Watson, R. (eds.) International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development: Global Report. Island Press, New York, USA , New York . ISBN 9781597265393 Report
Dorward, P. Conference or Workshop ItemChallinor, A. J., Slingo, J., Wheeler, T.R., Craufurd, P. and Grimes, D. (2003) The Development of Integrated Crop/Weather Forecasting Systems. In: JRC-FAO workshop on Crop and Rangeland Monitoring in Eastern Africa for Early Warning and Food Security, Nairobi, Kenya.
Dogbe, W., Bam, R., Craufurd, P., Marfo, K., Dorward, P. |