Items where Division is "Languages and Cultures" and Year is 2005
Number of items: 16. Article
Schröter, M. Tucker, G.H. (2005) Montaigne et les néo-latins: 'Capilupus' et l'art du centon dans les Essais. Montaigne Studies, XVII (1-2). pp. 165-176. (Montaigne et les Anciens) Book or Report SectionBarker, P. J. (2005) The Sorbs of Lusatia, the Socialist Unity Party and the Soviet Union (1945-1953). In: Breuning, E., Lewis, J. and Pritchard, G. (eds.) Power and the people: a social history of central European politics, 1945–56. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 96-109. ISBN 9780719070693
Felix, J. Knapp, A. (2005) Prometheus (re)bound? The fifth republic and checks on executive power. In: Cole, A., le Galès , P. and Levy, J. (eds.) Developments in French politics 3. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 88-104. ISBN 9781403941800
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2005) The reception of the matter of Britain in thirteenth-century England: a study of some Anglo-Norman manuscripts of Wace's Roman de Brut. In: Prestwich, M., Britnell, R. and Frame, R. (eds.) Thirteenth century England X: proceedings of the Durham conference, 2003. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 131-146. ISBN 9781843831228 Robey, D. (2005) Humanist views on the study of poetry in the early Italian Renaissance. In: Minnis, A. and Johnson, I. (eds.) The Cambridge history of literary criticism. The Cambridge history of literary criticism , 2: the Mid (2). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 626-647. ISBN 9780521300070 Robey, D. (2005) Patterns of language in Dante: some computer-generated statistics. In: Ó Cuilleanáin, C. and Petrie, J. (eds.) Patterns in Dante: nine literary essays. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 85-105. ISBN 9781851825424 Tucker, G.H. (2005) L'Oiseau et l'enfant: ce "doux battement des ailes" chez Rimbaud latiniste (et dans ses débuts français). In: Murphy, S. (ed.) Vies et poétiques de Rimbaud. Parade Sauvage (5). Musée Bibliothèque Rimbaud, Charleville-Mézières, pp. 38-57. ISBN 9782904704116 Tucker, G.H. (2005) Philologus Exsulans: Petrus Alcyonius (1487-1528?), a Ciceronian translator of Aristotle and an exile in the republic of letters. In: Galand-Hallyn, P., Hallyn, F. and Tournoy, G. (eds.) La Philologie humaniste et ses représentations dans la théorie et la fiction. Romanica Gandensia. Université de Gand, Paris, pp. 157-199. ISBN 9782600046343 (Actes du colloque international de l'université de Gand (6 au 9 novembre 2002)) Waters, J. (2005) "Cholen, la capitale chinoise de l'Indochine francaise": rereading Marguerite Duras's (Indo)Chinese space. In: Robson , K. and Yee, J. (eds.) France and 'Indochina': Cultural Representations. After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France. Lexington Books, Lanham and New York, pp. 179-191. ISBN 9780739108390 Wolfel, U. (2005) Die autonome Produktion: Arbeitswelt in der Literatur um Beispiel von Angela Krauß' Das Vergnügen. In: Wolfel, U. (ed.) Literarisches Feld DDR: Bedingungen und Formen literarischer Produktion in der DDR. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzberg, pp. 31-51. ISBN 9783826031038 Book
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2005) A companion to Wace. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp314. ISBN 9781843840435 Wolfel, U. (2005) Literarisches Feld DDR: Bedingungen und Formen literarischer Produktion in der DDR. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzberg, pp232. ISBN 9783826031038 |