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Gillespie, M. A. K., Baude, M., Biesmeijer, J., Boatman, N., Budge, G. E., Crowe, A., Davies, N., Evans, R., Memmott, J., Morton, R. D., Moss, E., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Rowland, C., Senapathi, D. ORCID:, Smart, S. M., Wood, C. and Kunin, W. E. (2024) Flowering plant communities mediate the effects of habitat composition and configuration on wild pollinator communities. Functional Ecology. ISSN 1365-2435 doi:

Wyver, C., Potts, S. ORCID:, Edwards, M., Edwards, R., Roberts, S. and Senapathi, D. ORCID: (2023) Climate-driven phenological shifts in emergence dates of British bees. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (7). e10284. ISSN 2045-7758 doi:

Szigeti, V. ORCID:, Fenesi, A., Botta‐Dukát, Z., Kuhlmann, M., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S., Soltész, Z., Török, E. and Kovács‐Hostyánszki, A. (2023) Trait‐based effects of plant invasion on floral resources, hoverflies and bees. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 16 (4). pp. 483-496. ISSN 1752-4598 doi:

Gillespie, M. A. K., Baude, M., Biesmeijer, J., Boatman, N., Budge, G. E., Crowe, A., Davies, N., Evans, R., Memmott, J., Morton, R. D., Moss, E., Murphy, M., Pietravalle, S., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Rowland, C., Senapathi, D. ORCID:, Smart, S. M., Wood, C. and Kunin, W. E. (2022) Landscape scale drivers of pollinator communities may depend on land use configuration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 377 (1853). ISSN 0962-8436 doi:

Hutchinson, L. A., Oliver, T. H. ORCID:, Breeze, T. D. ORCID:, O'Connor, R. S., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M. and Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID: (2022) Inventorying and monitoring crop pollinating bees: evaluating the effectiveness of common sampling methods. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 15 (3). pp. 299-311. ISSN 1752-458X doi:

Hutchinson, L. A., Oliver, T. H. ORCID:, Breeze, T. D. ORCID:, Bailes, E. J., Brünjes, L. ORCID:, Campbell, A. J., Erhardt, A., de Groot, G. A., Földesi, R., García, D., Goulson, D., Hainaut, H., Hambäck, P. A., Holzschuh, A., Jauker, F., Klatt, B. K., Klein, A.-M., Kleijn, D. ORCID:, Kovács-Hostyánszki, A. ORCID:, Krimmer, E., McKerchar, M., Miñarro, M., Phillips, B. B., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Pufal, G., Radzevičiūtė, R., Roberts, S. P. M., Samnegård, U., Schulze, J. ORCID:, Shaw, R. F., Tscharntke, T., Vereecken, N. J., Westbury, D. B., Westphal, C. ORCID:, Wietzke, A., Woodcock, B. A. and Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID: (2021) Using ecological and field survey data to establish a national list of the wild bee pollinators of crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 315. 107447. ISSN 0167-8809 doi:

Rasmussen, C., Dupont, Y. L., Madsen, H. B., Bogusch, P., Goulson, D., Herbertsson, L., Maia, K. P., Nielsen, A., Olesen, J. M., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Sydenham, M. A. K. and Kryger, P. (2021) Evaluating competition for forage plants between honey bees and wild bees in Denmark. PLoS ONE, 16 (4). e0250056. ISSN 1932-6203 doi:

Breeze, T. ORCID:, Bailey, A., Balcombe, K., Brereton, T., Comont, R., Edwards, M., Garratt, M. ORCID:, Harvey, M., Hawkes, C., Isaac, N., Jitlal, M., Jones, C., Kunin, W., Lee, P., Morris, R., Musgrove, A., O'Connor, R., Peyton, J., Potts, S. ORCID:, Roberts, S., Roy, D., Roy, H., Tang, C., Vanbergen, A. and Carvell, C. (2021) Pollinator monitoring more than pays for itself. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (1). pp. 44-57. ISSN 0021-8901 doi:

O'Connor, R. S., Kunin, W. E., Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID:, Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roy, H. E., Andrews, C., Jones, C. M., Peyton, J., Savage, J., Harvey, M., Morris, R. K. A., Roberts, S. P. M., Wright, I., Vanbergen, A. J. and Carvell, C. (2019) Monitoring insect pollinators and flower visitation: the effectiveness and feasibility of different survey methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (12). pp. 2129-2140. ISSN 2041-210X doi:

