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Chelsea Embankment - London

Roithmayr, F. ORCID: (2017) Chelsea Embankment - London. [Project]

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This five-year research and art commission project examines the materials as well as manufacture and engineering that together reflect changes in urban and social conditions along the Chelsea Embankment of the river Thames in central London. The project is a collaboration with architects Hawkins & Brown, the Royal Borough of Chelsea and Kensington, and Tideway, conceived as a major contribution to rethink and position the potential of sculpture in public space for the future regeneration of the Thames Embankment and a key instance of major public art commissioning fuelling and driving the wider discussion of art in the public realm affected by urban change and redevelopment. The outcomes of this project are realised and disseminated through an integrated, serial and dispersed artwork partially submerged in the river Thames as a long- term installation reaching large numbers of diverse visitors.

Item Type:Project
Divisions:Arts, Humanities and Social Science > School of Arts and Communication Design > Art > Fine Art
ID Code:78420
Uncontrolled Keywords:public art, Thames, Embankment, sculpture, clay, brickwork, glazed ceramics
Publisher:Tideways, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, TFL, Thames Waterways

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