Number of items: 90.
Almond, P. ORCID:
Investigating health and safety regulation: Finding room for small-scale projects.
Journal of Law and Society, 35 (1).
pp. 108-125.
ISSN 0263-323X
Almond, P. ORCID:
Public perceptions of work-related fatality cases: Reaching the outer limits of 'populist punitiveness'?
British Journal of Criminology, 48 (4).
pp. 448-467.
ISSN 0007-0955
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
Early women law students at Cambridge and Oxford.
Journal of Legal History, 29 (1).
pp. 63-97.
ISSN 0144-0365
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 728.
ISBN 9780199290543
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
What's so special about marriage? The impact of Wilkinson v Kitzinger.
Child & Family Law Quarterly, 20 (4).
pp. 479-98.
ISSN 1358-8184
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
Women Lawyers, Distinguished.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1256-1257.
ISBN 9780199290543
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
The married women's property acts: Equality was not the issue.
In: Hunter, R. (ed.)
Rethinking Equality Projects in Law: Feminist Challenges.
Oxford: Hart.
ISBN 9781841138404
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
A world of women: Growing up in the girl's school story. 2nd edition.
Bettany Press, London.
ISBN 9780955297366
Banks, S.
Challengers chastised and duellists deterred: Kings bench and criminal informations,1800-1820.
ANZLH E-Journal, 2007, Refereed P.
Banks, S.
Killing with courtesy: the English duelist, 1785-1845.
The Journal of British Studies, 47 (3).
pp. 528-558.
ISSN 0021-9371
Banks, S.
'Very little law in the case': contests of honour and the subversion of the English criminal courts, 1780-1845.
King's Law Journal, 19 (3).
pp. 575-594.
ISSN 0961-5768
Banks, S.
An honest but mistaken belief in London legislation? Consent, controversy and sexual offence reform in new South Wales.
The Law Teacher, 42 (2).
pp. 228-235.
ISSN 1943-0353
Bano, S.
In pursuit of religious and legal diversity: A response to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Sharia debate in Britain.
Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 10.
pp. 283-309.
ISSN 0956-618X
Bano, S.
Shariah Councils and resolving matrimonial disputes: gender and justice in the 'shadow' of law'?
In: Gill, A. and Thiara, R. (eds.)
Violence against women in South Asian communities.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
ISBN 9781843106708
Barker, N.
Same-sex relations.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press.
Barnidge, R.
Questioning the legitimacy of Jus Cogens in the global legal order.
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights.
Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, pp. 199-225.
ISBN 9789004173583
Barnidge, R.
Terrorism: Arriving at an understanding of a term.
2006 Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations of The Hague Academy of International Law: Terrorism and International Law.
Martinus Nijhoff , pp. 157-193.
Barnidge, R.
War and Peace: Negotiating meaning in Islam.
Critical Studies on Terrorism, 1 (2).
pp. 263-78.
ISSN 1753-9153
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
The Civil Union Act: A Messy Compromise or Giant Leap Forward?
In: Judge, M., Manion, A. and de Waal, S. (eds.)
To have and to hold: The making of same-sex marriage in South Africa.
Jacana Media, Auckland Park, pp. 149-163, 354 pages.
ISBN 9781920196059
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Corporate law and the constitution: towards binding human rights responsibilities for corporations.
The South African Law Journal, 125 (4).
pp. 754-789.
ISSN 0258-2503
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Towards a Theory of Content for Socio-Economic Rights.
In: Illiopoulos-Strangas, J. and Roux, T. (eds.)
National and International Perspectives on Social Rights.
Larcier, pp. 3-28, 321 pages.
ISBN 9782802726869
Breau, S. C.
The international law implications of the Turkish/Kurdish conflict.
Belgian Review of International Law, 2008 (1-2).
pp. 426-457.
Breau, S. C.
The constitutionalization of the International legal order.
Leiden Journal of International Law, 21 (02).
pp. 545-561.
ISSN 1478-9698
Buckley, R.A.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 841-842.
ISBN 9780199290543
Callus, T. ORCID:
First 'designer babies', now à la carte parents.
Family Law.
pp. 143-147.
ISSN 0014-7281
Callus, T. ORCID:
Invited book review on R. Deech, A. Smajdor From IVF to immortality: Controversy in the era of reproductive technology.
Family Law, 180.
ISSN 0014-7281
Cooke, E.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 409-410.
ISBN 9780199290543
Cooke, E.
Family Law at the Law Commission.
Family Law.
p. 283.
ISSN 0014-7281
Cooke, E.
A Postcript to Pye.
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 59 (2).
pp. 149-160.
ISSN 0029-3105
Cooke, E. and Edwards, L.
Non-matrimonial property: from White to Charman.
The Law Bulletin, 19 (1).
p. 22.
Crabb, B.S.L.
Leasehold enfranchisement.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 691.
ISBN 9780199290543
Crabb, B.S.L. , ed.
Leases: covenants and consents. 2nd edition.