Rotchés-Ribalta, R., Winsa, M., Roberts, S. P. M. and Öckinger, E. (2018) Associations between plant and pollinator communities under grassland restoration respond mainly to landscape connectivity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (6). pp. 2822-2833. ISSN 0021-8901 doi:

Öckinger, E., Winsa, M., Roberts, S. P. M. and Bommarco, R. (2018) Mobility and resource use influence the occurrence of pollinating insects in restored seminatural grassland fragments. Restoration Ecology, 26 (5). pp. 873-881. ISSN 1061-2971 doi:

Wood, T. J. and Roberts, S. P. M. (2018) Constrained patterns of pollen use in Nearctic Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) compared with their Palaearctic counterparts. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 124 (4). pp. 732-746. ISSN 0024-4066 doi:

Magrach, A., Holzschuh, A., Bartomeus, I., Riedinger, V., Roberts, S. P. M., Rundlöf, M., Vujić, A., Wickens, J. B., Wickens, V. J., Bommarco, R., González-Varo, J. P., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Smith, H. G., Steffan-Dewenter, I. and Vilà, M. (2018) Plant-pollinator networks in semi-natural grasslands are resistant to the loss of pollinators during blooming of mass-flowering crops. Ecography, 41 (1). pp. 62-74. ISSN 0906-7590 doi:

Marshall, L., Biesmeijer, J. C., Rasmont, P., Vereecken, N. J., Dvorak, L., Fitzpatrick, U., Francis, F., Neumayer, J., Ødegaard, F., Paukkunen, J. P. T., Pawlikowski, T., Reemer, M., Roberts, S. P.M., Straka, J., Vray, S. and Dendoncker, N. (2018) The interplay of climate and land use change affects the distribution of EU bumblebees. Global Change Biology, 24 (1). pp. 101-116. ISSN 1365-2486 doi:

De Palma, A., Kuhlmann, M., Bugter, R., Ferrier, S., Hoskins, A. J., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P.M., Schweiger, O. and Purvis, A. (2017) Dimensions of biodiversity loss: spatial mismatch in land-use impacts on species, functional and phylogenetic diversity of European bees. Diversity and Distributions, 23 (12). pp. 1435-1446. ISSN 1366-9516 doi:

Papanikolaou, A. D., Kühn, I., Frenzel, M., Kuhlmann, M., Poschlod, P., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M. and Schweiger, O. (2017) Wild bee and floral diversity co-vary in response to the direct and indirect impacts of land use. Ecosphere, 8 (11). e02008. ISSN 2150-8925 doi:

Winsa, M., Öckinger, E., Bommarco, R., Lindborg, R., Roberts, S. P. M., Wärnsberg, J. and Bartomeus, I. (2017) Sustained functional composition of pollinators in restored pastures despite slow functional restoration of plants. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (11). pp. 3836-3846. ISSN 2045-7758 doi:

Sydenham, M. A. K., Moe, S. R., Kuhlmann, M., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Totland, Ø. and Eldegard, K. (2017) Disentangling the contributions of dispersal limitation, ecological drift, and ecological filtering to wild bee community assembly. Ecosphere, 8 (1). e01650. ISSN 2150-8925 doi:

Holzschuh, A., Dainese, M., González-Varo, J. P., Mudri-Stojnić, S., Riedinger, V., Rundlöf, M., Scheper, J., Wickens, J. B., Wickens, V. J., Bommarco, R., Kleijn, D., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Smith, H. G., Vilà, M., Vujić, A. and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2016) Mass-flowering crops dilute pollinator abundance in agricultural landscapes across Europe. Ecology Letters, 19 (10). pp. 1228-1236. ISSN 1461023X doi:

Kerr, J. T., Pindar, A., Galpern, P., Packer, L., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. M., Rasmont, P., Schweiger, O., Colla, S. R., Richardson, L. L., Wagner, D. L., Gall, L. F., Sikes, D. S. and Pantoja, A. (2015) Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents. Science, 349 (6244). pp. 177-180. ISSN 1095-9203 doi:

Dicks, L. V., Baude, M., Roberts, S. P. M., Phillips, J., Green, M. and Carvell, C. (2015) How much flower-rich habitat is enough for wild pollinators? Answering a key policy question with incomplete knowledge. Ecological Entomology, 40. pp. 22-35. ISSN 0307-6946 doi:

