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Number of items: 83. 2023
Osei-brefo, E., Mitchell, R. and Hong, X.
Hong, X. 2019Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K., Mitchell, R., Warburton, S. and Williams, S. A. (2019) A MOOC taxonomy based on classification schemes of MOOCs. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 22 (1). pp. 85-103. ISSN 1027-5207
Hong, X. 2018Mitchell, R. J. (2018) Using ‘begin robotics' in undergraduate teaching. In: 2018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), 5-7 Sep 2018, Sheffield, UK, pp. 444-449. 2016Mitchell, R. (2016) Introducing control in an open online course. In: 2016 UKACC 11th International Conference on Control, 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2016, Belfast. (ISBN: 9781467398916) Valle, L.H.C.N., Mitchell, R. and Dimitriadi, Y. (2016) A proposal for using cybernetics science approach to understand cognitive development of critical thinking skills in students. In: VII Congresso Mundial de Estilos de Aprendizagem, 4 - 6 Jul 2016, Bragança, Portugal. 2014Mitchell, R. (2014) A MATLAB GUI for learning controller design in the frequency domain. In: 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, 8th - 11th July 2014, Loughborough University. Roberts, P. J., Mitchell, R., Ruiz, V. and Bishop, M. (2014) Classification in e-procurement. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition, 1 (3). pp. 298-314. ISSN 2049-8888 doi:
Ausoni, J. T., Mitchell, R. and Holderbaum, W. 2013Mitchell, R. (2013) Integrating control and electronics. Engineering Education, 8 (2). pp. 2-14. ISSN 1750-0044 doi: Minchinton, P., Gould, S. and Mitchell, R. (2013) The cyber challenge: a robotics project to enthuse. In: 10th IFAC Symposium Advances in Control Education The International Federation of Automatic Control, August 28 - 30 2013, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, pp. 168-173. Mitchell, R. (2013) Improved MATLAB GUIs for learning frequency response methods. In: 10th IFAC Symposium Advances in Control Education The International Federation of Automatic Control, August 28 - 30 2013, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, pp. 303-308.
Hong, X. 2012
Hong, X. Hussey, R., Williams, S. and Mitchell, R. (2012) Automatic keyphrase extraction: a comparison of methods. In: eKNOW, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Information Process, and Knowledge Management , Valencia, Spain, pp. 18-23.
Mitchell, R., Harwin, W. Hussey, R., Williams, S., Mitchell, R. and Field, I. (2012) A comparison of automated keyphrase extraction techniques and of automatic evaluation vs. human evaluation. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 4 (3 and 4). pp. 136-153. ISSN 1942-2660 2011
Hong, X. Mitchell, R. (2011) Increasing completion of neural networks coursework. In: Proceedings of the 2011 10th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems. IEEE, pp. 32-37. ISBN 9781467306874 (IEEE Conference ID: 19333) Hussey, R., Williams, S. and Mitchell, R. (2011) Keyphrase extraction by synonym analysis of n-grams for e-journals categorisation. In: eKNOW 2011 : The Third International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management, February 23-28, 2011, Guadeloupe, France, pp. 83-86. Hussey, R., Williams, S. and Mitchell, R. (2011) Automated categorisation of e-journals by synonym analysis of n-grams. The International Journal on Advances in Software, 4 (3-4). pp. 532-542. ISSN 1942-2628 Bamford, C. D. and Mitchell, R. J. (2011) Modular non-computational-connectionist-hybrid neural network approach to robotic systems. Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 2 (3). pp. 126-133. ISSN 2081-4836 doi: (special issue: Cybernetic Approaches to Robotics) 2010Mitchell, R. J. (2010) Introducing control using little mathematics. In: UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2010), 7-10 Sept 2010, Coventry, UK. Mitchell, R. J., Warwick, K., Browne, W. N. L., Gasson, M. N. and Wyatt, J. (2010) Engaging robots: innovative outreach for attracting cybernetics students. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53 (1). pp. 105-113. ISSN 0018-9359 doi: Bamford, C. D. and Mitchell, R. J. (2010) Cavalcade neural network for mobile robot. In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-2 Sept 2010, Reading, UK. Roberts, P., Howroyd, J., Mitchell, R. and Ruiz, V. (2010) Identifying problematic classes in text classification. In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-2 Sept 2010, Reading, UK, pp. 136-141. Oussalah, M., Mitchell, R. J. and Siddique, N. H., eds. (2010) Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS 2010). IEEE. 2009Mitchell, R.J. (2009) More nested velocity feedback control. In: 8th IEEE SMC International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), Birmingham, UK. Roberts, P., Mitchell, R. and Ruiz, V. (2009) Using triangulation to identify word senses. In: 8th IEEE SMC International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), Birmingham, UK, pp. 111-116. 2008
Mitchell, R., Browne, W., Harwin, W. Mitchell, R.J. (2008) 'Flat phase' PID controllers. In: UKACC International Conference on Control 2008, Manchester, UK.