Sweet & Maxwell , London, pp344.
ISBN 9781847035707
Ghandhi, S.
International human rights documents. 6th edition.
Blackstone's statutes.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp514.
ISBN 9780199238231
Ghandhi, S.
Review of: F. Forrest Martin, S. Schnably, R. Wilson, J. Simon & M. Tushnet, 'International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Treaties, Cases and Analysis'.
In: Crawford, J. and Lowe, V. (eds.)
British Year Book of International Law.
Oxford University Press, pp. 500-502.
ISBN 9780199547401
Ghandhi, S.
The Human Rights Committee of the international covenant on civil and political rights: Practice and procedure in the new millenium.
Indian Journal of International Law, 48 (2008).
pp. 208-232.
ISSN 0019-5294
Glinavos, I.
Neoliberal Law: unintended consequences of market-friendly law reforms.
Third World Quarterly, 29 (6).
pp. 1087-1099.
ISSN 1360-2241
Gopalan, S.
Demandeur-centricity in transnational commercial law.
In: Andenas, M. and Andersen, C. (eds.)
Theory and Practice of harmonisation: Selected Papers from the WG Hart Symposium.
IALS, London.
Green, J. A. ORCID:
Self-defence: A state of mind for states?
Netherlands International Law Review, 55 (2008).
pp. 181-206.
ISSN 0165-070X
Griffin, J., ed.
Intellectual property law.
ITC, pp412.
Hale, B., Pearl, D., Cooke, E. and Monk, D., eds.
The family, law & society: Cases & materials.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp800.
ISBN 9780199204243
Hilson, C. ORCID:
Environmental citizenship.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, P. C. a. J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 386-387.
ISBN 9780199290543
Hilson, C. ORCID:
Going local? EU law, localism and climate change.
European Law Review, 33 (2).
pp. 194-210.
ISSN 0307-5400
Hilson, C. ORCID:
Rights and principles in EU law: a distinction without foundation?
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 15 (2).
pp. 193-215.
ISSN 1023-263X
Hilson, C. ORCID:
The unpatriotism of the economic constitution? Rights to free movement and their impact on national and European identity.
European law Journal, 14 (2).
pp. 182-202.
ISSN 1351-5993
Horton, R. ORCID:
The end of disability-related discrimination in employment? London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm; [2008] UKHL 43; [2008] IRLR 700.
Industrial Law Journal, 37 (4).
pp. 376-383.
ISSN 0305-9332
James, G. ORCID:
The legal regulation of pregnancy and parenting in the labour market.
Routledge-Cavendish, London, pp160.
ISBN 9780415439046
King, M.
Child Abuse.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 118-119.
ISBN 9780199290543
Kokkoris, I.
Assessment of vertical mergers: application of the EC non-horizontal merger guidelines.
Business and Company Law, 10.
Kokkoris, I.
Concerted practices: object or effect infringement?
Enforcement of Public Law, 3.
Kokkoris, I.
Legal and economic implications of resale price maintenance.
Commercial Law Review.
Kokkoris, I.
Potential competition and its implications for mergers.
Commercial Law Review.
Kokkoris, I.
Abuse of superior bargaining position/abuse of economic dependence and the inapplicability of Article 82.
Hellenic Review of European Law.
ISSN 0251-6535
(2008 International Edition)
Kokkoris, I.
Assessment of mergers inducing coordinated effects in the presence of explicit collusion.
World Competition, 31 (4).
pp. 499-522.
ISSN 1011-4548
Kokkoris, I.
Legal and economic expansion of vertical restraints.
In: Kokkoris, I. and Lianos, I. (eds.)
Reform of the European and Greek law of free competition.
Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, pp. 277-292.
ISBN 9789602725597
Kokkoris, I. and Lianos, J.
Reform of the European and Greek law of free competition.
Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, pp464.
ISBN 9789602725597
Kokkoris, I. and Olivares-Caminal, R.
Lessons from the recent stock exchange merger activity.
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 4 (3).
pp. 837-869.
ISSN 1744-6422
Kramer, M. L. and Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
Lawyers on horseback? Thoughts on judge advocates and civil-military relations.
UCLA Law Review, 55.
pp. 1407-1436.
Lakin, S. ORCID:
Debunking the idea of parliamentary sovereignty: the controlling factor of legality in the British constitution.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 28 (4).
pp. 709-734.
ISSN 0143-6503
Lee, J.
Fidelity in interpretation: Lord Hoffmann and the adventure of the empty house.
Legal Studies, 28.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 0143-6503
MacMillan, C.
Taylor v Caldwell (1863).
In: Mitchell, C. and Mitchell, P. (eds.)
Landmark Cases in the Law of Contract.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 167-203.
ISBN 9781841137599
MacMillan, C.
The trial: how procedure shapes substance.
King's Law Journal, 19 (3).
pp. 465-488.
ISSN 0961-5768
McNamara, L.
Review of Neil Addison, Religious Discrimination and Hatred Law (Routledge Cavendish 2007).
Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 6 (1).
ISSN 1361-4169
Newdick, C.
Health Care Rationing.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 528.
ISBN 9780199290543
Newdick, C.,
Priority setting: Legal considerations.
NHS Confederation, Briefing Paper.
Technical Report.
NHS confederation
Newdick, C.
Solidarity rights and social welfare in the NHS - Resisting the tide of bioethics?
In: den Exter, A.P. (ed.)
International Health Law - Solidarity and Justice in Health Care.
Maklu, Antwerp, pp. 83-94.
ISBN 9789046602003
Newdick, C.
Preserving social citizenship in health care markets - There may be trouble ahead.
McGill Journal of Law and Health, 2 (2008).
pp. 93-108.
Newdick, C.
The European Court of Justice, trans-national health care, and social citizenship: accidental death of a concept?
Wisconsin International Law Journal, 26 (3).
pp. 844-867.
ISSN 0743-7951
Newdick, C.
Solidarity, rights and social welfare in the NHS: resisting the tide of bioethics?
In: den Exter, A. P. (ed.)
International Health Law: Solidarity and Justice in Health Care.
Maklu, Antwerp, pp. 83-94.
ISBN 9789046602003
Riefa, C. ORCID:
“To be or not to be an auctioneer?” some thoughts on the legal nature of online “eBay” auctions and the protection of consumers.
Journal of Consumer Policy, 31 (2).
pp. 167-194.
ISSN 1573-0700
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
"Change Direction" 2006: Israeli operations in Lebanon and the international law of self-defense.
Michigan Journal of International Law, 29 (2).
pp. 127-164.
ISSN 1052-2867
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
Human shields from an attacker's perspective.
In: International Institute of Humanitarian Law - 30th Round Table on Current Problems in International Humanitarian Law, 6-8 Sep 2007, Sanremo, Italy, pp. 86-96.
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
Proportionate and discriminate use of weapons: challenges for a military commander.
Collegium, 37.
pp. 53-63.
ISSN 1371-0346
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
Responding to transnational terrorism under the jus ad bellum: a normative framework.
Naval Law Review, 56 (1).
pp. 1-42.
ISSN 1049-0272
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
Targeted killings in international law: law enforcement, self-defense and armed conflict.
In: Arnold, R. and Quenivet, N. (eds.)
International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: Towards a New Merger in International Law.
Brill Nijhoff, pp. 525-553.
ISBN 9789004163171
Smith, C. ORCID:
Ridsdale v Clifton: representations of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in ecclesiastical appeals.
King's Law Journal, 19 (3).
551 -574.
ISSN 0961-5768
Smith, C. ORCID:
A very English affair: establishment and human rights in an organic constitution.
In: Cane, P., Evans, C. and Robinson, Z. (eds.)
Law and religion in theoretical and historical context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 157-185.
ISBN 9780521425902
Smith, C.L.
A curious episode in the history of apellate jurisdiction.
Amicus Curiae, 74 (2008).
pp. 17-23.
ISSN 1461-2097
Smith, P.F.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 173.
ISBN 9780199290543
Stychin, C.
Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, P. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 95-96.
ISBN 9780199290543
Stychin, C.
Civil partnerships.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, P. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 138-139.
ISBN 9780199290543
Stychin, C. F.
Difference and discrimination.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 314.
ISBN 9780199290543
Stychin, C. F.
Faith in rights: the struggle over same-sex adoption in the United Kingdom.
Constitutional Forum Constitutionelle, 17 (1).
pp. 117-125.
ISSN 0847-3889
Stychin, C. F.
Queer theory.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 976-977.
ISBN 9780199290543
Tamanna, N.
Personal status laws in Morocco and Tunisia: A comparative exploration of the possibilities for equality-enhancing reform in Bangladesh.
Feminist Legal Studies, 16 (3).
pp. 323-343.
ISSN 0966-3622
Tryfonidou, A. ORCID:
Reverse discrimination in purely internal situations: an incongruity in a Citizens' Europe.
Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 35 (1).
pp. 43-67.
ISSN 1566-6573
Vessio, M. L.
What does the National Credit Regulator regulate?
South African Mercantile Law Journal, 20 (2).
pp. 227-242.
ISSN 1996-2185
Wilde, M.
Best Available Techniques (BAT) and coal fired power stations: Can the energy gap be plugged without increasing emissions?
Journal of Environmental Law, 20 (1).
pp. 87-114.
ISSN 1464-374X
Windsor, M.
A fine balance? Delegation, standards of review, and subsidiarity in WTO dispute settlement.
Auckland University Law Review, 14.
p. 41.
Zanghellini, A. ORCID:
Is there such a thing as a right to be a parent?
Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 33.
pp. 26-59.
ISSN 1440-4982
Zanghellini, A. ORCID:
To what extent does the ICCPR support procreation and parenting by lesbians and gay men?
Melbourne Journal of International Law, 9 (1).
pp. 125-150.
ISSN 1444-8602
This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 03:43:42 2025 UTC.