Senapathi, D. ORCID:, Carvalheiro, L. G., Biesmeijer, J. C., Dodson, C. A., Evans, R. L., McKerchar, M., Morton, R. D., Moss, E. D., Roberts, S. P. M., Kunin, W. E. and Potts, S. G. ORCID: (2015) The impact of over 80 years of land cover changes on bee and wasp pollinator communities in England. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 282 (1806). 0294. ISSN 0962-8452 doi:

Nayak, G. K., Roberts, S. P. M., Garratt, M. ORCID:, Breeze, T. D. ORCID:, Tscheulin, T., Harrison-Cripps, J., Vogiatzakis, I. N., Stirpe, M. T. and Potts, S. G. ORCID: (2015) Interactive effect of floral abundance and semi-natural habitats on pollinators in field beans (Vicia faba). Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 199. pp. 58-66. ISSN 0167-8809 doi:

Clough, Y., Ekroos, J., Báldi, A., Batáry, P., Bommarco, R., Gross, N., Holzschuh, A., Hopfenmuller, S., Knop, E., Kuussaari, M., Lindborg, R., Marini, L., Öckinger, E., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Pöyry, J., Roberts, S. P.M., Steffan-Dewenter, I. and Smith, H. G. (2014) Density of insect-pollinated grassland plants decreases with increasing surrounding land-use intensity. Ecology Letters, 17 (9). pp. 1168-1177. ISSN 1461-0248 doi:

Bartomeus, I., Potts, S. ORCID:, Steffan-Dewenter, I., Vaissiere, B.E., Woyciechowski, M., Krewenka, K.M., Tscheulin, T., Roberts, S., Szentgyorgyi, H., Westphal, C. and Bommarco, R. (2014) Contribution of insect pollinators to crop yield and quality varies with agricultural intensification. PeerJ, 2. e328. ISSN 2167-8359 doi:

Bailey, S., Requier, F., Nusillard, B., Roberts, S., Potts, S. ORCID: and Bouget, C. (2014) Distance from forest edge affects bee pollinators in oilseed rape fields. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (4). pp. 370-380. ISSN 2045-7758 doi:

Wickens, J., Roberts, S., Bailey, A. and Potts, S. ORCID: (2013) Exploring broad mitigation strategies for pollinators in agroecosystems. Aspects of Applied Biology, 121. pp. 221-225. ISSN 0265-1491

Dicks, L.V., Abrahams, A., Atkinson, J., Biesmeijer, J.C., Bourn, N., Brown, C., Brown, M., Carvell, C., Connolly, C., Cresswell, J., Croft, P., Darvill, B., de Zylva, P., Effingham, P., Fountain, M., Goggin, A., Harding, D., Harding, T., Hartfield, C., Heard, M. S., Heathcote, R., Heaver, D., Holland, J., Howe, M., Hughes, B., Huxley, T., Kunin, W. E., Little, J., Mason, C., Memmott, J., Osborne, J., Pankhurst, T., Paxton, R. J., Pocock, M., Potts, S. ORCID:, Power, E., Raine, N., Ranelagh, E., Roberts, S., Saunders, R., Smith, K., Smith, R. M., Sutton, P., Tilley, L., Tinsley, A., Tonhasca, A., Vanbergen, A. J., Webster, S., Wilson, A. and Sutherland, W. J. (2013) Identifying key knowledge needs for evidence-based conservation of wild insect pollinators: a collaborative cross-sectoral exercise. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 6 (3). pp. 435-446. ISSN 1752-4598 doi:

Vanbergen, A.J., Baude, M., Biesmeijer, J.C., Britton, N.F., Brown, M.J.F., Brown, M., Bryden, J., Budge, G.E., Bull, J.C., Carvell, C., Challinor, A.J., Connolly, C.N., Evans, D.J., Feil, E.J., Garratt, M. ORCID:, Greco, M.K., Heard, M.S., Jansen, V.A.A., Keeling, M.J., Kunin, W.E., Marris, G.C., Memmott, J., Murray, J.T., Nicolson, S.W., Osborne, L.J., Paxton, R.J., Pirk, C.W.W., Polce, C., Potts, S. ORCID:, Priest, N.K., Raine, N.E., Roberts, S., Ryabov, E.V., Shafir, S., Shirley, M.D.F., Simpson, S.J., Stevenson, P.C., Stone, G.N., Termansen, M. and Wright, G.A. (2013) Threats to an ecosystem service: pressures on pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11 (5). pp. 251-259. ISSN 1540-9295 doi:

Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2012) Altitude acts as an environmental filter on phylogenetic composition, traits and diversity in bee communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279 (1746). pp. 4447-4456. ISSN 1471-2954 doi:

Nielsen, A., Dauber, J., Kunin, W. E., Lamborn, E., Jauker, B., Moora, M., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Reitan, T., Roberts, S., Sõber, V., Settele, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Stout, J. C., Tscheulin, T., Vaitis, M., Vivarelli, D., Biesmeijer, J. C. and Petanidou, T. (2012) Pollinator community responses to the spatial population structure of wild plants: A pan-European approach. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13 (6). pp. 489-499. ISSN 1439-1791 doi:

Nielsen, A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Westphal, C., Messinger, O., Potts, S. ORCID:, Roberts, S., Settele, J., Szentgyörgyi, H., Vaissière, B. E., Vaitis, M., Woyciechowski, M., Bazos, I., Biesmeijer, J. C., Bommarco, R., Kunin, W. E., Tscheulin, T., Lamborn, E. and Petanidou, T. (2011) Assessing bee species richness in two Mediterranean communities: importance of habitat type and sampling techniques. Ecological Research, 26 (5). pp. 969-983. ISSN 0912-3814 doi:

Roy , P., Leo, R., Thomas, S. G., Potts, S. ORCID:, Varghese, A., Sharma, K., Prasad, S., Bradbear, N., Roberts, S. and Davidar, P. (2011) Nesting requirements of the rock bee Apis dorsata in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Tropical Ecology, 52 (3). pp. 285-291. ISSN 0564-3295

Potts, S. ORCID:, Biesmeijer, J. C., Bommarco, R., Felicioli, A., Fischer, M., Jokinen, P., Kleijn, D., Klein, A.-M., Kunin, W. E., Neumann, P., Penev, L. D., Petanidou, T., Rasmont, P., Roberts, S., Smith, H. G., Sørensen, P. B., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Vaissière, B. E., Vilà, M., Vujić, A., Woyciechowski, M., Zobel, M., Settele, J. and Schweiger, O. (2011) Developing European conservation and mitigation tools for pollination services: approaches of the STEP (Status and Trends of European Pollinators) project. Journal of Apicultural Research, 50 (2). pp. 152-164. ISSN 0078-6913 doi:

Roberts, S. P. and Potts, S. G. ORCID: (2010) The status of European non-Apis bees. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49 (1). pp. 137-138. ISSN 0078-6913 doi:

Bommarco, R., Biesmeijer, J. C., Meyer, B., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Po¨yry, J. and Roberts, S. P. M. (2010) Dispersal capacity and diet breadth modify the response of wild bees to habitat loss. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. ISSN 1471-2954 doi:

Dauber, J., Biesmeijer, J. C., Gabriel, D., Kunin, W. E., Lamborn, E., Meyer, B., Nielsen, A., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P., Sõber, V., Settele, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Teder, T. and Tscheulin, T. (2010) Effects of patch size and density on flower visitation and seed set of wild plants: a pan-European approach. Journal of Ecology, 98 (1). pp. 188-196. ISSN 0022-0477 doi:

Rehel, S., Varghese, A., Bradbear, N., Davidar, P., Roberts, S., Roy, P. and Potts, S. ORCID: (2009) Benefits of biotic pollination for non-timber forest products and cultivated plants. Conservation and Society, 7 (3). pp. 213-219. ISSN 0972-4923 doi:

Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Dean, R., Marris, G., Brown, M., Jones, R. and Settele, J. (2009) Declines of managed honey bees and beekeepers in Europe. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49 (1). pp. 15-22. ISSN 0078-6913 doi:

Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Woodcock, B. A., Roberts, S. P. M., Tscheulin, T., Pilgrim, E. S., Brown, V. K. and Tallowin, J. R. (2009) Enhancing pollinator biodiversity in intensive grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (2). pp. 369-379. ISSN 0021-8901 doi:

Carre, G., Roche, P., Chifflet, R., Morison, N., Bommarco, R., Harrison-Cripps, J., Krewenka, K., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Rodet, G., Settele, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Szentgyorgyi, H., Tscheulin, T., Westphal, C., Woyciechowski, M. and Vaissiere, B. E. (2009) Landscape context and habitat type as drivers of bee diversity in European annual crops. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 133 (1-2). pp. 40-47. ISSN 0167-8809 doi:

Moretti, M., de Bello, F., Roberts, S. P. M. and Potts, S. G. ORCID: (2009) Taxonomical vs. functional responses of bee communities to fire in two contrasting climatic regions. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 (1). pp. 98-108. ISSN 0021-8790 doi:

Westphal, C., Bommarco, R., Carre, G., Lamborn, E., Morison, N., Petanidou, T., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Szentgyorgyi, H., Tscheulin, T., Vaissiere, B. E., Woyciechowski, M., Biesmeijer, J. C., Kunin, W. E., Settele, J. and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2008) Measuring bee diversity in different European habitats and biogeographical regions. Ecological Monographs, 78 (4). pp. 653-671. ISSN 0012-9615 doi:

Michez, D., Else, G. R. and Roberts, S. P. M. (2007) Biogeography, floral choices and redescription of Promelitta alboclypeata (Friese 1900) (Hymenoptera : Apoidea : Melittidae). African Entomology, 15 (1). pp. 197-203. ISSN 1021-3589 doi:

Dvoák, L. and Roberts, S. P. M. (2006) Key to the paper and social wasps of Central Europe (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Prague, 46. pp. 221-244. ISSN 0374-1036

Biesmeijer, J. C., Roberts, S. P. M., Reemer, M., Ohlemuller, R., Edwards, M., Peeters, T., Schaffers, A. P., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Kleukers, R., Thomas, C. D., Settele, J. and Kunin, W. E. (2006) Parallel declines in pollinators and insect-pollinated plants in Britain and the Netherlands. Science, 313 (5785). pp. 351-354. ISSN 0036-8075 doi:

Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Petanidou, T., Roberts, S., O'Toole, C., Hulbert, A. and Willmer, P. (2006) Plant-pollinator biodiversity and pollination services in a complex Mediterranean landscape. Biological Conservation, 129 (4). pp. 519-529. ISSN 0006-3207 doi:

Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Vulliamy, B., Roberts, S., O'Toole, C., Dafni, A., Ne'Eman, G. and Willmer, P. (2005) Role of nesting resources in organising diverse bee communities in a Mediterranean landscape. Ecological Entomology, 30 (1). pp. 78-85. ISSN 0307-6946 doi:

Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Vulliamy, B., Roberts, S., O'Toole, C., Dafni, A., Ne'eman, G. and Willmer, P. G. (2004) Nectar resource diversity organises flower-visitor community structure. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata, 113 (2). pp. 103-107. ISSN 0013-8703 doi:

Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Vulliamy, B., Dafni, A., Ne'eman, G., O'Toole, C., Roberts, S. and Willmer, P. (2003) Response of plant-pollinator communities to fire: changes in diversity, abundance and floral reward structure. Oikos, 101 (1). pp. 103-112. ISSN 0030-1299 doi:


Carvell, C., Isaac, N., Jitlal, M., Peyton, J., Powney, G., Roy, D., Vanbergen, A., O’Connor, R., Jones, C., Kunin, B., Breeze, T. ORCID:, Garratt, M. ORCID:, Potts, S. ORCID:, Harvey, M., Ansine, J., Comont, R., Lee, P., Edwards, M., Roberts, S., Morris, R., Musgrove, A., Brereton, T., Hawes, C. and Roy, H., (2017) Design and testing of a national pollinator and pollination monitoring framework. Technical Report. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Breeze, T. D. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P.M. and Potts, S. G. ORCID:, (2012) The decline of England’s bees: policy review and recommendations. Report. Friends of the Earth , London. pp44.

Mortimer, S. R. ORCID:, Kessock-Philip, R., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Ramsay, A., Roberts, S. P. M., Woodcock, B. A., Hopkins, A., Gundrey, A., Dunn, R., Tallowin, J., Vickery, J. and Gough, S., (2006) Review of the diet and micro-habitat values for wildlife and the agronomic potential of selected plant species. English Nature Research Reports. ENRR 697. Technical Report. English Nature, Peterborough, UK. pp204.

Conference or Workshop Item

Westphal, C., Bommarco, R., Lamborn, E., Petanidou, T., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roberts, S. P. M., Szentgyörgyi, H., Vaissière, B. E., Woyciechowski, M. and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2006) Efficacy of different methods to assess pollinator diversity and density. In: Proceedings of the Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p. 135.

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