Hong, X. Mitchell, R. J. (2008) On simple adaptive momentum. In: Comley, R. A., Amavasai, B. P., Cheng, X., Ogrady, M., Huyck, C. and Siddique, N. H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2008 7th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems. IEEE, pp. 215-220. ISBN 9781424429141 Rossiter, J.A., Giaouris, D., Mitchell, R. and McKenna, P. (2008) Typical control curricula and using software for teaching/assessment: a UK perspective. In: 17th IFAC World Congress, Korea. Roberts, P. J., Mitchell, R. and Ruiz, V. (2008) Using triangulation to identify word senses. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) 2007
Hong, X.
Hong, X. Mitchell, R.J. (2007) Nested velocity feedback controller. In: IEEE SMC UK & RI 6th Conference on Cybernetic Systems 2007, Dublin, Ireland. 2006
Hong, X. Mitchell, R.J. (2006) Achieving or exceeding maximum available feedback. Control and Intelligent Systems, 34 (2). 166 - 172. ISSN 1480-1752 doi: Mitchell, R.J. (2006) On flat phase controllers - Paper ID99. In: Proc Control 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Mitchell, R. (2006) Simplifying Bode's maximum available feedback design. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 43 (1). pp. 34-47. ISSN 0020-7209 Mitchell, R.J. (2006) Two point flat phase PID controller - Paper ID 20. In: Proc IEEE SMC Conference on Advances in Cybernetic Systems (AICS2006), Sheffield, United Kingdom, 176 - 181.
Hong, X. 2005Ashdown, I. D. and Mitchell, R. J. (2005) Dynamic automata for mobile robot learning. In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Calgary. Patel, R., Mitchell, R.J. and Warwick, K. (2005) Intelligent agents and distributed models for cooperative task support. Kybernetes, 34 (9/10). 1456 - 1468. doi: Mitchell, R.J. (2005) On Maximum Available Feedback and PID Control. In: Proc IEEE SMC UK-RI Chapter Conference Applied Cybernetics. , London, UK. 2004Mitchell, R. J. (2004) Achieving the Stability Margins in Bode's Method. In: Proc. SCARP 2004, The University of Reading, UK. Mitchell, R. (2004) Bode's maximum available feedback and phase margin. In: Hamza, M. H. (ed.) Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling. Acta Press, Calgary, pp. 456-461. ISBN 0889863970 Mitchell, R. J. (2004) Control Using Maximum Available Feedback. In: Proc. Control 2004, ID-063. 2003Mitchell, R.J. (2003) Finding Maximal Cliques using MATLAB. Proceedings of SCARP 2003, Reading, UK. pp. 57-62. Mitchell, R.J. (2003) Forecasting Electricity Demand using Clustering. In: Proceedings of 21st IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics. UNSPECIFIED, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 225-230. ISBN 0889863415 Patel, R., Mitchell, R.J. and Warwick, K. (2003) Intelligent agents and distributed models for cooperative task support. IEEE SMC UK&RI Chapter Workshop: Cybernetic Intelligence-Challenges and Advances. pp. 73-79. Mitchell, R.J. (2003) Obtaining Maximum Feedback and Desired Phase Margin. Proceedings of IASTED Conference Applied Simulation & Modeling, Marbella, Spain. pp. 146-151. 2001Patel, R., Mitchell, R. J. and Warwick, K. (2001) An agent based approach to distributed task modeling for co-operative task support. In: 2nd International Conference on Human Interfaces in Control Rooms, Cockpits and Command Centres, People in Control 2001, 19-21 June 2001, UMIST, Manchester, UK, pp. 196-200. doi: (ISSN: 0537-9989. ISBN: 085296742X) 2000Mitchell, R. J., Bishop, J. M., Keating, D. A. and Dautenhahn, K. (2000) Cybernetic approaches to artificial life. Künstliche Intelligenz, 14 (1). pp. 5-11. ISSN 0933-1875 Wilson, J. G. and Mitchell, R. J. (2000) Object detecting artificial retina. Kybernetes, 29 (1-2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 0368-492X doi: 1999Mitchell, R. J. (1999) Neural networks for control. In: Tzafestas, S. G. (ed.) Soft Computing in Systems and Control Technology. World Scientific Series in Robotics and Intelligent Systems (18). World Scientific, pp. 53-76. ISBN 9789810233815 Patel, R., Mitchell, R. and Warwick, K. (1999) Agents for cooperative task support in the control room. In: IEE Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence Based Applications for the Power Industry, 1 June 1999, 7/1-7/5. Patel, R., Mitchell, R. and Warwick, K. (1999) Cooperative task support for the control room. In: People in control : an international conference on human interfaces in control rooms, cockpits and command centres, 21-23 June 1999, Bath University, UK, pp. 440-445. Warwick, K., Kang, Y. -H. and Mitchell, R. J. (1999) Genetic least squares for system identification. Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 200-205. ISSN 1432-7643 doi: 1998Lauria, S. and Mitchell, R. J. (1998) Weightless neural nets for face recognition: a comparison. In: Neural networks for signal processing VIII. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE signal processing society workshop. IEEE, pp. 539-546. ISBN 078035060X doi: Mitchell, R. J., Box, S.K. and Hawker, J.F. (1998) Comparison of some methods for processing "grey level" data in weightless networks. In: Austin, J. (ed.) RAM-Based Neural Networks. Progress in Neural Processing (9). World Scientific, pp. 66-71. ISBN 9789810232535 Mitchell, R. J., Bishop, J.M., Box, S.K. and Hawker, J.F. (1998) Comparison of some methods for processing Grey Level data in weightless networks. In: Austin, J. (ed.) RAM-based neural networks. Progress in Neural Processing (9). World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 66-71. ISBN 9789810232535 Bishop, J.M., Keating, D.A. and Mitchell, R. J. (1998) A compound eye for a simple robotic insect. In: Austin, J. (ed.) RAM-based Neural Networks. Progress in Neural Processing (9). World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 166-174. ISBN 9789810232535 Mitchell, R. J. and Keating, D.A. (1998) Neural network control of a simple mobile robot. In: Taylor, J.G. and Landeau, L.J. (eds.) Concepts for neural networks: a survey. Perspectives in neural computing. Springer Verlag, pp. 95-108. ISBN 9783540761631 1996Mitchell, R. J., Bishop, J. M. and Minchinton, P. R. (1996) Optimising memory usage in n-tuple neural networks. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 40 (5-6). pp. 549-563. ISSN 0378-4754 doi: Bishop, J. M., Mitchell, R. J. and Warwick, K. (1996) Neural networks in automation procedures. In: Gray, J. O. and Caldwell, D. G. (eds.) Advanced robotics & intelligent machines. IEE control engineering series (51). Institute of Electrical Engineers, Stevenage, pp. 337-354. ISBN 9780852968536 Kiernan, L. A., Warwick, K., Kambhampati, C. and Mitchell, R. (1996) Automatic integrated system load forecasting using mutual information and neural networks. In: SIPOWER 95: IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plant and Power Systems, 6-8 Dec 1995, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 321-326. 1995Mitchell, R. J. (1995) Microprocessor systems: an introduction. Palgrave Macmillan , Basingstoke, pp320. ISBN 9780333641903 Mitchell, R. J. (1995) C++ object oriented programming. Springer Verlag, pp268. ISBN 9780387914909 Bishop, J. M. and Mitchell, R. J. (1995) Speech, vision and colour applications. In: Irwin, G., Warwick, K. and Hunt, K. (eds.) Neural network applications in control. The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 161-177. ISBN 9780852968529 1994Swanston, D. J., Bishop, J. M. and Mitchell, R. J. (1994) Simple adaptive momentum: new algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons. Electronics Letters, 30 (18). pp. 1498-1500. ISSN 0013-5194 doi: Bishop, J. M. and Mitchell, R. J. (1994) Auto-associative memory using n-tuple techniques. Intelligent Systems Engineering, 3 (4). pp. 222-230. ISSN 0963-9640 1991Fletcher, M. J., Warwick, K. and Mitchell, R. (1991) Application of a hybrid tracking algorithm to motion analysis. In: Proceedings. 1991 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, pp. 84-89. ISBN 0818621486 doi: Mitchell, R. J. (1991) Modula-2 applied. Macmillan Computer Science Series. Macmillan. ISBN 9780333554531 1990Fletcher, M.J., Mitchell, R. J. and Minchinton, P. R. (1990) Vidibus: a low-cost, modular bus system for real-time video processing. Electronics & Communications Engineering Journal, 2 (5). pp. 195-201. ISSN 0954-0695 doi: Mitchell, R. J. (1990) Multi-microprocessor control of processes with pure time delay. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 12 (2). pp. 58-64. ISSN 1477-0369 doi: 1989Mitchell, R., ed. (1989) Microcomputer systems using the STE bus. Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, pp218. ISBN 9780849371448 Aitken, D.L.P., Bishop, J.M., Mitchell, R. J. and Pepper, S.E. (1989) Pattern separation in digital learning nets. Electronics Letters, 25 (11). pp. 685-686. ISSN 0013-5194 doi: Mitchell, R. J. and Minchinton, P. R. (1989) A Note on Dividing Integers by Two. Computer Journal, 32 (4). p. 380. ISSN 0010-4620 doi: 1987Mitchell, R. J. (1987) Multi-microprocessor control of processes with pure time delay. PhD thesis, University of Reading. |